American Red Cross Blood Drive
Joliet Junior College's Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness maintains the integrity and consistency of all JJC data. Data collected and reported by the OIRE covers virtually every aspect of the college, including data and information about admissions, registration, employees, and district communities. Data reporting is mandated by state and federal agencies. OIRE is responsible for ensuring data and information reporting requirements to external entities are met.
OIRE follows the Association of Institutional Research's Statement of Ethical Principles.
For students to receive federal student aid, JJC must be accredited by a “nationally recognized” accreditor, be authorized/recognized by the state, and receive approval from the U. S. Department of Education.
Accreditation indicates that an institution maintains standards requisite for its graduates to gain admission to other reputable institutions of higher learning or to achieve credentials for professional practice. The goal of accreditation is to ensure the education provided by institutions of higher education meets acceptable levels of quality and public accountability. There are two basic types of educational accreditation, one is “institutional” and the other is “specialized” or “programmatic.”
Recognition describes the status of the college relative to the academic, student support, financial, facility, and reporting standards of the Illinois Community College Board.
In the spirit of transparency, Joliet Junior College provides the following information of interest to consumers.
Institutional effectiveness involves the entire institution in the evaluation of the College's performance in achieving its mission and goals and assisting in the continuous improvement of its programs and services.
Institutional research collects, analyzes, reports, and warehouses quantitative and qualitative data to support and inform campus decision-making and planning in areas such as admissions, financial aid, curriculum, enrollment management, staffing, student life, finance, facilities, athletics, and alumni relations.
As the source of much "official" information about JJC, we receive many requests for data. Please submit your data request online so that we can monitor and track what is being requested.