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The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) gives students an opportunity to earn college credit for what they already know-for the fraction of the cost of a college course. Earning a qualifying score on one or more of the available exams can help students reach their academic goals, whether they are getting a head start on college or working to finish their degree.
For general CLEP information, or to purchase a CLEP exam, visit the College Board CLEP website. It is recommended that students meet with a JJC advisor prior to purchasing a CLEP exam to ensure that credit is applicable to their degree or certificate program. If you are interested in more information on taking a CLEP exam at JJC, please contact Testing Services.
Would you like to learn more about Credit for Prior Learning? Do you think you may be able to receive college credit from nontraditional schooling, work, or other life experience, but you're not sure where to start? Complete the Credit for Prior Learning Questionnaire and a JJC staff member will reach out to you shortly: Questionnaire
CLEP Exam Title | Minimum Score | JJC Equivalent Course | IAI* | Credit Hours |
American Government | 50 | PSCI 101 | S5 900 | 3 |
American Literature | 50 | ENG 103 | H3 914 | 6 |
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature | 50 | HUM 101E | -- | 3 |
Biology | 50 | BIO 151 | L1 900L | 5 |
Calculus | 50 | MATH 170 | M1 900-1 | 5 |
Chemistry | 50 | CHEM 101 | P1 902L | 10 |
College Algebra | 50 | MATH 131 | -- | 4 |
College Composition | 50 | ENG 101 | C1 900 | 3 |
College Mathematics | 50 | MATH 127 | M1 904 | 3 |
English Literature | 50 | ENG 105 | H3 912 | 6 |
Financial Accounting | 50 | ACCY 101 | -- | 4 |
French Language Level 1 Proficiency | 50 | FRCH 101 and FRCH 102 | -- | 8 |
French Language Level 2 Proficiency | 59 | FRCH 101, 102, 103, | -- | 12 |
German Language Level 1 Proficiency | JJC does not award credit for this proficiency exam. | |||
German Language Level 2 Proficiency | JJC does not award credit for this proficiency exam. | |||
History of the United States I | 50 | HIST 103 | S2 900 | 3 |
History of the United States II | 50 | HIST 104 | S2 901 | 3 |
Human Growth and Development | 50 | PSYC 215 | S6 902 | 3 |
Humanities | 50 | HUM 101E | -- | 6 |
Information Systems | 50 | CIS 122 | -- | 4 |
Introduction to Educational Psychology | 50 | PSYC 102 | -- | 3 |
Introductory Business Law | 50 | BLAW 101 | -- |
Introductory Psychology | 50 | PSCY 101 | S6 900 | 3 |
Introductory Sociology | 50 | SOC 101 | S7 900 | 3 |
Natural Sciences | 50 | BIO 104 | L1 900L | 5 |
Precalculus | 50 | MATH 138 | -- | 4 |
Principles of Macroeconomics | 50 | ECON 103 | S3 901 | 3 |
Principles of Management | 50 | MGMT 101 | -- | 3 |
Principles of Marketing | 50 | MKTG 101 | -- | 3 |
Principles of Microeconomics | 50 | ECON 104 | S3 902 | 3 |
Social Sciences and History | JJC does not award credit for this proficiency exam. | |||
Spanish Language Level 1 Proficiency | JJC does not award credit for this proficiency exam. | |||
Spanish Language Level 2 Proficiency | JJC does not award credit for this proficiency exam. | |||
Spanish with Writing Level 1 Proficiency | 50 | SPAN 101 and SPAN 102 | -- | 8 |
Spanish with Writing Level 2 Proficiency | 65 | SPAN 101, 102, 103, | -- | 12 |
Western Civilization I | 50 | HIST 105 | H2 901 | 3 |
Western Civilization II | 50 | HIST 106 | H2 902 | 3 |
*The Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) is a statewide transfer agreement, which is transferable among more than 100 participating colleges and universities in Illinois. IAI works best for students who know they are going to transfer but are undecided on the college or university that will grant their baccalaureate degree. You can find more information on the IAI website.
Last updated: 10/30/24