Tests Administered

Testing On Campus

On-campus placement testing is available on a walk-in basis, however iCampus exams, Make Up exams and select certification/specialized exams are by appointment only and are available at the Main, Romeoville, and City Center campuses. 

To make an appointment for your iCampus or Make Up exam; simply log in to iCampus, select your course and find Testing Services under the Course Navigation menu on the left-hand side to schedule your appointment through RegisterBlast. This will take you to an Exam Registration screen where you will select your exam and schedule it by selecting the date and time you wish to come take it. The default location for all registrations is Main Campus, but you are also able to select Romeoville or City Center as an alternate location to test as well.

Important Reminders:

  • For iCampus/Hybrid classes, you must schedule your exam at least 12 hours in advance.
  • For all exams, we allow a 15 minute grace period for you to be late for your appointment. 
    • If you arrive later than that time; you may not be allowed to take your test or receive your full time based on lab capacity and/or hours of operation and may need to reschedule for another date and time.

Do I Need Placement Testing?

Students who have a high enough High School GPA or a score that exceeds minimum requirements on the ACT, SAT, PSAT, GED, or HiSET may be eligible to skip placement testing. Please visit Placement Testing for more information.

TEAS Testing Is Available On-Campus Only

TEAS testing is available on-campus only at the Main, Romeoville, and City Center testing centers. Please Note: Students must register with ATI to take a TEAS test. Choose "In-Person, Proctored at an Institution" when registering. See TEAS Testing information below to learn more.

Testing Information

  • Testing Guidelines

    On-Campus Testing Guidelines

    General Information

    • On-campus placement testing is available on a walk-in basis
    • Available at our Main, Romeoville, and City Center campuses
    • iCampus exams, Make Up exams and select certification/specialized exams are by appointment only.

    All testers must follow these Guidelines

    • Cell phones, iPods, smart watches and all other electronic devices are prohibited. Lockers are available for these items. If a tester is caught with a device, their test may be confiscated and the incident will be reported. The tester may be banned from Testing Services for a period of time.
    • Cell phones will be required to be placed and secured into a Yondr pouch before it is locked up in one of the provided lockers. This is an added test security measure to ensure cell phones are not being brought into the computer lab. The pouch will be unlocked upon leaving the testing center as you return your locker key.
    • Food and beverages are not allowed. These items must be disposed before entering Testing Services.
    • Backpacks, books, paperwork, electronic devices, hats, scarves and all other personal items are not allowed. Lockers are available for these items. If items do not fit in a locker, they must be stored elsewhere.
    • Jackets and Coats are not allowed in the testing centers.
    • Children are not allowed in the testing centers.
    • No talking or distractions allowed in the testing centers.
    • Testers must present appropriate photo ID. There are no exceptions to this rule. Individuals without a photo ID will not be allowed to test. A picture of a photo ID will not be accepted.
    • Calculators and ear plugs are provided upon request. Note: Calculators are not permitted for all exams. Calculators are not permitted for the ALEKS placement exam (effective Sept. 1, 2019).
    • No tests will begin within one hour of Testing Services' closing.
    • All testers must schedule their exams to allow for enough time to complete testing. For example, if a student has a two-hour exam, the student must schedule accordingly.
    • Exams must be completed in one sitting. The exception to this rule is non-writing placement testing. Testers may complete a section or sections of the test and then take a break.
    • Homework will not be accepted by Testing Services. Testers must make arrangements with instructors to submit homework assignments.
    • If a tester is observed cheating, all testing and unauthorized materials will be confiscated. The Dean of Students, the tester's instructor, institution, company, or test producer will be notified immediately. The tester may be banned from Testing Services for a period of time.
    • Items left in Testing Services will be given to Campus Police.
    • All testers must follow the JJC Student Code of Conduct.
    • Mechanical pens and pencils are not allowed. Testing Services will provide standard pencils for testing.
    • All scratch paper and notes are collected at the end of an exam. 


    Cleaning and Safety Measures

    • Testers are encouraged to use hand sanitizer before and after testing within the computer lab
    • Workspaces cleaned regularly
    • Social distancing encouraged
    • Masks optional at all common areas and in the testing lab
    • Hand sanitizer provided campus-wide
    • Review JJC's COVID Information for up-to-date information on campus operations.


