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Placement Testing

Placement scores may be required for JJC math and English courses, in addition to other select classes and programs.

Placement Testing

General Information

Placement exams measure your math, reading, and writing abilities. Students can take placement exams virtually or on-campus. All testers must have already applied to JJC. They must also have a JJC student ID number and a JJC email address. 

All placement testing is available on a walk-in basis at the Main, Romeoville, or City Center campuses. No appointment necessary!

All testers must present a physical photo ID. There are no exceptions to this rule. Individuals without a photo ID will not be allowed to test. A picture of a photo ID will not be accepted.

Students who need to take a remote placement exam must make an appointment (information on how to schedule these exams are listed below).

All testers should review JJC's COVID Information for up-to-date information on campus operations.

Do I Need Placement Testing to Take JJC Classes?

It depends. You may be able to bypass placement testing due to JJC's permanent and temporary alternative placement measures (effective Fall 2020 until further notice). In other words, if you have a high enough High School GPA or ACT/SAT/PSAT score, you may not need placement testing. Please view the charts below.

  • JJC Alternate Placement Measures (ACT, SAT, PSAT, and High School GPA)


    Video: How to Find Out if You Need Placement Testing

    ACT, SAT, and PSAT Placement Scores

    MeasureScorePlacementRegistration Term
    ACT English19+English 101 or English 130


    ACT/SAT scores are valid for 48 months


    PSAT scores are valid for 24 months

    (PSAT 10 or NMSQT/11 Only)

    *Requires geometry prerequisite

    SAT – EBRW480+
    ACT Math22+Math 119*, 123*, 127, 128, 131*, or 138* 
    SAT Math530+
    ACT Math23+Math 142* 
    SAT Math590+
    ACT Math 28+Math 170
    SAT Math660+
    PSAT (10 or NMSQT/11) - English480+English 101
    PSAT (10 or NMSQT/11) - Math510+Math 127 and Math 128
    PSAT (10 or NMSQT/11) - Math530+Math 123*, 131*, and 138* 
    PSAT (10 or NMSQT/11) - Math590+Math 142*
    PSAT (10 or NMSQT/11) - Math660+Math 170

    Temporary Alternative Placement Measures

    MeasureScorePlacementRegistration Term
    ACT Math28+Math 150 and Math153

    Fall 2020 through Summer 2025 

    ACT/SAT scores are valid for 48 months

    SAT Math660+
    PSAT (10 or NMSQT/11) - Math660+Math 150 and Math 153

    Fall 2023 through Summer 2025

    PSAT scores are valid for 24 months

    High School GPA

    MeasurePlacementRegistration Term
    H.S. GPA 3.0 Unweighted/Cumulative (Please read important information about using GPA below)English 101

    ALL TERMS (Effective September 1, 2021)

    H.S. GPA is valid for 48 months from the date of graduation

    *Requires geometry prerequisite

    Math 119*, 123*, 127, 128, 131*, and 138* 

    Important Information about using high school GPA for English and math placement:

    • Must provide an official transcript with 7 OR 8 consecutive complete semesters AND cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on an unweighted 4.0 scale AND successful completion (C or better) in English and/or math in all semesters. The 8th semester will only be evaluated when the final transcript is received.
    • 7 semester transcripts (only for use by current high school students) are valid for 48 months from the date of submission. 8 semester transcripts are valid for 48 months from the date of graduation.
    • JJC will evaluate all official high school transcripts using the unweighted/cumulative GPA at the time of submission. GPAs will not be retroactively evaluated using past semesters.
    • Only total unweighted/cumulative GPA will be accepted. Semester or Yearly GPA will not be accepted.
    • High school transcripts must be sent to the Admissions Office. If you're in high school or are a recent graduate, ask your high school to email these records to admissions@jjc.edu or mail them to:
      Attn: Admissions
      1215 Houbolt Rd
      Joliet, IL 60431


    ***High School GPA will be designated on the student's JJC record using the following codes:

    • GPAE = English
    • GPAM = Math

    Prior to 03/01/2025
    999 = Meets
    111 = Does Not Meet

    After 03/01/2025
    1 = Meets
    0 = Does Not Meet


    Last updated on February 28, 2025.

    Alternate Placement Measures Guide

3 Easy Steps for Placement Testing

  1. Prepare for Your Exam!

    Review the "How to Prepare for your Placement Test" section below before testing.

  2. Take Your Placement Test!

    Remember, testing is available on a walk-in basis at all three campus locations. Don't forget your physical Photo ID.

On-Campus Testing

Please review our requirements below before coming on campus for a placement exam. Placement tests are available on a walk-in basis and at any of JJC's three campus locations: Main, Romeoville, or City Center.

