Test Scores and FERPA
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) was designed to:
- Protect the privacy of a student's educational records
- Establish the rights of students to review their own educational records
Once a student turns 18, or attends school beyond high school, parents no longer have the right to access student records. This includes students that are dually enrolled in high school and college. This means that all academic information (GPA, transcript, academic warnings, academic probation or discipline records) regarding your college student goes directly to the student. This also includes test scores and testing information, such as appointment details, testing accommodations and specific test details.
How to Access to Your Student's Records
Student must give specific, written permission to have their information released to their parents, guardians, or other individual. For more information about FERPA and resources for students and parents, contact the Student Rights and Responsibilities office.
See the FERPA Guide for Parents & More