  • Important On-Campus Certification and Specialized Testing Information 

    You must have an appointment for the following tests. Please review the information on each test to see at which location the test is being offered and how to request an appointment.

    For more information on each test listed below, scroll further down on this page.

  • Do I Need To Make An Appointment For My Test?

    Availability by LocationMain CampusCity Center CampusRomeoville Campus
    ​Automotive Service Excellence Exam​Appointment
    Accuplacer Exam (Placement Testing)Walk-inWalk-inWalk-in
    ALEKS Exam (Placement Testing)Walk-inWalk-inWalk-in
    CLEP ExamAppointment​Appointment
    CNA (Illinois Nurse Aide) ExamAppointment (go to inace.nurseaidetesting.com to register)
    JJC iCampus TestingAppointmentAppointmentAppointment
    JJC Make-Up TestingAppointmentAppointmentAppointment
    NHA Testing  Appointment
    Pearson VUE Testing  Appointment
    Pearson VUE - GED Testing (State of Illinois High School Diploma) AppointmentAppointment
    Proctoring ServicesSee section below  
    ​TEAS Exam​Appointment ​Appointment


    Last updated July 7, 2024.

Tests for Future and Current JJC Students

  • Placement Tests

    About Placement Testing

    Placement tests are required if you need to take a JJC English or math class.*

    After completing these exams, your scores will help determine which JJC classes you should take, so you don't enroll in a class that's too easy or too challenging.

    Accuplacer Exam: Reading, Writing, English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and, if applicable, geometry

    ALEKS Exam: Math

    Take a Placement Test

    Review Accuplacer and ALEKS information on our Placement Testing page for more information on placement testing.

    Visit our Placement Testing Page
    *Alternate and Temporary placement measures such as ACT, SAT, PSAT, and High School GPA are available and can also be used to place into English and math courses. Visit our Placement Testing page for more information.

  • JJC iCampus and Make-up Testing

    JJC iCampus & Make-Up Testing (requires MyJJC ID)

    JJC Testing Services provides iCampus and make-up testing free of charge to JJC students.

    iCampus exams and Make Up exams are by appointment only and are available at the Main, Romeoville, and City Center campuses. 

    To make an appointment for your iCampus or Make Up exam; simply log in to iCampus, select your course and find Testing Services under the Course Navigation menu on the left-hand side to schedule your appointment through RegisterBlast. This will take you to an Exam Registration screen where you will select your exam and schedule it by selecting the date and time you wish to come take it. The default location for all registrations is Main Campus, but you are also able to select Romeoville or City Center as an alternate location to test as well.

    Important Reminders:

    • For iCampus/Hybrid classes, you must schedule your exam at least 12 hours in advance.
    • For all exams, we allow a 15 minute grace period for you to be late for your appointment.
      • If you arrive later than that time; you may not be allowed to take your test or receive your full time based on lab capacity and/or hours of operation and may need to reschedule for another date and time.


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. Testing Services will work closely with JJC's Disability Services Office to provide this for you. If you need accommodations, call JJC Disability Services at 815.280.2613 or email at disabilityservices@jjc.edu

    Student Information

    Log in to MyJJC for info about photo ID requirements, locations and testing accommodations for:

    Faculty Information

    Log in to MyJJC for the following:

    Last updated July 7, 2024.

TEAS Testing (On-Campus Only)

  • On-Campus TEAS Testing

    Please Note: TEAS Testing is offered on-campus only.

    Who Needs to Take the TEAS Exam?

    Students entering any of the following programs must take the test:

    Deadlines: Certain programs have deadlines for your TEAS scores. Please check with your program to see when you need to take the test.

    Program Specific Information: Review the TEAS Interpretation Guide for information about your TEAS scores, program advisor, retesting and next steps.

    Who to Contact with QuestionsPhone Number
    Nursing Faculty Advisor815.280.2435
    Radiologic Technology Faculty Advisor815.280.2658
    Diagnostic Medical Sonography Faculty Advisor815.280.2658
    Respiratory Therapy Advisor815-280-2658

    TEAS Testing Locations

    ATI TEAS exams will take place at the following locations:

    • Main Campus
    • Romeoville Campus
    • City Center Campus

    About the TEAS Exam

    The TEAS exam is a timed, computer-based exam conducted by the Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI). "TEAS" stands for the Test of Essential Academic Skills. This three-and-a-half-hour exam includes 170 questions.