  • On-Campus Testing Guidelines

    On-Campus Testing Guidelines

    General Information

    • On-campus placement testing is available on a walk-in basis
    • Available at our Main, Romeoville, and City Center campuses
    • Remote placement testing is available by appointment only. 


    All testers must follow these guidelines:

    • Cell phones, iPods, smart watches and all other electronic devices are prohibited. Lockers are available for these items. If a tester is caught with a device, their test may be confiscated and the incident will be reported. The tester may be banned from Testing Services for a period of time.
    • Cell phones will be required to be placed and secured into a Yondr pouch before it is locked up in one of the provided lockers. This is an added test security measure to ensure cell phones are not being brought into the computer lab. The pouch will be unlocked upon leaving the testing center as you return your locker key.
    • Food and beverages are not allowed. These items must be disposed before entering Testing Services.
    • Backpacks, books, paperwork, electronic devices, hats, scarves and all other personal items are not allowed. Lockers are available for these items. If items do not fit in a locker, they must be stored elsewhere.
    • Jackets and Coats are not allowed in the testing centers.
    • Children are not allowed in the testing centers.
    • No talking or distractions allowed in the testing centers.
    • Testers must present appropriate photo ID. There are no exceptions to this rule. Individuals without a photo ID will not be allowed to test. A picture of a photo ID will not be accepted.
    • Calculators and ear plugs are provided upon request. Note: Calculators are not permitted for all exams. Calculators are not permitted for the ALEKS placement exam (effective Sept. 1, 2019).
    • No tests will begin within one hour of Testing Services' closing.
    • All testers must schedule their exams to allow for enough time to complete testing. For example, if a student has a two-hour exam, the student must schedule accordingly.
    • Exams must be completed in one sitting. The exception to this rule is non-writing placement testing. Testers may complete a section or sections of the test and then take a break.
    • Homework will not be accepted by Testing Services. Testers must make arrangements with instructors to submit homework assignments.
    • If a tester is observed cheating, all testing and unauthorized materials will be confiscated. The Dean of Students, the tester's instructor, institution, company, or test producer will be notified immediately. The tester may be banned from Testing Services for a period of time.
    • Items left in Testing Services will be given to Campus Police.
    • All testers must follow the JJC Student Code of Conduct.
    • Mechanical pens and pencils are not allowed. Testing Services will provide standard pencils for testing.
    • All scratch paper and notes are collected at the end of an exam. 

    Cleaning and Safety Measures

    • Testers are encouraged to use hand sanitizer before and after testing within the computer lab
    • Workspaces cleaned regularly
    • Social distancing encouraged
    • Masks optional at all common areas and in the testing lab
    • Hand sanitizer provided campus-wide
    • All testers should review JJC's COVID Information for up-to-date information on campus operations.

  • Hours, Locations, and Parking

    Before coming on campus to take a placement test, please make sure to view Testing Services Hours, Locations, and Parking for the most up-to-date information. 

    Hours vary by location. Testing Services always follows JJC's Academic Calendar for scheduled and unscheduled closures. 

  • On-Campus Placement Testing Accommodations

    Placement Testing Accommodations

    Accommodations are available for students with verified disabilities. Students must provide documentation of their disability in order to receive accommodations.

    Since the placement tests are all untimed, the accommodation of having extended test time is not necessary.

    Request Accommodations

    You do not need to be registered with Disability Services for placement test accommodations. 

    If you need accommodations, call at 815.280.2613 or email disabilityservices@jjc.edu. This must be completed before you come in to take a placement test.

    Once you make your testing accommodations request, a Disability Services staff member will be in contact with you regarding next steps. 

Remote Testing (Restricted)

Remote placement testing is only available for students who are out of state at another university/college or students with a disability that have an approved accommodation which allows them to take placement tests remotely. All remote placement testing is by appointment only and based on staff availability. Please review our requirements below before requesting a remote placement exam.

  • Remote Testing Information & Request Form

    What qualifies you to request a remote placement test appointment?

    Remote placement testing is only available for the following students:

    • Those who are out of state at another university/college.
    • Those with a disability that have an approved accommodation which allows them to take placement tests remotely.
      • Students must provide documentation of their disability in order to be approved of remote testing and receive their accommodations.
      • To find out of your accommodation allows you to test remotely, please contact JJC Disability Services by calling 815.280.2613 or emailing disabilityservices@jjc.edu before you submit a placement testing request form.

    All remote placement testing is by appointment only and based on staff availability.

