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What is Credit for Prior Learning?
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is degree credit awarded for demonstrated relevant college-level education acquired through nontraditional schooling, work, or other life experience.
There are several types of CPL. You can find more information about each type by clicking on the respective links.
Advanced Placement (AP): a program that allows high school students to earn college-level credit and placement.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP): a series of tests in various subjects that allow students to earn college-level credit.
DANTES/DSST: standardized tests in various subjects that allow students to earn college-level credit.
International Baccalaureate (IB): a globally recognized education program with exam options that may lead to college-level credit.
Military Credit: the acceptance of military service as college credit.
Seal of Biliteracy (SB): an award of recognition for student who have attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation.
Although there is not a maximum amount of credit hours to be accepted for CPL credit, students seeking a JJC credential must meet the overall residency requirement. The residency requirement states students must complete a minimum of 25% of the total required credit hours as JJC coursework. You can find more information about JJC's graduation requirements on your student portal: JJC Graduation Requirements
Individual institutions may vary on their policies regarding Credit for Prior Learning. If you plan on continuing your degree after JJC, please ensure you discuss CPL with your selected transfer institution.
Would you like to learn more about Credit for Prior Learning? Do you think you may be able to receive college credit from nontraditional schooling, work, or other life experience, but you're not sure where to start? Complete the Credit for Prior Learning Inquiry form and a JJC staff member will reach out to you shortly: Inquiry Form