Student Advising Center

Academic advising is an important part of your success as a JJC student. Advisors help you make decisions for your future career and educational goals and help guide you when you may find yourself stuck. Our office is committed to assisting students with academic and transfer planning needs. Learn how to connect with us and set an advising appointment below.


How Do I Know When I'm Ready for Student Advising?

How and when to see an advisor will depend on your student classification.

Please select your student classification to view appointment scheduling instructions below:

  • New Students - First time in College

    New students are defined as first-time college bound students. You may already have dual credit or AP credit, but have not attended college previously.

    All new students must attend a New Student Advising or an orientation session.  To sign up, students must have:

    1. Active application on file
    2. Adequate Placement measures
      1. High school transcript or GED
      2. SAT or ACT scores
      3. Placement tests
    3. New Student Presentation Completed

    Details on signing up for a New Student Advising or an Orientation Session are at the end of the New Student Presentation.

  • Students Transferring From Another College

    Students transferring from another college have previous college experience of at least one semester and require an individual appointment.  To request an appointment, students must have:

    1. Active Application on File
    2. College Transcript(s) from all previous institutions
    3. Transfer Credit Evaluation Request Form
    4. Adequate Placement measures (if applicable)
      1. High School Transcript or GED
      2. SAT or ACT Scores
      3. Placement Tests
    5. New Student Presentation Completed

    Students may then call the Student Advising Center at 815-280-2673 to request an appointment.

  • Visiting/Guest Students

    What to Do After You Apply

    1. Upon acceptance into Joliet Junior College (JJC) and after the creation of your new student account, JJC will send an email to the personal email address you provided in your application, containing your new JJC email address. Refer to the New Account Setup page for instructions on ID lookup and password setting.
    2. If the course(s) you want to take have prerequisites required (and you've already taken them at your primary institution), send an email  to that includes the following:
      • Your name
      • Your JJC student ID
      • The course name, the course number and the section number for all classes you want to take
      • An attached copy of your unofficial transcript
    3. Within two business days, you'll receive information from JJC about whether or not your prerequisite was met. If so, a waiver will be entered into the system and you will be able to register online.
    4. Speak to your university and/or college advisor to find out about transfer guidelines for your program to ensure the transferability of JJC coursework at your school or Check Transferology to determine if a course will transfer to your home institution. Transferology is a free nationwide, web-based transfer information system that provides you with fast and accurate course and transfer information. Your university advisor can also provide you with the most up-to-date information. 

    Online Registration

    If you have questions about registering for classes, call 815-280-2497 or 

    To Register Online:

    1. Visit MyJJC.
    2. Log in.
    3. Navigate to the "Self-Service Menu" and click on "Register & View Schedule."
    4. Select "Register for Classes" and on the right column choose "Search and Register for Sections."

    Questions? Watch our video on how to Register and Drop Classes.

  • Returning/Former Students  - Previously at JJC

    Returning Students have previously attended JJC for at least one semester.  To request an appointment, students must have:

    1. Active Application on File
    2. College Transcript(s) from all previous institutions (if applicable)
    3. Transfer Credit Evaluation Request Form
    4. Adequate Placement measures (if measures expired)

    Students may then call the Student Advising Center at 815-280-2673 to request an appointment or use the Student Scheduler in Navigate.

  • Current/Continuing Students

    Current Students should connect with their Faculty Advisor, if applicable.

    You can call the Student Advising Center at 815-280-2673 to request an appointment or use the Student Scheduler in Navigate.

It is strongly recommended that students do not wait for the current registration cycle to begin planning for their next semester.  

This is a period of high-volume traffic in the Advising Center and wait times for an appointment will be much longer.

  • Other Advising Support Areas: Your JJC Academic Success Network

    Your Academic Success Network

    Whatever your aspirations at JJC, your Academic Success Network is designed to provide you with support and guidance throughout your studies.

    • Explore degree, transfer and career options.
    • Assist and empower you to gather information and make decisions in order to develop an academic plan consistent with your goals.
    • Answer questions about registration, and college policies and procedures.
    • Troubleshoot challenges and serve as a referral to campus resources.


    In addition to Advising Generalists, Specialists and Coaches in the JJC Student Advising Center, your Academic Success Network also includes Departmental Faculty Advisors, Guided Academic Pathway (GAP) Advisors, Career Counselors, and Specialty Student Support Service Advisors. For example, if you are a member of a specialized population, (such as student-athletes), you may have an additional Advisor.


    MAJOR SPECIFIC ADVISING: Faculty Advisors Guided Academic Pathway (GAP) Advisors

    Faculty & GAP Advisors are assigned to students who have declared a particular major or degree. These are individuals who either teach in the field of concentration or have received specialized training in the requirements of a particular program.

    Once you have a solid academic plan, Faculty & GAP Advisors will help you map out all the academic requirements you need to complete. Faculty Advisors are experts in specific career and major areas and are available for most JJC programs. They provide assistance with major-specific educational planning, transfer advising, and specific career-related guidance.  

    Before scheduling an appointment with a Faculty Advisor, students should be able to clearly answer the following questions.

    • Have you committed to a major of study?
    • Do you know which career path you are pursuing within your major of study?
    • Are you planning to transfer to another college or university after JJC? 
    • What school do you plan to transfer, if applicable?

    When students can confidently answer these questions, they are ready to transition to major-specific advising.

    Please review the FACULTY ADVISOR list and use their contact information to schedule an appointment for major-specific educational planning and transfer advising. If students are still undecided or need assistance answering these questions, please contact the Student Advising Center for an appointment. 

    Student Advising Center (SAC) Advisors

    Your professional First-Year Advisors and Student Success Coaches are located in the JJC Student Advising Center.

    Whether you need assistance identifying your goals, navigating registration and course selection, or exploring transfer opportunities and requirements, our Academic Advisors are here to guide you.

    Student Support Services & Specialized Population Advisors

    Students enrolled in Student Support Services receive additional advising assistance. Student Support Services are academic support programs helping disadvantaged students find success.

    Currently enrolled JJC students qualify for Student Support Services by meeting one of the following criteria:

    Other JJC Advising Opportunities & SupportAthletic Advising
    Military/Veteran Resources
    JJC Honors Program
    Career Counseling

  • Advising FAQ's, Resources & Tutorials

  • Student Advising Center (SAC) Ethics & Practices:

    Student Advising Center staff will:
    • Treat all prospective and enrolled students ethically, respectfully and professionally.  
    • Dispense complete, consistent, accurate, understandable, and truthful information and advice at all times.
    • Provide to prospective students and their families accurate interpretations of institutional admissions criteria, transfer credit policies, costs, financial aid availability, and educational offerings.
    • Refrain from using aggressive, deceptive or high-pressure recruitment tactics, such as making multiple unsolicited contacts by phone, email, and in-person and/or requiring immediate decisions regarding recruitment, registration, and/or financial aid.
    • Conduct themselves with integrity, fairness, honesty, and respect for others.
    • Refrain from using threatening, abusive, or manipulative language.
    • Protect the legitimate privacy interests of all individuals and maintain appropriate confidentiality of institutional and student education records.
    • Adhere to principles of nondiscrimination and equality within the framework of institutional mission, policy, and prevailing law.