    Remote Testing Technical Requirements

    Your computer must meet these technical requirements

    • Desktop computer, laptop, or school-owned Chromebook (other devices such as cell phones, iPads, Surface, etc., not permitted)
    • Multiple monitors not permitted
    • A working built-in or external webcam and microphone
    • Microsoft Teams Desktop Application (free for JJC students). Download Microsoft Teams, then enter your JJC username and password to log in.
    • Browser with pop-up blocker disabled
    • Windows 10, Mac El Capitan or later
    • 1024 x 768 screen resolution

    Please make sure you meet all of these technical requirements above before continuing.

    Remote Testing Guidelines

    • The tester's test area must be defined and be in their immediate reach/view.
    • The tester must remain in direct frontal view of camera at all times and seated at all times. Breaks are not permitted.
    • Testers must allow the proctor to share their computer screen and grant permission for sharing when requested.
    • Tester may not record, screenshot or save any part of the exam.
    • The following items are not allowed in the testing area or on the tester themselves:
      • Any electronic device (cell phone, iPad, smart watch, etc), watches, food/beverage, coats, jackets, hats, mechanical pens/pencils, and all other personal items.
    • No other person, including children, are allowed in the testing area. You must test alone in a distraction free room.
    • Testers must present a physical photo ID at the beginning of the appointment and at any time requested by the proctor. There are no exceptions to this rule. Individuals without photo ID will not be allowed to test. Refusal to present identification during or immediately after the test will result in test invalidation.
    • Calculators are not permitted for the ALEKS placement exam. The ALEKS test will provide a calculator when appropriate.
    • Exams must be completed in one sitting and start no later than 5 minutes after the scheduled appointment time.
    • All scratch paper must be shredded at the end of an exam.
    • If a tester is observed cheating, all testing will be voided. The Dean of Students will be notified immediately. The tester may be banned from testing from Testing Services for a period of time.

    All testers must adhere to the JJC Student Code of Conduct.

    Remote Placement Testing Request 

    Please make sure you have read our technical requirements and guidelines above for remote testing before completing the Remote Placement Testing Request form. 

    • Testing Services will review the tester's request to ensure you qualify for remote testing.
    • Testing Services will also review the tester's eligibility to test and whether placement testing alternatives are on file such as qualifying ACT or SAT scores.


    Remote Placement Testing Request Form

    Check your JJC Email for Request Follow-Up
    Testing Services will respond to appointment requests as soon as possible. Be advised that appointments are not guaranteed and are based on staff availability. Visit our Student Technology Resources page for additional email/tech support.

How to Prepare For Your Placement Test

Testing Services and the Tutoring and Learning Center (TLC) can help you do well on your placement test. Our tutors are here to support you through our Preparation for Progress Program and online test prep resources.

  • Preparation for Progress

    Preparation for Progress Placement Test Program

    Looking for a chance to improve your placement scores? JJC's Preparation for Progress Placement Test program provides:

    • FREE tutoring
    • Testing tips and tricks
    • Student resources to help students remediate and work toward improving their placement scores

    The Prep for Progress program works with the the Tutoring and Learning Center to provide the following services to all JJC students:

    • One-on-one virtual and on-campus tutoring appointments in English, reading, or math
    • Online resources and student videos to help you navigate online learning and testing environments
    • Remote access to Accuplacer resources, ALEKS prep and learning modules
    • Student help and support

    More About the Preparation for Progress Program

  • Online Placement Test Tutoring

    The TLC provides online and virtual test preparation assistance for English and math placement testing. TLC tutors are available to meet with students virtually to prepare to take JJC's placement tests.

    Learn more about virtual test prep resources

Information on JJC Placement Tests

  • Accuplacer Exam Information (English)

    Accuplacer Exam

    The Accuplacer exam, produced by College Board, is a computer-based, untimed test for:

    • Reading
    • Writing
    • English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
    • Geometry (may be used for some math placement testing accommodations)

    About the Exam

    • Accuplacer scores are valid for 48 months.
    • JJC will accept Accuplacer scores from other institutions; official score reports should be submitted to the Testing Services Main Campus location.
    • Examinees may borrow a scientific calculator during the geometry exam.
    • Students may attempt each Accuplacer test twice each semester if they have not begun an English course sequence. Students are eligible for a third testing attempt only after completing an English course within their course sequence or successful completion of Accuplacer remediation through JJC's Tutoring and Learning Center. Please visit the TLC for more information on Accuplacer remediation and how to request an appointment.

    Accuplacer Exam Preparation Options

    How to Register to Take the Exam

    Students Who Want to Attend JJC and Test at JJC

    1. Apply to JJC.
    2. Speak with JJC Disability Services if you need testing accommodations.
    3. Arrive at Testing Services to complete your testing; no appointment is necessary.

    Students Who Want to Attend JJC, but test at another institution:

    1. Apply to JJC.
    2. Speak with JJC Disability Services if you need testing accommodations.
    3. Call Testing Services to learn alternate site testing options.
    4. Receive an email confirmation with selected alternate site contact information, testing fees, and next steps.

