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Residents residing in another Illinois community college district that does not offer a program of study which is available at Joliet Junior College should request a Cooperative Agreement at his/her/their local community college.
The cooperative agreement request must be submitted to your local community college according to their respective deadline date. Students may need to verify deadline dates with the specific community college. If the cooperative agreement is approved by the home district, the student will be responsible for paying only the in-district tuition rate to attend JJC. The approved request should be mailed, faxed or submitted to the JJC Admissions Office for processing.
The in-district rate of tuition shall apply only to coursework for currently approved programs of study between cooperating colleges. Students who change programs of study outside of these existing agreements will be billed at the out-of-district rate of tuition for all coursework.
For more information regarding incoming cooperative requests and approval process, please contact your local community college. Any questions regarding the process after the approved request is submitted to JJC, please contact the Admissions office at (815) 280-2493.
Residents of Joliet Junior College, District 525, may be eligible to attend another community college at the in-district rate of tuition for a career degree or certificate that is not available at JJC.
To receive approval for a cooperative agreement, the following guidelines must be completed. Failure to comply with the guidelines will prevent you from obtaining approval.
The JJC district resident must complete the online cooperative agreement request form once per academic year before the Fall semester deadline date. The authorization will be valid for one academic year beginning with the Fall semester. The academic year consists of Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.
Cooperative Agreement Requests must be submitted for each semester by the deadline dates listed below:
Requests received after the deadline date will be rejected.
No cooperative agreement will be approved retroactively.
If the cooperative agreement request is approved, then the in-district tuition rate will be applied only for courses that are required for the approved program. However, students with approved agreements will be charged the out-of-district rate of tuition for the following:
Distance is not considered a basis for approving a Cooperative Agreement. The time of day, day of the week, the particular semester or term of offering, or the component parts of the program are not considered as factors affecting approval. A cooperative agreement can only be approved for Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree and certificate programs in the Career and Technical areas and not approved for transfer programs.
For more information regarding outgoing cooperative agreement requests please contact the Academic Affairs office at (815) 280-2460.
Cooperative Agreement Request FormJoliet Junior College has entered into a joint educational agreement entitled Comprehensive Agreement Regarding the Expansion of Educational Resources (C.A.R.E.E.R.). This agreement greatly expands the number of applied science degrees and/or certificate programs to residents of District 525.
Colleges in the C.A.R.E.E.R. Agreement:
What is Cooperative Agreement?
The Illinois Public Community College Act of 1965 provides that if a student wishes to take a "curriculum of studies" not offered in the home community college district, but is offered in another Illinois community college district, the home community college district may pay the non-resident portion of the tuition while he/she/they are enrolled in such a program.
When do I need to apply?
You must apply with JJC prior to the following deadline dates:
Fall - July 25th
Spring - December 15th
Summer - April 20th
What is a curriculum?
A curriculum is interpreted as an organized pattern of instruction within a discipline leading to a certificate or associate degree which is publicized in the official catalog of an Illinois public community college and approved by the Illinois Community College Board and the Illinois State Board of Education.
Both full- and part-time attendance is allowable. Individual courses, as in adult continuing education programs, are not considered "programs" for approval purposes, nor are programs that are generally considered to be baccalaureate oriented since the majority of the courses normally taken during the first two years of such programs are readily available at Joliet Junior College.
How do I know if the program is offered by JJC?
An outgoing cooperative agreement will not be authorized if the desired curriculum is offered by JJC. The determination of whether or not the desired program is offered is made by comparing the relevant JJC program with the desired curriculum and its component courses in the official catalog of the college the applicant wishes to attend. If JJC has a comparable curriculum as determined by the JJC Vice President for Academic Affairs, no cooperative agreement will be authorized.
What about residency?
To qualify for a cooperative agreement, the student must be a permanent resident of JJC District 525. The residence of unemancipated persons is that of their parents. If the applicant is of foreign citizenship, proof of permanent residence (green card or its new equivalent) is required. Residents of District 525 are eligible for a cooperative agreement after they have resided in the district for 30 days and verify their residency with an Illinois Driver's License or state ID. A students who has a JJC cooperative agreement but establishes permanent residence out of the district will have his/her/their cooperative agreement terminated at the end of the term in which he/she/they moved.
NOTE: A student working a minimum of 35 hours in the community college district in which he/she/they would like to attend may, at the discretion of the college, be treated as an in-district student. A letter from the employer may be required as proof of employment. As this may vary from college district to college district, the student should contact the admissions office of that college to determine eligibility.
What about distance and inconvenience?
Distance and inconvenience are not considered as the basis for approving a cooperative agreement. If a program is offered anywhere within District 525, it is judged to be available. The time of day, the day of the week, or the particular semester or term of offering the program or its component parts are not considered as factors affecting approval.
What about JJC enrollment limitations?
The fact that a JJC program may have limited enrollment, or is temporarily closed to enrollment, or is regularly over-subscribed, is not considered as a factor affecting approval.
What about JJC entrance requirements?
The fact that an applicant for a cooperative agreement was refused admission to a JJC program because of failure to meet entrance requirements is not considered grounds for authorizing the agreement for a comparable program at another institution. Nor will JJC authorize a cooperative agreement to someone attempting to meet the entrance requirements or prerequisites for a particular program at another college.
What about closed-enrollment programs at another college?
If you are seeking admission to a closed admission program at another community college, a cooperative agreement will not be approved until you present an acceptance letter which indicates that you have been admitted into that program. Your cooperative agreement will then be authorized for the next attendance session provided you have completed the cooperative agreement application within the deadline date.
What if JJC develops a comparable program after I have begun the program at another community college?
If JJC authorized a cooperative agreement, and subsequently develops a comparable program, the student is not required to transfer back to JJC for the balance of the program.
How many Cooperative Agreements can a student have at the same time?
A student may not have more than one cooperative agreement at the same time.
What about courses I repeat?
Repeated courses or courses dropped after the drop date are not covered by the cooperative agreement.
What is the length of time covered by my Cooperative Agreement?
All cooperative agreements expire with the end of the summer semester/quarter. The approval is valid only for the time period which is indicated on the approved agreement. Another form must be filed for coursework which is to be taken after the time period approved with the initial or earlier application. Also, a new form will have to be submitted in the event you plan to pursue another program or attend another community college.