    Learn More

    Cost & Fees

    • The cost of the TEAS test is $97 plus tax.
    • TEAS Exam fees are subject to change.


    How to Register for the TEAS Exam at JJC

    1. If you need testing accommodations, contact JJC's Disability Services department ahead of time at disabilityservices@jjc.edu or call 815.280.2613.
    2. Purchase and schedule the TEAS test through ATI to test at JJC Testing Services. Choose "In-Person, Proctored at an Institution" when registering.
    3. Follow on-campus appointment rules and safety guidelines (listed above).
    4. Watch our On-Campus Safety video to prepare for your testing appointment.
    5. Arrive at your scheduled location 10 minutes before your exam with your photo ID.

    Photo IDs Required: Please bring a current, government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license or passport to your testing appointment.


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. Testing Services will work closely with JJC's Disability Services Office to provide this for you. If you need accommodations, please email disabilityservices@jjc.edu or call 815.280.2613.

    Can I Take the TEAS More Than Once?

    You are only allowed three attempts at taking the TEAS exam within a five-year period.

    You should only take the TEAS test once per semester. Only the first test score for the semester will be considered. A semester begins on the first day of classes for a given semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer) and ends on the day before the first day of classes for the next semester. Visit our Academic Calendar for reference and view our chart below.

    Please Note: With the new version of the TEAS (7) in June of 2022, the counter will be reset. Students who had taken TEAS (6) 3-times will now be able to take TEAS (7) 3-times in 5 years. Only the first score of any semester is valid for ranking in our programs. All other attempts in a semester are counted against your total allowed attempts in 5 years.

    JJC SemestersThe Semester Begins on...The Semester Ends on...
    FallThe first day of Fall semester classesThe day before first day of Spring semester classes
    SpringThe first day of Spring semester classesThe day before first day of Summer I semester classes
    SummerThe first day of Summer I semester classesThe day before first day of Fall Semester classes

    More Details About the Exam

    Visit our Admissions page and the section titled "Health and Occupational Science Students." See admissions criteria to learn more about the TEAS exam.

    Visit Our Admissions Page

    Your TEAS Score

    ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute) will provide you with your TEAS score. After the test is completed, results are available within a few hours. Scores may be accessed on the “My Results” page found in your personal ATI online student account.

    Contact Information

    Questions? Email testingservices@jjc.edu or call 815.280.2261. 

    Last updated on March 28, 2024

State of Illinois High School Diploma Tests

  • GED Testing

    About the GED Test (State of Illinois High School Diploma)

    GED Testing, produced by Pearson VUE is a four-part, computer-based test. Each part is between 90-150 minutes in length.

    The four parts include:

    • Reasoning through language arts
    • Mathematical reasoning
    • Science
    • Social studies

    Results are sent to your county's Regional Office of Education and are available online through the Pearson VUE website.

    What to expect in a Pearson VUE Test Center
    GED Exam Prep Options

    Cost & Fees

    • GED Discounts Available: Log in to your GED profile to schedule a test.  Enter the code ILSAVE20 at check-out.
    • In Illinois, each of the four parts is $30; this equates to $120
    • GED Testing fees are subject to change

    How to Sign Up to Take the GED

    1. Contact GED Testing Services if you require testing accommodations.
    2. Purchase and schedule the GED through Pearson VUE. Select JJC as your preferred testing location.
    3. Arrive 10 minutes before your exam with your photo ID.

    Photo IDs Required: Please bring a current, government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license or passport to your testing appointment.


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. Accommodations are requested, approved, and provided by Pearson VUE. Make an accommodation request or learn more.


    • Pearson VUE provides you with your score. Unofficial test results are available online within 48 hours.

    Last updated January 11, 2023.

  • Constitution Exam

    About the Constitution Exam (State of Illinois High School Diploma)

    Effective July 1, 2022, JJC'S Testing Services will no longer offer the Constitution exam as part of the State of Illinois High School Diploma. The new online Illinois Constitution Module (Constitution Module) is available beginning July 1, 2022 at http://ilconstitution.org/. It is estimated it will take two hours for a student to complete. It is available for State of Illinois High School Diploma candidates to take independently and does not require proctoring at a testing center.