    Students wishing to attend another institution, but test at JJC:

    1. Contact the institution for which you need to complete placement testing.
    2. Speak with your institution's Disability Services office if you require testing accommodations.
    3. Call your preferred Testing Services location to schedule your appointment.
    4. Arrive at your scheduled locations 10 minutes before your exam with your photo identification and $25 for the Testing Services Remote Testing administrative fee

    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. Testing Services will work closely with JJC's Disability Services Office to provide this for you. If you need accommodations, please email disabilityservices@jjc.edu or call 815.280.2230.

    Placement testing is untimed. All placement examinees are provided scratch paper, pencils, and earplugs. Examinees may complete placement testing in one, or multiple sittings.

    Photo ID Requirements

    Appropriate photo identification is required.  Accuplacer Examinees must provide photo identification including a name and picture.  Photocopies or reproductions are not acceptable.  Preferred photo identification options include, but are not limited to:

    • U.S. State Picture Driver's License
    • U.S. State Picture Issued ID Card
    • U.S. Passport
    • U.S. Military Picture ID
    • Federal Picture ID
    • Alien Registration Card
    • Any other current, government-issued picture ID (This form of identification may be issued by any government.)
    • Company Identification
    • Police Identification
    • Other Institutional Identification with name and picture
    • JJC School ID
    • Other School ID with name and picture
    • JJC Accuplacer examinees will not be charged for placement testing or re-testing.
    • Accuplacer examinees completing their placement testing at Joliet Junior College for another institution will pay a $25 Testing Services Remote Testing administrative fee.
    • Accuplacer examinees wishing to have an official copy of their Placement Test Score Report will incur a $25 fee per request.

    This testing is available at Main Campus, Romeoville Campus, and City Center Campus.


    Accuplacer offers a free, web-based study app.  This is the ideal choice for individuals preparing for the Accuplacer English placement tests.

    1. Visit the College Board Accuplacer site to create an account and login to the free web-based study app.
    2. In order to login, you will need to create an account with a valid email address and password.
    3. Once you login to your account, you will need to select which version of Accuplacer you would like access to study materials. Joliet Junior College uses Accuplacer Next-Generation.
    4. Create your account.
    5. Access to the account is valid for six months.

    Accuplacer provides free sample questions and essays.

    Last updated September 8, 2020.

  • ALEKS Exam Information (Math)

    ALEKS Exam

    The ALEKS Exam, produced by McGraw Hill, is a computer-based, untimed math test. 

    About the Exam

    • ALEKS scores are valid for 24 months.
    • JJC will accept proctored ALEKS scores from other institutions; official score reports should be submitted to the Testing Services Main Campus location.
    • There is a 24 hour waiting period between each test attempt. A mandatory minimum of 3 hours must be completed in the ALEKS Prep and Learning modules before testing attempts 3, 4 and 5.

    The ALEKS test will provide an on-screen calculator when appropriate. Use of calculators not provided by ALEKS, is prohibited.

    How to Register to Take the Exam

    Students wishing to attend and test at JJC

    1. Apply to JJC.
    2. Speak with Joliet Junior College Disability Services if you require testing accommodations.
    3. Arrive at your preferred Testing Services location to complete your testing; no appointment is necessary.

    Students wishing to attend JJC, but test at another institution

    1. Apply to JJC.
    2. Speak with JJC Disability Services if you need testing accommodations.
    3. Call Testing Services secretary to learn about alternate site testing options.
    4. Receive email confirmation with selected alternate site contact information, testing fees, and next steps.

    Students wishing to attend another institution, but test at JJC

    1. Contact the institution for which you need to complete placement testing.
    2. Speak with your institution's Disability Services office if you require testing accommodations.
    3. Call your preferred Testing Services location to schedule your appointment.
    4. Arrive at your scheduled locations 10 minutes before your exam with your photo identification and $25 for the Testing Services Remote Testing administrative fee.


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. Testing Services will work closely with JJC's Disability Services Office to provide this for you. If you need accommodations, please email disabilityservices@jjc.edu or call 815.280.2230.

    Placement testing is untimed. All placement examinees are provided scratch paper, pencils, and earplugs. Examinees may complete placement testing in one, or multiple sittings.

