The Police And Community Engagement (P.A.C.E) team is a community outreach initiative with the goal of bridging the gap between JJCPD and the community we serve. The team's focus is to plan and launch various community engagement efforts.
"The only tangible thing we have is public trust. So, if people don't trust us, then were not doing our jobs. Initiatives such as this really show we're going out of our way to make these relationships and foster these partnerships because it's not up to the community to come to us it's up to us to go to them," Chief Brandon Campbell
To grow those relationships, we've established the PACE fund through the JJC Foundation to support various community events like our Shop with a Cop, TCBY Giveaways, participation in the Office of Student Activities Trunk or Treat, hosting an annual Womens in Law Enforcement Panel, etc.
If you'd like to help support our goal, you can donate here:
Police & Community Engagement Fund Donation Form