    Last updated January 11, 2023.

Other Available Tests

  • Automotive Service Excellence Exam

    About the ASE Exam

    Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) exams are timed, computer-based exams. These exams vary in length (30 minutes - 2 hours and 15 minutes). 

    ASE Exams include but are not limited to the following testing categories:

    • Automobile/ Light Truck
    • Collision and Refinishing
    • Service Consultant
    • Truck Equipment
    • Alternate Fuels
    • Maintenance and Light Repair
    • Transit Bus
    • Advanced Level
    • Parts Specialist
    • School Bus
    • Medium/ Heavy Truck
    • Specialty

    Cost & Fees

    • Cost of the exam includes registration, certification and re-certification fees
    • Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Exam fees are subject to change.

    Test Location

    • Available at Main Campus by appointment only
    • Main Campus is located at 1215 Houbolt Road, Joliet, IL 60431
    • Questions? Call 815.280.2261 or 815.280.2284

    How to Sign Up to Take the ASE Exam

    Follow the steps below to register for an ASE Exam and complete this exam at a JJC location. We only schedule ASE exams up to 10 days out for staff scheduling purposes.

    1. Contact Prometric if you need testing accommodations.
    2. Purchase and schedule your ASE Exam through Prometric. If you want to take the test at JJC, make sure you include that information during your registration process.
    3. Call 815.280.2261 or 815.280.2284 to schedule your appointment at JJC.
    4. Arrive at JJC 10 minutes before your exam with your photo ID.

    Photo IDs Required: Please bring a current, government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license or passport to your testing appointment.


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. If you need accommodations, please contact Prometric directly.


    • Prometric, producer of Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Exams, will provide you with your score.
    • Upon completing your exam(s), Testing Services will provide you with a score report.

    Last updated on October, 24, 2024

  • CLEP Exam

    About the CLEP Exam

    The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) allows you to earn proficiency credit using CLEP scores and corresponding JJC course equivalencies. For more information about scores, course equivalencies, and the CLEP Awarding Process at JJC visit the Credit for Prior Learning CLEP page

    With the exception of the College Composition CLEP test, each test lasts 90 minutes. Most tests (except for the College Composition test) are primarily composed of multiple-choice questions. Some mathematics exams include fill-in-the-blank type questions. All exams are scored on a scale of 20 to 80, not 1 to 100.

    IMPORTANT: JJC requires completion of the CLEP "College Composition" Exam. "College Composition Modular" Only will not be accepted.

    View each CLEP exam description
    View CLEP preparation options

    Cost & Fees

    • CLEP examinees will pay CLEP exam fees during time of online registration. On the day of testing, the examinee will also pay a $30 administrative fee to Testing Services. 
    • CLEP Exam fees are subject to change.

    Test Location 

    CLEP testing is available at the Main Campus and Romeoville Campus. Call Main Campus at 815.280.2261 or Romeoville Campus at 815.280.7785 to make an appointment.

    • Main Campus Testing Services (A-1138 in Campus Center)
      1215 Houbolt Road
      Joliet, IL  60431
    • Romeoville Campus Testing Services (RMA-1039)
      1125 West Romeo Road (West 135th Street)
      Romeoville, IL  60446

    How to Sign Up for a CLEP Exam

    1. If you need testing accommodations, contact JJC Testing Services ahead of time.
    2. Create an account through College Board and register for an exam(s).
    3. Call Main Campus at 815.280.2261 or Romeoville Campus at 815.280.7785 to make an appointment for your test.
    4. Arrive at your scheduled location 10 minutes before your exam with your photo ID and $30 for the Testing Services CLEP administrative fee.


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. Contact your preferred test center in advance to make arrangements and to find out its deadline for submission of documentation for approval of accommodations. Accommodations that can be arranged directly with test centers include:

    • ZoomText (screen magnification)
    • Modifiable screen colors
    • Use of a reader, an amanuensis, or a sign language interpreter
    • Extended time
    • Untimed rest breaks

    If the above accommodations do not meet your needs, contact CLEP Services about other nonstandard options before you register through My Account. 

    Photo ID Requirements

    Appropriate photo ID is required the date of your test.