    Photo ID Requirements

    Appropriate photo identification is required.  ALEKS Examinees must provide photo identification including a name and picture.  Photocopies or reproductions are not acceptable.  Preferred photo identification options include, but are not limited to:

    • U.S. State Picture Driver's License
    • U.S. State Picture Issued ID Card
    • U.S. Passport
    • U.S. Military Picture ID
    • Federal Picture ID
    • Alien Registration Card
    • Any other current, government-issued picture ID (This form of identification may be issued by any government.)
    • Company Identification
    • Police Identification
    • Other Institutional Identification with name and picture
    • JJC School ID
    • Other School ID with name and picture


    • JJC ALEKS will not be charged for access to the program. Upon initial testing, the tester is provided with twelve (12) months of access to an online remediation program, as well as five (5) attempts at the test within a twelve (12) month period.
    • ALEKS examinees completing their placement testing at Joliet Junior College for another institution will pay a $25 Testing Services Remote Testing administrative fee.
    • ALEKS examinees wishing to have an official copy of their Placement Test Score Report will incur a $25 fee per request.


    ALEKS offers a web-based remediation program known as the ALEKS Learning Modules.

    1. Visit Testing Services and complete your first attempt at the ALEKS exam.  If you are not satisfied with your score, you have the ability to retake this placement exam four more times within twelve (12) months.
    2. After you have completed your first attempt, you will have access to a web-based, tailored remediation plan known as the ALEKS Learning Modules.  These modules provide an adaptive learning environment focused on guidance, transparency, engagement, and motivation.
    3. Following the initial math assessment, ALEKS generates a color-coded pie chart to display your results.  Within this "pie," each "slice" corresponds to a particular area of math proficiency.
    4. To access the Learning Modules (after testing), use your JJC ID number and JJC email address to log into your ALEKS Account here: JJC Placement Testing and ALEKS Modules.
    5. ALEKS will recommend a starting point for the Prep and Learning Module based on your initial placement assessment results. However, you ultimately have the ability to choose your preferred module.  PLEASE NOTE: Once you choose your preferred module, you cannot select a different module.
    6. Spend time reviewing material within the module to practice and improve your skills before your next ALEKS math placement testing attempt. Visit the Tutoring and Learning Center to work with a tutor one on one through the learning modules.
    7. PLEASE NOTE: ALEKS Learning module remediation is optional before your second attempt at the ALEKS test.  Three hours of remediation within the online ALEKS remediation program are mandatory before each of your three remaining attempts at the ALEKS test.
    8. Once you have launched your ALEKS Learning Modules, you will have access for up to six months.


    Last updated on September 8, 2020.

Placement Scores, ACT, SAT, H.S. GPA, and Transition Courses

  • Accuplacer Placement Scores



    To enroll in ENG 101 or 130, student, one must place appropriately in Reading AND Writing.

     Accuplacer (Classic Reading Comprehension)Accuplacer (Next Generation Reading)

    Contact Adult Education for further information:

    mlyman@jjc.edu or ckramer@jjc.edu

    Adult Education Coursework

    ENG 02033-45222-229
    ENG 02146-69230-245
    ENG 101, 13070-120246-300

    Click here to learn more about Adult Education Placement.


    To enroll in ENG 101 or 130, student, one must place appropriately in Reading AND Writing.

     Accuplacer (WritePlacer)
    ENG 0980-3 (Requires Accuplacer Next Generation Reading score of 222+)
    ENG 0994
    ENG 101, 1305-8

    English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

    To enroll in ENG 101 or 130, student, one must place appropriately in Reading AND Writing.

     Accuplacer (ESL Reading Skills)Accuplacer (WritePlacer ESL)

    Contact Adult Education for further information:

    mlyman@jjc.edu or ckramer@jjc.edu

    Adult Education Coursework

    ENG 07866-89 
    ENG 07990-112 
    ENG 088 2-4
    ENG 089 5
    ENG 101, 130113-1206


    Click here to learn more about Adult Education Placement.

     Accuplacer (Classic Arithmetic)Accuplacer (Classic Elem. Algebra)Accuplacer (Classic College Math)Accuplacer (Next Gen. Arithmetic)Accuplacer (Next Gen. QAS)Accuplacer (Next Gen. AAF)
    MATH 09020-60  200-262  
    MATH 09461-12033-60 263-300235-247 
    MATH 095 61-8020-30 248-256200-236
    MATH 098 61-8020-30 248-256200-236
    STAT 10161-12033-60 263-300235-247 
    TMAT 10761-12033-60 263-300235-247 
    TMAT 108 61-8020-30 248-256200-236
    MATH 119 81-12031-55 257-300237-262
    MATH 123 81-12031-55 257-300237-262
    MATH 127 81-12031-55 257-300237-262
    MATH 128 81-12031-55 257-300237-262
    MATH 131 81-12031-55 257-300237-262
    MATH 137  56-70  263-275
    MATH 138 81-12031-55 257-300237-262
    MATH 139  56-70  263-275
    MATH 142 81-12031-55 257-300237-262
    MATH 150  56-70  263-275
    MATH 153  56-70  263-275
    MATH 170  71-120  276-300

    Scores are valid for 48 months. Students may attempt each Accuplacer test twice each semester if they have not begun an English course sequence.

