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You may or may not need to take a placement test with JJC as part of your admitted student steps. JJC uses multiple measures to determine placement. You may be able to use one of these measures to skip placement testing. New students are required to have Reading, Writing, and Math placement on their JJC record before signing up for student advising.
Below are all the accepted measures and the required minimum scores to use them. If you have questions about placement, you can email us at placement@jjc.edu.
Valid and qualifying ACT scores can be used for placement into English and math courses. If you have acceptable ACT scores, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
ACT scores are valid for 48 months and should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.
JJC's School Code: 001699
ACT English Score | Placement at JJC |
19 or higher | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
ACT Math Score | Placement at JJC |
22 or higher | MATH 119* Mathematics for Technical Students MATH 123* Mathematical Structures/Concepts I for Elementary School Teachers MATH 127 Mathematics for General Education MATH 128 Elementary Statistics MATH 131* College Algebra MATH 138* Pre-Calculus I: Algebra |
23 or higher | MATH 142* Accelerated Trigonometry/Pre-calculus |
28 or higher | MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I |
*Requires geometry prerequisite.
Temporary Measures
ACT Math Score | Placement at JJC | Registration Term |
28 or higher | MATH 150 Mathematical Analysis for Business MATH 153 Finite Mathematics
| Fall 2020 through Summer 2025 |
Valid and qualifying SAT scores can be used for placement into English and math courses. If you have acceptable SAT scores, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
SAT scores are valid for 48 months and should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.
JJC's School Code: 001699
SAT EBRW Score | Placement at JJC |
480 or higher | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
SAT Math Score | Placement at JJC |
530 or higher | MATH 119* Mathematics for Technical Students MATH 123* Mathematical Structures/Concepts I for Elementary School Teachers MATH 127 Mathematics for General Education MATH 128 Elementary Statistics MATH 131* College Algebra MATH 138* Pre-Calculus I: Algebra |
590 or higher | MATH 142* Accelerated Trigonometry/Pre-calculus |
660 or higher | MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I |
*Requires geometry prerequisite.
Temporary Measures
SAT Math Score | Placement at JJC | Registration Term |
660 or higher | MATH 150 Mathematical Analysis for Business MATH 153 Finite Mathematics
| Fall 2020 through Summer 2025 |
Valid and qualifying PSAT scores can be used for placement into English and math courses. If you have acceptable PSAT scores, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
PSAT scores are valid for 24 months.
Official PSAT scores should be submitted to PSAT@jjc.edu. Students should request their scores be sent by the High School or the official PSAT website Student Score Reports. Only PSAT 10 and NMSQT/11 are accepted.
PSAT English Score | Placement at JJC |
480 or higher | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
PSAT Math Score | Placement at JJC |
510 or higher | MATH 127 Mathematics for General Education MATH 128 Elementary Statistics |
530 or higher | MATH 123* Mathematical Structures/Concepts I for Elementary School Teachers MATH 131* College Algebra MATH 138* Pre-Calculus I: Algebra |
590 or higher | MATH 142* Accelerated Trigonometry/Pre-calculus |
660 or higher | MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I |
*Requires geometry prerequisite.
Temporary Measures
PSAT Math Score | Placement at JJC | Registration Term |
660 or higher | MATH 150 Mathematical Analysis for Business MATH 153 Finite Mathematics
| Fall 2023 through Summer 2025 |
If you completed a transition English course in high school, you may not need to take the English placement test.
Successful completion of a transition English course with a grade of C or better for both semesters will be reflected on the student's high school transcript with a portability code.
Transition English placement expires 36 months after the graduation data that appears on the official high school transcript.
Official high school transcripts should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.
If students successfully completed a Transitional English (portability code TE001) class in high school, they place into the following JJC classes:
Portability Code | Placement at JJC |
TE001 | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
If you completed a transition math course in high school, you may not need to take the math placement test.
Successful completion of a transition math course with a grade of C or better for both semesters will be reflected on the student's high school transcript with a portability code. The portability code is determined by which math class/pathway was chosen.
Transition math placement expires 18 months after the graduation data that appears on the official high school transcript.
Official high school transcripts should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.