    You must present one form of a valid, current ID. It must bear your full name in English language characters, and must contain a recognizable photograph and a signature. View ID requirements for DANTES-funded military candidates. 

    CLEP candidates who fail to present appropriate ID will not be tested.

    ID requirements include:

    • Be government issued
    • Be an original document (photocopies not acceptable)
    • Be valid and current (expired documents are not acceptable)
    • Bear the test-taker's full name, in English characters, exactly as it appears on the Registration Ticket, including the order of the names
    • Middle initials are optional and only need to match the first letter of the middle name when present on both the ticket and the identification
    • Bear a recent recognizable photo that clearly matches the test-taker
    • Include the test-taker's signature
    • Be in good condition, with clearly legible text and a clearly visible photography

    Examples of an acceptable ID include:

    • Current, government-issued passport with name, photo and signature
    • Valid driver's license with name, photo and signature
    • State or Province ID issued by the motor vehicle agency with name, photo and signature
    • Military ID with name, photo and signature (All DANTES-funded military candidates must present a current military ID)
    • National ID with name, photo and signature
    • Tribal ID card with name, photo and signature
    • Naturalization card or certificate of citizenship with name, photo and signature
    • A Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) with name, photo and signature

    If the student is a minor and can't present an ID:

    • Fill out the College Board Student ID Form. This form must include a recognizable photo and the school or notary seal must overlap the photo. The student must sign the ID form in the presence of the designated school official or notary. The student must also sign the ID form again at the test center in the presence of a Test Center Administrator. This form is only valid at test centers located in the U.S. The ID form must be dated and is valid for only one year.
    • Questions? Call 800.257.9558 or 212.237.1331. Email clep@info.collegeboard.org.

    Unacceptable forms of ID include but are not limited to:

    • Credit or debit cards
    • Social Security card
    • Employee or work ID
    • School ID
    • Photocopied or expired documents
    • Documents that do not bear a recent recognizable photo that clearly matches the test-taker
    • Documents that do not bear the test-taker's name in roman English characters exactly as it appears on the Registration Ticket
    • Documents that are worn, torn, scuffed, scarred or otherwise damaged in such a manner that it renders any part of the text on the ID card illegible or renders any part of the photo unrecognizable
    • Any document that appears tampered with or altered 

    Last updated on July 7, 2024.

  • CNA (Illinois Nurse Aide) Exam

    About the CNA (Illinois Nurse Aide) Exam

    The CNA Exam is a 90-minute, computer-based exam. This exam has been created by Southern Illinois University (SIU).

    Video & Presentation About the Exam

    Before taking the exam, you should make sure you are eligible. Contact your CNA instructor.

    Cost & Fees

    • CNA Exam fees are subject to change.

    Test Location

    • This testing is available at Romeoville Campus (1125 West Romeo Road, Romeoville IL). Call 815.280.7786 to make an appointment.

    How to Sign Up for the CNA Exam

    1. Speak with your CNA instructor if you require testing accommodations.
    2. Purchase and schedule the CNA Exam through Southern Illinois University. Select "Joliet Junior College Romeoville Campus Testing Services" as your location.  
    3. Arrive 10 minutes before your exam with your photo ID.

    Photo IDs Required: Please bring a current, government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license or passport to your testing appointment.


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. If you need a testing accommodation, contact your CNA instructor. Learn more about the testing accommodation request process.


    Last updated June 3, 2019.

  • NHA Testing

    Who Needs to Take the NHA Exam?

    Students that successfully complete the following courses through the JJC Patient Care Technician Program must take the certification exam:

    • NA 120/123 Phlebotomy Technician Training and Practicum – NHA Exam CPT Certified Phlebotomy Technician
    • NA 122/125 Electrocardiography Technician Training and Practicum – NHA CET Certified Electrocardiography Technician
    • Program completion of the Patient Care Technician Program NU425 – NHA CPCT-A Certified Phlebotomy Technician

    Deadlines: Registration must be 9 days prior to the scheduled certification exam

    Who to Contact with QuestionsEmailPhone Number
    Ruth Ann Reelruthann.reel@jjc.edu815-280-2489

    NHA Testing Locations

    NHA Testing is only available at our Romeoville campus.