    Students are eligible for a third testing attempt only after completing an English course within their course sequence or successful completion of Accuplacer remediation through JJC's Tutoring and Learning Center. Please visit the TLC for more information on Accuplacer remediation and how to request an appointment.

    • Accuplacer Geometry score of 60 or higher will meet geometry prerequisite for college-level math course.
    • MATH 119, 123, 124, 131, 138, and 142 require the geometry prerequisite.
    • Completing MATH 095 with a C or higher.
    • Submitting to the Admissions Department a high school transcript showing completion of two semesters of geometry with a C or higher.
    • Geometry scores never expire.

    Last updated September 8, 2020.

  • ALEKS Placement Scores

    ALEKS Exam ScoreMath Course Options (depending on major of study)
    0-13MATH 090 (Requires Accuplacer Next Gen. Reading score of 222+ or ESL Reading score of 66+)
    14-26MATH 094, STAT 101, TMAT 107
    27-39MATH 095, MATH 098, TMAT 108
    40-100MATH 119*, MATH 123*, MATH 127, MATH 128
    46-100MATH 131*, MATH 138*
    54-100MATH 142*
    61-100MATH 137, MATH 139, MATH 150, and MATH 153
    76-100MATH 170


    ALEKS scores are valid for 24 months. There is a 24 hour waiting period between each test attempt. A mandatory minimum of 3 hours must be completed in the ALEKS Prep and Learning modules before testing attempts 3, 4, and 5.

    The ALEKS test will provide an on-screen calculator when appropriate. Use of calculators not provided by ALEKS, is prohibited.

    *MATH 119, 123, 124, 131, 138, and 142 also require the geometry prerequisite. Students may also meet the geometry requirement by:

    • Taking the Accuplacer Geometry test with a score of 60 or higher.
    • Completing MATH 095 with a C or higher.
    • Submitting to the Admissions Department a high school transcript showing completion of two semesters of geometry with a C or higher.
    • Geometry scores never expire.

    Last updated on September 8, 2020.

  • ACT, SAT, & PSAT scores for course placement - JJC's School Code is 001699

    Valid and qualifying ACT/SAT/PSAT scores can be used for placement into English and math courses. If you have acceptable ACT/SAT/PSAT scores, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.

    When signing up to take the ACT or SAT or after you have tested, you can have your scores sent automatically to JJC by entering our school code of 001699.

    ACT Scores

    ACT scores are valid for 48 months and should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.

    Acceptable ACT scores
    • English
      • ACT English score of 19 or higher places student into ENG 101 or ENG 130.
    • Math
      • ACT Math score of 22 or higher places student into Math 119*, Math 123*, Math 127, Math 128, Math 131*, or Math 138*.
      • ACT Math score of 23 or higher places student into MATH 142*.
      • ACT Math score of 28 or higher places student into MATH 170.


    SAT Scores

    SAT scores are valid for 48 months and should be submitted to the Joliet Junior College Admissions Office.

    Acceptable SAT scores
    • English
      • SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score of 480 or higher, earned after March 2016, places student into ENG 101 or ENG 130.
    • Math
      • SAT Math score of 530 or higher, earned after March 2016, places student into MATH 119*, MATH 123*, MATH 127, MATH 128, MATH 131*, or MATH 138*.
      • SAT Math score of 590 or higher, earned after March 2016, places student into MATH 142*.
      • SAT Math score of 660 or higher, earned after March 2016, places student into MATH 170.


    PSAT Scores

    PSAT scores are valid for 24 months. Official PSAT scores should be submitted to PSAT@jjc.edu. Students should request their scores be sent by the High School or the official PSAT website Student Score Reports (collegeboard.org). Only PSAT 10 and NMSQT/11 are accepted. 

    Acceptable PSAT scores
    • English
      • PSAT English score of 480 or higher places student into ENG 101.
    • Math
      • PSAT Math score of:
        • 510 or higher, places student into MATH 127 or MATH 128.
        • 530 or higher, places student into MATH 123*, MATH 131*, or MATH 138*.
        • 590 or higher, places student into MATH 142*.
        • 660 or higher, places student into MATH 170.

    *Requires geometry prerequisite. 

    Last updated on April 13, 2023.

  • High School GPA for course placement

    Effective September 1, 2021 students can use a valid and qualifying high school GPA for placement into English and math courses. If you have an acceptable high school GPA and meet the following criteria, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.

    High School GPA

    High School GPA is valid for 48 months from the date of graduation and official transcripts should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.