If students successfully completed a STEM Pathway (portability code TM001) class in high school, they place into the following JJC classes:
*This course also has a geometry prerequisite that must be separate from the placement earned by the transition math course. To meet the geometry prerequisite, the student must provide high school transcripts verifying two semesters (a complete year) of high school geometry with an average grade of a C or better and no failing grade, or the student must score appropriately on the Geometry Placement Test at JJC or earn a grade of a C or better in MATH 095 Geometry at JJC.
If students successfully completed a Quantitative Literacy and Statistics Pathway (portability code TM002) class in high school, they place into the following JJC classes:
If students successfully completed a Technical Math Pathway (portability code TM003) class in high school, they place into the following JJC class:
MATH 119 - Technical Math
Portability Code | Placement at JJC |
TM001 | MATH 119 - Technical Math MATH 123 - Math for Elementary Teachers I* MATH 127 - Math for General Education MATH 128 - Elementary Statistics MATH 131 - College Algebra MATH 138 - Pre-Calculus I |
TM002 | MATH 119 - Technical Math MATH 127 - Math for General Education MATH 128 - Elementary Statistics |
TM003 | MATH 119 - Technical Math |
*This course also has a geometry prerequisite that must be separate from the placement earned by the transition math course. To meet the geometry prerequisite, the student must provide high school transcripts verifying two semesters (a complete year) of high school geometry with an average grade of a C or better and no failing grade, or the student must score appropriately on the Geometry Placement Test at JJC or earn a grade of a C or better in MATH 095 Geometry at JJC.
Valid and qualifying high school GPA can be used for placement into English and math courses. If you have an acceptable high school GPA and meet the following criteria, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
High School GPA is valid for 48 months from the date of graduation and official transcripts should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.
Acceptable high school GPA English criteria places student into ENG 101.
Acceptable high school GPA math criteria places student into MATH 119*, MATH 123*, MATH 127, MATH 128, MATH 131*, and MATH 138*.
Acceptable HS GPA | Placement at JJC |
English | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
Math | MATH 119* Mathematics for Technical Students MATH 123* Mathematical Structures/Concepts I for Elementary School Teachers MATH 127 Mathematics for General Education MATH 128 Elementary Statistics MATH 131* College Algebra MATH 138* Pre-Calculus I: Algebra |
*Requires geometry prerequisite.
High School GPA will be designated on the student's JJC record using the following codes: | |
GPAE = English GPAM = Math | Prior to 03/01/2025 After 03/01/2025 |
JJC will award credit on the basis of scores earned on the AP exams. Specific AP exams can be used to grant credit for ENG 101 or for certain math courses. If you receive credit for these courses, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
A score of 3 or higher is accepted at JJC.
Scores must be submitted to JJC through the AP Approval Process to receive credit.
Advanced Placement Exam | Equivalent Course at JJC |
English Language and Composition | ENG 101 Rhetoric I |
Statistics | MATH 128 Elementary Statistics |
Calculus AB | MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I |
Calculus BC with a score of 3 | MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I |
Calculus BC with a score of 4 or 5 | MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MATH 171 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II |
For a complete list of AP exams and their JJC course equivalencies, please visit the Credit for Prior Learning page.
The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) allows you to earn proficiency credit using CLEP scores and corresponding JJC course equivalencies if you received the minimum required score for the CLEP exam. Specific CLEP exams can be used to award proficiency credit for ENG 101 or for certain math courses. If you receive proficiency credit for these courses, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
CLEP score reports must be submitted to JJC through the CLEP Awarding Process.
CLEP Exam | Equivalent Course at JJC |
College Composition | ENG 101 Rhetoric I |
College Algebra | MATH 131 College Algebra |
Pre-Calculus | MATH 138 Pre-Calculus I: Algebra |
Calculus with Elementary Function | MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I |
For a complete list of CLEP exams and their JJC course equivalencies, please visit the Credit for Prior Learning page.
Valid and qualifying GED Reasoning through Language Arts and Mathematical Reasoning scores can be used for placement into English and math courses. If you have acceptable GED scores, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
GED scores are valid for 48 months.
GED transcripts should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.
GED Reasoning through Language Arts Score | Placement at JJC |
165 or higher | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
GED Mathematical Reasoning Score | Placement at JJC |
165 or higher | MATH 119* Mathematics for Technical Students MATH 123* Mathematical Structures/Concepts I for Elementary School Teachers MATH 127 Mathematics for General Education MATH 128 Elementary Statistics MATH 131* College Algebra MATH 138* Pre-Calculus I: Algebra MATH 142* Accelerated Trigonometry/Pre-calculus |
*Requires geometry prerequisite.