    About the NHA Exam

    Learn More

    Cost & Fees

    • The cost of the NHA test is CPT $129.00, CET $129.00, and CPCT-A $165.00.
    • On the day of testing, a $10 administrative fee for each exam is to be paid to JJC Testing Services.


    How to Register for an NHA Exam at JJC

    1. If you need testing accommodations, submit an accommodation request along with the appropriate documentation.   
    2. Please follow this PDF on How to Apply for the NHA Exam Through JJC
    3. Follow on-campus appointment rules and safety guidelines (listed above).
    4. Arrive at your scheduled location 10 minutes before your exam with your photo ID and prepared to pay the $10 administrative fee.

    Photo IDs Required: Please bring a current, government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license or passport to your testing appointment.


    NHA is proud to be able to provide accommodations as needed for eligible candidates. Through the NHA Help Center candidates can submit an accommodation request along with the appropriate documentation.   

    For an accommodation to be reviewed, the candidate must have an active application in the system for a future test date and submit the request at least 30 days in advance of that date. Accommodations that are approved will be automatically linked to that candidate’s account for 1 year from the approval date, applicable to all future exam applications. Candidates should monitor their email inboxes for requests for additional documentation as needed.   

  • Pearson VUE Testing

    About Pearson VUE Testing

    Pearson VUE Exams are computer-based tests which vary in length.

    Cost & Fees

    • Fees are subject to change and are dependent on test type
    • You will pay Pearson VUE Exam fees during time of online registration

    Test Locations

    • Testing is available at Main Campus, Romeoville Campus, and City Center Campus. 
    How to Sign Up to Take the Pearson VUE Test

    Follow the steps below to register for a Pearson VUE Exam and complete this exam at Main Campus, Romeoville Campus, or City Center Campus.

    1. Contact Pearson VUE if you require testing accommodations.
    2. Purchase and schedule a Pearson VUE Exam; during this registration process, you may select your preferred Testing Services location.
    3. Arrive at your scheduled location 10 minutes before your exam with your photo identification.

    Photo IDs Required: Please bring a current, government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license or passport to your testing appointment.


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. Accommodations are requested, approved, and provided by Pearson VUE.  Available testing accommodations, accommodation policies, as well as the process to request exam accommodations.

    • Pearson VUE provides the tester with scores.
    • Length of wait time for unofficial and official score reports is dependent on test type.

     Last updated on March 22, 2019.

  • Proctoring Services

    About Proctoring Services

    Proctoring Services are available to non-JJC students who must complete a proctored exam for another academic institution, which includes both paper/pencil and computer-based testing. Proctoring services are not available for certification exams.

    Testing Location and Fees
    • Available at Main Campus only at this time.
    • $35 administrative fee for each exam (paid to Testing Services).
    • Proctoring Services fees are subject to change.


    Proctoring Policies
    • Proctored exams require approval from the test candidate's home institution, approval from the JJC Testing Services, and a scheduled appointment with JJC Testing Services.
      • It is recommended that students start this process early.
      • Students are responsible for meeting their own test deadlines and ensuring that the JJC Testing Services is in possession of their exam before their scheduled exam date.
      • Proctor appointments fill quickly and may not be available during high-volume testing periods.
    • Appointments must be made a minimum of 7 days in advance.
    • $35 Proctor fee is due at the time of the appointment.
    • When making an appointment, you agree to all of the terms above. Please review them before making an appointment. You can call or email our Testing Associate with any additional questions or concerns at (815) 280-2268 or email rachael.olson@jjc.edu.
    • JJC Testing Services does not have the ability to download the Respondus program, or any lockdown browser, from other institutions. Alternatives to this method include providing a paper/pencil copy or securing the exam with a password instead of the lockdown browser.
    • Testers may not bring in laptops or other electronic devices. JJC Testing Services does not have the capability.
    Photo ID Requirements

    Appropriate physical photo identification is required. You must provide a physical photo ID including a name and picture, this can be any physical photo ID. JJC Testing Services will always defer to educational institution or employer photo ID requirements. In the absence of those requirements, JJC Testing Services will adhere to the following photo ID requirements. Photocopies or reproductions are not acceptable. 


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. You must request testing accommodations from your educational institution or employer.