    Acceptable High School GPA
    • GPA
      • Must provide an official high school transcript
        • WITH cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on an unweighted 4.0 scale
        • AND 7 OR 8 consecutive complete semesters
        • AND successful completion (C or better) in English and/or math in all semesters
        • The 8th semester will only be evaluated when the final transcript is received.
      • JJC will evaluate all official high school transcripts using the unweighted/cumulative GPA at the time of submission. GPAs will not be retroactively evaluated using past semesters. Students with a "P" grade in either English or math due to remote learning may submit additional official proof from their high school that can document appropriate letter grade of C or higher was received within the course. All other criteria and timeframes still apply.
      • Only total unweighted/cumulative GPA will be accepted. Semester or Yearly GPA will not be accepted.
      • 7 semester transcripts (only for use by current high school students) are valid for 48 months from the date of submission. 8 semester transcripts are valid for 48 months from the date of graduation.
      • High school transcripts must be sent to the Admissions Office. If you're in high school or are a recent graduate, ask your high school to email these records to admissions@jjc.edu or mail them to:
        • Attn: Admissions
        • 1215 Houbolt Rd.
        • Joliet, IL 60431
    • English
      • Acceptable high school GPA English criteria places student into English 101.
    • Math
      • Acceptable high school GPA math criteria places student into Math 119, Math 123, Math 127, Math 128, Math 131, and Math 138.


    ***High School GPA will be designated on the student's JJC record using the following codes:

    • GPAE = English
    • GPAM = Math

    Prior to 03/01/2025
    999 = Meets
    111 = Does Not Meet

    After 03/01/2025
    1 = Meets
    0 = Does Not Meet


    Last updated on February 28, 2025.

  • Transition Math for JJC Course Placement

    Once a high school student has successfully completed a Transitional Math course with a grade of a C or better, it will reflect on the student's high school transcript.

    This will include a portability code depending on which math class/pathway was chosen.

    The college math classes the student can take depends on the class that was taken in high school. Transition math placement expires 18 months after the graduation data that appears on the official high school transcript.

    Which JJC Math Classes Can Students Take Based on their Transition Math class?

    If students successfully completed a STEM Pathway (portability code TM001) class in high school, they can place into the following JJC classes:

    • MATH 119 - Technical Math
    • MATH 123 - Math for Elementary Teachers I*
    • MATH 127 - Math for General Education
    • MATH 128 - Elementary Statistics
    • MATH 131 - College Algebra
    • MATH 138 - Pre-Calculus I

    *This course also has a geometry prerequisite that must be separate from the placement earned by the transition math course. To meet the geometry prerequisite, the student must provide high school transcripts verifying two semesters (a complete year) of high school geometry with an average grade of a C or better and no failing grade, or the student must score appropriately on the Geometry Placement Test at JJC or earn a grade of a C or better in MATH 095 Geometry at JJC.

    If students successfully completed a Quantitative Literacy and Statistics Pathway (portability code TM002) class in high school, they can place into the following JJC classes:

    • MATH 119 - Technical Math
    • MATH 127 - Math for General Education
    • MATH 128 - Elementary Statistics

    If students successfully completed a Technical Math Pathway (portability code TM003) class in high school, they can place into the following JJC class:

    • MATH 119 - Technical Math


    ***Evaluation of Transition Math courses will be designated on the student's JJC record using the following codes:

    • EVAL.TMATH or HS.TMATH = Evaluation of Transition Math
    • 1 = STEM Pathway (portability code TM001)
    • 2 = Quantitative Literacy and Statistics Pathway (portability code TM002)
    • 3 = Technical Math Pathway (portability code TM003)


    More Information about Transition Math

    Last updated on February 28, 2025.

  • Transition English for JJC Course Placement

    Once a high school student has successfully completed a Transitional English course with a grade of a C or better, it will reflect on the student's high school transcript.

    This will include a portability code.

    Transition English placement expires 36 months after the graduation data that appears on the official high school transcript.

    Which JJC English Class Can Students Take Based on their Transition English class?

    If students successfully completed a Transitional English (portability code TE001) class in high school, they can place into the following JJC classes:

    • ENG 101 - Rhetoric I
    • ENG 130 - Technical Writing and Communication


    Last updated on April 19, 2023.

High School and Dual Credit Placement Testing

JJC offers high school students the opportunity to take placement tests through our Testing Services Center. Students can take remote and on-campus placement exams to meet the course requirements needed for their Dual Credit and Transition courses they take at their high school.

  • For High School and Dual Credit Students

    The following is a step-by-step guide on what you need to do to prepare, test and complete your Dual Credit placement testing through JJC:

  • For High School Administrators, Staff, and Counselors

    JJC is aware that local high schools are preparing their juniors and seniors to make the transition into higher education, whether this be dual credit coursework, transition courses, or courses taken at Joliet Junior College. To assist with this shift, we offer remote and off-site placement testing each year. This service is available to all College District 525 High Schools and allows students to complete placement testing at their local high school during school hours.