Valid and qualifying HiSET scores can be used for placement into English and math courses. If you have acceptable HiSET scores, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
HiSET scores are valid for 48 months.
HiSET score reports should be sent to the JJC Admissions Office.
HiSET Scores | |
HiSET Reading Score | Placement at JJC |
15 or higher | Places students out of ENG 021 College Reading II |
HiSET Writing Score | |
15 or higher | Places students out of ENG 099 Fundamentals of Writing |
HiSET Reading score of 15 or higher AND HiSET Writing score of 15 or higher. | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
HiSET Math Score | Placement at JJC |
15 or higher | MATH 119* Mathematics for Technical Students MATH 123* Mathematical Structures/Concepts I for Elementary School Teachers MATH 127 Mathematics for General Education MATH 128 Elementary Statistics MATH 131* College Algebra MATH 138* Pre-Calculus I: Algebra MATH 142* Accelerated Trigonometry/Pre-calculus |
*Requires geometry prerequisite.
Valid and qualifying TASC scores can be used for placement into English and math courses. If you have acceptable TASC scores, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
TASC scores are valid for 48 months.
TASC scores should be submitted to the JJC Admissions Office.
TASC Scores | |
Language Arts Reading Score | Placement at JJC |
580 or higher | Places students out of ENG 021 College Reading II |
Language Arts Writing Score | |
560 or higher AND Essay score of 6 or higher | Places students out of ENG 099 Fundamentals of Writing |
Language Arts Reading score of 580 or higher AND Language Arts Writing score of 560 or higher AND Essay score of 6 or higher | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
TASC Math Score | Placement at JJC |
560 or higher | MATH 119* Mathematics for Technical Students MATH 123* Mathematical Structures/Concepts I for Elementary School Teachers MATH 127 Mathematics for General Education MATH 128 Elementary Statistics MATH 131* College Algebra MATH 138* Pre-Calculus I: Algebra MATH 142* Accelerated Trigonometry/Pre-calculus |
*Requires geometry prerequisite.
If you have college credits from another institution equivalent to ENG 101 and/or to a math course at JJC, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
To make sure that your credits from your former college transfer to JJC, follow these steps:
If you have any questions about the transfer credit evaluation process, you can email the JJC Transfer Credit Evaluation Office at transfercredit@jjc.edu.
If you have already completed placement tests at another institution, you may not need to take the English and/or math placement test.
JJC will accept unexpired scores from the following tests:
No other placement tests will be accepted. Expired scores are not accepted. Placement for any transferred scores will be determined according to JJC's placement ranges.
If you have a valid test score from any of these tests, your scores should be submitted to JJC directly from the institution where you took the test. Please be advised that different institutions have their own policies and procedures regarding sending out scores. There may be associated fees with this process.
If your previous institution has enabled score sharing directly through ALEKS or ACCUPLACER, you can send your scores to JJC yourself.
Prior to 03/01/2025
999 = Meets
111 = Does Not Meet
After 03/01/2025
1 = Meets
0 = Does Not Meet
If you do not have any of these measures, you can take the JJC placement tests. If you have questions about placement measures and how you may be able to use them, you can email us at placement@jjc.edu.
For an individualized placement review of your JJC record, please send us an email from your JJC email account.
Don't know your JJC email address? Visit the Student Technology Resources page for help.
About Placement Tests
What do I need to take the tests?
Testing includes:
Testing includes:
To enroll in ENG 101 or 130, student, one must place appropriately in Reading AND Writing
Scores are valid for 48 months. Students may attempt each ACCUPLACER test twice each semester if they have not begun an English course sequence.
Students are eligible for a third testing attempt only after completing an English course within their course sequence or successful completion of ACCUPLACER remediation through JJC's Tutoring and Learning Center. Please visit the TLC for more information on ACCUPLACER remediation and how to request an appointment.
ACCUPLACER Next Generation Reading | Placement at JJC |
200-221 | Contact Adult Education for further information: mlyman@jjc.edu or ckramer@jjc.edu |
222-229 | ENG 020 College Reading I |
230-245 | ENG 021 College Reading II |
246-300 | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
Click here to learn more about Adult Education Placement.
