Military Credit

Joliet Junior College will award seven college credits for military service based on the chart below. 


Need Help Getting Started?

Would you like to learn more about Credit for Prior Learning? Do you think you may be able to receive college credit from nontraditional schooling, work, or other life experience, but you're not sure where to start? Complete the Credit for Prior Learning Questionnaire and a JJC staff member will reach out to you shortly: Questionnaire


Military Credit Approval Process

  1. Students who have served a minimum of one year of active duty and were discharged honorably should submit the Request for Military Credits form to the Veterans Resource Center with a photocopy of the DD214, member 4. Veterans who have been discharged for medical reasons will be evaluated on an individual basis.
  2. Once all documents are received, your DD214 will be evaluated by JJC staff, and any applicable credit will be awarded to the student's record within 30 days.
  3. Students can review the proficiency credit awarded on the Student Planning Module after 30 days. 


Military Service Equivalency Chart

Military Service

JJC Equivalent Courses

IAI Equivalent*

Credit Hours

Minimum of one year of active duty with honorable discharge

BIO 103

HPR 101





*The Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) is a statewide transfer agreement, which is transferrable among more than 100 participating colleges and universities in Illinois. IAI works best for students who know they are going to transfer but are undecide on the college or university that will grant their baccalaureate degree. You can find more information on the IAI website. 


Students with military training may also submit their official Joint Service Transcripts (JST) or Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcripts directly to the Registrar's office. Transfer credit is awarded based on American Council of Education (ACE) recommendations and corresponding college curriculum. Students must submit JJC's Transfer Credit Evaluation Request Form, found on the student portal. 


Last updated 10/14/2024