    How To Sign Up
    1. Contact your educational institution or employer about having your exam(s) proctored at JJC Testing Services, and fill out the Proctoring Services Request Form.
    2. You will then receive an email within 24 to 48 business hours to discuss your exam.
    3. Once an appointment has been set up, contact your institution or employer to request your testing information be sent to our Testing Services Office.
    4. Arrive 10 minutes before your exam with your photo ID, and $35 for the Testing Services Proctoring Services administrative fee.


    Last updated on July 3, 2024

  • WorkKeys Exam

    About the WorkKeys Exam

    WorkKeys is a computer-based, job skills test that measures "real world" skills that are critical to job success. These skills are valuable for both skilled and professional jobs, and at any level of education. JJC is your site to attain the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) issued by ACT.

    The WorkKeys exam is often used by employers to assess prospective or current employees in many workforce skills areas. If you are representing an organization that is interested in using WorkKeys, contact Workforce Development at 815.280.1526 for more info.

    Cost & Fees

    • You will pay your WorkKeys Exam fee to Workforce Development at the time of registration
    • Fees are subject to change and are dependent on number of tests attempted. 

    Test Locations

    • Testing is available at Main Campus, Romeoville Campus, and City Center Campus. Call Workforce Development at 815.280.1526 for an appointment.

    How to Sign Up for the WorkKeys Exam

    1. To schedule and pay for your WorkKeys Exam contact Workforce Development at 815.280.1526. Specify your preferred Testing Services location.
    2. Arrive 10 minutes before your exam with your photo ID.


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. Some accommodations are embedded in this computer-based exam; some accommodation requests may require additional documentation. Call Workforce Development at 815.280.1526 to learn more and to make a request.

    Photo ID Requirements

    Appropriate photo ID is required at the time you take the test.

    Photo IDs need to include a name and photo. Photocopies or reproductions are not acceptable. Preferred photo ID options include, but are not limited to:

    • Driver's License
    • ID Card
    • U.S. Passport
    • U.S. Military Picture ID
    • Federal Picture ID
    • Alien Registration Card
    • Any other current, government-issued picture ID (This form of identification may be issued by any government.)
    • Company Identification
    • Police Identification
    • Other Institutional Identification with name and picture
    • JJC School ID
    • Other School ID with name and picture
    • ACT, producer of WorkKeys, provides you with scores.
    • After the test is completed, results are available immediately. 

    Last updated on March 22, 2019.

  • Illinois State Police Merit Board Exam

    Illinois State Police Merit Board Exam (ISPMB)

    The ISPMB exam is a 150-minute, computer-based exam.    

    As part of the application process to become an Illinois State Police officer, candidates will complete the Law Enforcement Office Selection Tool (LST), an entry-level law enforcement officer selection exam owned by Industrial/ Organizational Solutions (IOS). 

    Cost & Fees

    • ISPMB Exam fees are subject to change.
    • ISPMB examinees will pay a $15 administrative fee to Testing Services.

    Test Location

    • This testing is available at Main Campus. Call 815.280.2261 or 815.280.2284 to make an appointment.
    How to Sign Up to take the ISPMB
    1. Upon approval by the ISPMB, you may choose Joliet as your preferred testing site.
    2. Contact ISPMB at 217.786.6240 if you need testing accommodations.
    3. Call a JJC Testing Services location to schedule your appointment.
    4. Arrive 10 minutes before your exam with your photo ID, letter of invitation from the ISPMB, and $15 for the Testing Services ISPMB administrative fee.

    Photo IDs Required: Bring your letter of invitation from the ISPMB and valid driver's license or state photo ID card.


    If you have a documented disability affecting your ability to take the test, you can receive accommodations. Accommodations are requested, approved, and provided by ISPMB. Contact ISPMB at 217.786.6240 to learn about available testing accommodations, accommodation policies, as well as the process to request exam accommodations.

    • ISPMB provides you with scores.
    • Note: You will not be given your scores at the end of the test session.  The ISPMB will contact all candidates after the yearly testing cycle has been completed. Candidates should expect to have to wait several weeks for their results. Candidates will be contacted via email by the ISPMB.
    • Questions? Contact ISPMB at 217.786.6240 or info@ispmeritboard.org.  


    Last updated on March 22, 2019.