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer | Placement at JJC |
0-3 (Requires ACCUPLACER Next Generation Reading score of 222+) | ENG 098 Fundamentals of English |
4 | ENG 099 Fundamentals of Writing |
5-8 | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
To enroll in ENG 101 or 130, student, one must place appropriately in Reading AND Writing.
ACCUPLACER ESL Reading Skills | Placement at JJC |
20-65 | Contact Adult Education for further information: mlyman@jjc.edu or ckramer@jjc.edu |
66-89 | ENG 078 Reading III |
90-112 | ENG 079 Reading IV |
113-120 | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
ACCUPLACER WritePlacer ESL | Placement at JJC |
1 | Contact Adult Education for further information: mlyman@jjc.edu or ckramer@jjc.edu |
2-4 | ENG 088 Writing III |
5 | ENG 089 Writing IV |
6 | ENG 101 Rhetoric I ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication |
Click here to learn more about Adult Education Placement.
ACCUPLACER Math Scores | Placement at JJC |
ACCUPLACER Next Generation Arithmetic: 200-262 | MATH 090 College Arithmetic (Requires Accuplacer Next Gen. Reading score of 222+ or ESL Reading score of 66+) |
ACCUPLACER Next Generation Arithmetic: 263-300
ACCUPLACER Next Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics: 235-247 | MATH 094 Elementary Algebra STAT 101 Introduction to Data Science TMAT 107 Technical Mathematics I |
ACCUPLACER Next Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics: 248-256
ACCUPLACER Next Generation Advanced Algebra and Functions: 200-236 | MATH 095 Elementary Geometry MATH 098 Intermediate Algebra TMAT 108 Technical Mathematics II |
ACCUPLACER Next Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics: 257-300
ACCUPLACER Next Generation Advanced Algebra and Functions: 237-262 | MATH 119* Mathematics for Technical Students MATH 123* Mathematical Structures/Concepts I for Elementary School Teachers MATH 127 Mathematics for General Education MATH 128 Elementary Statistics MATH 131* College Algebra MATH 138* Pre-Calculus I: Algebra MATH 142* Accelerated Trigonometry/Pre-calculus |
ACCUPLACER Next Generation Advanced Algebra and Functions: 263-275 | MATH 137 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics MATH 139 Pre-Calculus II: Trigonometry MATH 150 Mathematical Analysis for Business MATH 153 Finite Mathematics |
ACCUPLACER Next Generation Advanced Algebra and Functions: 276-300 | MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I |
*Requires geometry prerequisite.
ACCUPLACER Geometry score of 60 or higher will meet geometry prerequisite for college-level math course.
Geometry scores never expire.
ALEKS Math Scores | Placement at JJC |
0-13 | MATH 090 College Arithmetic (Requires Accuplacer Next Gen. Reading score of 222+ or ESL Reading score of 66+) |
| MATH 094 Elementary Algebra STAT 101 Introduction to Data Science TMAT 107 Technical Mathematics I |
27-39 | MATH 095 Elementary Geometry MATH 098 Intermediate Algebra TMAT 108 Technical Mathematics II |
40-100 | MATH 119* Mathematics for Technical Students MATH 123* Mathematical Structures/Concepts I for Elementary School Teachers MATH 127 Mathematics for General Education MATH 128 Elementary Statistics |
46-100 | MATH 131* College Algebra MATH 138* Pre-Calculus I: Algebra |
54-100 | MATH 142* Accelerated Trigonometry/Pre-calculus |
61-100 | MATH 137 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics MATH 139 Pre-Calculus II: Trigonometry MATH 150 Mathematical Analysis for Business MATH 153 Finite Mathematics |
76-100 | MATH 170 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I |
*Requires geometry prerequisite.
ALEKS scores are valid for 24 months. There is a 24-hour waiting period between each test attempt. A mandatory minimum of 3 hours must be completed in the ALEKS Prep and Learning modules before testing attempts 3, 4, and 5.
The ALEKS test will provide an on-screen calculator when appropriate. Use of calculators not provided by ALEKS is prohibited.
You can use any combination of the placement measures and placement tests to get Reading, Writing, and Math placement on your JJC record.
After your placement is complete, you can visit the Student Advising Center to continue on your journey at JJC.