    Ready to request remote or off-site testing for your high school students? Click the button below.

    High School Testing Request Form

    Please review and agree to the High School Placement Testing Guidelines at the end of the is form for more information on off-site placement testing for your high school students.

    Last updated April, 9, 2024.

Placement Testing Alternatives (AP, CLEP, Geometry, GED, etc.)

JJC will accept alternative test scores in lieu of placement testing, ACT/SAT/PSAT scores, or high school GPA. Such alternative test scores include AP, CLEP, and GED. See below for more about testing alternatives, acceptable scores, length of test score validity and where to direct your scores.

  • AP Scores

    JJC will award credit on the basis of scores earned on the Advanced Placement (AP) exams. Students who have taken AP exams should order their official score reports from College Board and have them sent directly to the Academic Credentials Office. 

  • CLEP

    The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) allows you to earn proficiency credit using CLEP scores and corresponding JJC course equivalencies. For more information about scores, course equivalencies, and the CLEP Awarding Process at JJC visit the Credit for Prior Learning CLEP page. 

    Visit the Tests Administered page for more information on taking the CLEP test at JJC. 

  • Biology, Chemistry, and Geometry

    Students looking to take BIO 250 may meet the biology prerequisite by:

    • Submitting to the Admissions Department a high school transcript showing completion of two semesters of biology with a C or higher.
    • Biology scores never expire.
    • BIO 250 requires both the biology and chemistry prerequisites.


    Students looking to take CHEM 101 and BIO 250 may meet the chemistry prerequisite by:

    • Submitting to the Admissions Department a high school transcript showing completion of two semesters of chemistry with a C or higher.
    • Chemistry scores never expire.
    • Chemistry 101 requires the chemistry prerequisite.
    • BIO 250 requires both the biology and chemistry prerequisites.


    Students looking to take Math 119, 123, 124, 131, 138, or 142 may also meet the geometry prerequisite by:

    • Earning 60 or more points on Accuplacer Geometry test.
    • Earning 50 or more points on COMPASS Geometry test.
    • Completing MATH 095 with a C or higher.
    • Submitting to the Admissions Department a high school transcript showing completion of two semesters of geometry with a C or higher.
    • Geometry scores never expire.
    • MATH 119, 123, 124, 131, 138, and 142 require the geometry prerequisite.


    ***Biology, Chemistry, and Geometry will be designated on the student's JJC record using the following codes:
    • HS.BIO = Biology Transcript Evaluation
    • HS.CHEM or EVAL.CHEM = Chemistry Transcript Evaluation
    • HS.GEOM or EVAL.GEOM = Geometry Transcript Evaluation

    Prior to 03/01/2025
    999 = Meets
    111 = Does Not Meet

    After 03/01/2025
    1 = Meets
    0 = Does Not Meet


    Last updated February 28, 2023.

  • GED & HiSET

    GED Scores

    GED scores are valid for 48 months and should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.

    Acceptable GED scores
    • GED Language Arts score of 165 or higher places student into ENG 101 or ENG 130.
    • GED Math score of 165 or higher places student into MATH 119, MATH 123, MATH 127, MATH 128, MATH 131, MATH 138, or MATH 142.


    HiSET Scores

    HiSET scores are valid for 48 months and should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.

    Acceptable HiSET scores
    • HiSET Reading score of 15 or higher places student out of ENG 021.
    • HiSET Writing score of 15 or higher places student out of ENG 099.
    • HiSET Reading score of 15 or higher, AND HiSET Writing score of 15 or higher, places student into ENG 101 or ENG 130.
    • HiSET Math score of 15 or higher places student into MATH 119, MATH 123, MATH 127, MATH 128, MATH 131, MATH 138, or MATH 142.

  • TASC Scores (TASC was discontinued on December 31,2021)


    TASC Scores

    TASC scores are valid for 48 months and should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.

    Acceptable TASC scores
    • English
      • TASC Language Arts Reading score of 580 or higher places student out of ENG 021.
      • TASC Language Arts Writing score of 560 or higher, AND TASC Essay score of 6 or higher, places student out of ENG 099.
      • TASC Language Arts Reading score of 580 or higher, TASC Language Arts Writing score of 560 or higher, AND TASC Essay score of 6 or higher, places student into ENG 101 or ENG 130.
    • Math
      • TASC Math score of 560 or higher places student into MATH 119, MATH 123, MATH 127, MATH 128, MATH 131, MATH 138, or MATH 142.


    Last updated March 1, 2023.

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