American Red Cross Blood Drive
New application periods and admission criteria changes are outlined below.
Begin Nursing in the Fall Semester (August 2025)
Apply between May 15 - 31, 2025 (transcript must be submitted by March 1)
Begin Nursing in the Spring Semester (January 2026)
Apply between October 15 - 31, 2025 (transcript must be submitted by August 1)
Begin Nursing in the Spring Semester (January 2026)
Apply between October 15 - 31, 2025 (transcript must be submitted by August 1)
NOTE: The LPN to Transition NURS 170 course will not run in the fall semester of 2025.
The following general education courses MUST be completed with a grade “C” or better prior to application submission beginning with the May 15 - 31, 2025 application and all future applications.
• BIO 250 (BIO 149 or 151 may be a prerequisite)
• BIO 251
• BIO 240
• COMM 101 *
• ENG 101 *
• HEAL 109
• NURS 100
• PSYC 101 *
*Dual credit course offered at many high schools.
A 4-credit elective course completed with a grade "C" or better will be required prior to completion of the nursing program. This may be taken prior to or concurrently with the nursing program and can be any course the student selects.
BIO 149
MATH 128
Students in the nursing program must follow each clinical agency’s policy regarding tattoos that are not hidden by clothing. All tattoos must be covered unless covering poses an infection control issue (i.e., hand tattoos).
Jewelry must reflect professionalism and asepsis and must be limited to a watch, a single pair of small post-type earrings and a plain wedding band. Students with ear gauges must wear a solid, skin-tone plug in the stretched lobe(s); gauges must be no larger than a nickel. Nothing can be dangling or hanging below the ear including, but not limited to, jewelry or ear tissue.
All nursing programs (CNA, LPN, RN, LPN to RN Transition) strongly recommend that all students be fully vaccinated and boosted for COVID-19 prior to entrance into the program in order to complete the clinical requirements of the program. Proof of other immunity and/or vaccination, a drug screen and criminal background check are also required and will be communicated to applicants when provisionally accepted into the program. If a student is accepted into the program and fails the criminal background check and drug screen and/or does not have the mandatory vaccinations, the student will be removed from the program.
The nursing program of Joliet Junior College has a rich history, with the first nursing class of 11 having graduated in 1971.
Today, more than 100 students graduate from both the practical nurse program and the registered nurse program annually. Our students have the benefit of a state-of-the-art simulation center in the Health Professions Center. High-fidelity simulation enhances our students' education and adds to the realism of the learning experience.
The 2024 figures from the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) show the rates for candidates who have completed the registered nurse (RN) and licensed practical nurse (LPN) tests for the past five years. It is based on their completion of the licensure examinations for the first time upon graduating from an Illinois-approved nursing education program.
JJC’s first-time pass rate in 2024 for the NCLEX-RN was 93%. That’s well above the national average of 91%.
As for the NCLEX-PN, JJC’s first-time pass rate in 2024 was 99%. By comparison, the national rate was 88%.
The Associate Degree Nursing program is designed for persons who wish to become registered nurses (R.N.). The program combines classroom experience on main campus with clinical experience in community health facilities.
The Certificate of Achievement pathway will be earned after the first year of nursing courses and is designed for persons who wish to become Practical Nurses (P.N.). The program combines classroom experience on main campus with clinical experience in community health facilities.
This pathway is designed to assist the non-collegiate Licensed Practical Nurse in the role changes necessary for transition to the ADN (RN preparation) curriculum at JJC.
The Certified Nurse Assistant Training course (NA 101) prepares students to administer patient care as a member of a nursing team in hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, and other extended care facilities.
Learn more about our Nursing program by viewing the Power Point presentation or attending an in-person information session.
Power Point Information Session
In-Person Information Sessions:
Tuesday, March 25 - 4:00 to 5:00pm
Tuesday, April 22 - 1:30 to 2:30pm
Information Sessions are held at Main Campus in the U-Building Auditorium, U-1024
The associate degree nursing program at Joliet Junior College located in Joliet, Illinois is accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326
Phone:(404) 975-5000
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the associate degree nursing program is continuing accreditation.
View public information disclosed by ACEN
Students considering a program of study that leads to professional licensure, endorsement or certification in Nursing should contact the appropriate licensing agency in the state where you plan to be licensed prior to enrollment at Joliet Junior College to ensure the coursework meets that state's requirements. Links to the requirements for each state can be found at the National Council for State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). https://ww.ncsbn.org/14730.htm
As part of our quest for continuous quality improvement and to meet our accreditation standards, the JJC Nursing Program tracks the number of traditional pathway students who graduate on time (4 semesters) and 150% (6 semesters) for the RN program. Additionally, the JJC Nursing Program tracks the completion rates of our LPN to RN transition students on time (3 semesters) and 150% (4 semesters).
Day Program (150% of the time/6 semesters)
RN Program Completion Rates | On Time (4 Semesters) | 150% (6 Semesters) |
2023-2024 graduates SP22/FL22 start | 41% | Results available SP25 |
2022-2023 graduates SP21/FL21 start | 34% | 46% |
2021-2022 graduates SP20/FL20 start | 27% | 44% |
Completion Rates LPN Transition Program | On Time (3 Semesters) | 150% (4 Semesters) |
2023-2024 graduates FL22/SP23 start | 24% | 28% |
2022-2023 graduates FL21/SP22 start | 27% | 40% |
2021-2022 graduates FL20/SP21 start | 7% | 20% |
NCLEX-RN is the national licensure examination that nursing graduates take after graduation. The passage rate represents the students who passed the examination on their first attempt. Nurses must pass this examination before they can be licensed to practice as a registered nurse (RN).
Year | JJC Average | Illinois Average | National Average |
2024 | 93% | 87% | 91% |
2023 | 97% | 85% | 89% |
2022 | 87% | 77% | 80% |
2021 | 95% | 82% | 82% |
2020 | 96% | 88% | 87% |
2019 | 99% | 88% | 88% |
2018 | 93% | 88% | 88% |
2017 | 95% | 86% | 87% |
2016 | 92% | 85% | 85% |
2015 | 96% | 86% | 85% |
2014 | 92% | 84% | 82% |
2013 | 93% | 85% | 83% |
2012 | 96% | 91% | 90% |
2011 | 95% | 88% | 88% |
NCLEX-PN is the national licensure examination that practical nursing graduates take after graduation. The passage rate represents the students who passed the examination on their first attempt. Nurses must pass this examination before they can be licensed to practice as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).
Year | JJC Average | Illinois Average | National Average |
2024 | 99% | 91% | 88% |
2023 | 96% | 88% | 87% |
2022 | 100% | 77% | 80% |
2021 | 88% | 83% | 80% |
2020 | 100% | 87% | 83% |
2019 | 99% | 89% | 86% |
2018 | 100% | 89% | 86% |
2017 | 98% | 86% | 84% |
2016 | 100% | 91% | 84% |
2015 | 99% | 88% | 82% |
2014 | 100% | 86% | 82% |
2013 | 98% | 88% | 85% |
2012 | 100% | 85% | 84% |
2011 | 99% | 87% | 85% |