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Whether you are certain about your future career in business, undecided, or anywhere in between, the Associate in Arts (AA) Business Transfer Degree Program is the right place to start.
This program is designed for students who wish to complete two years of general education study at JJC prior to transferring to a university as a junior. In fact, when you complete your first two years of college at JJC, you'll save an average of $38,000.
In this program, you'll learn the skills that are essential to succeeding in any business career. The Business Transfer Program focuses on completion of the general education requirements and introductory business courses.
General education requirements include communication, social and behavioral sciences, humanities, fine arts, and mathematics. These are the same classes that are mandatory at four-year universities: so why not take them at JJC for a fraction of the cost?
An Associate in Arts (AA) Business Transfer Degree is not a career degree. Your career opportunities will depend on the area of specialization within business that you will chose after transfer.
The business transfer degree pathway featured below is designed to match the requirements of four-year programs in business. It represents a selection of courses from a broader list for the Associate in Arts (A.A.) transfer degree. Please note: It is strongly advised that prospective students meet with a faculty adviser (listed on the right side) before beginning this program. Faculty advisers will guide students in choosing the best pathway for them.
View Our Associate of Arts Degree
Completion of the pathway allows students to meet general educational and principals-level course requirements in business and transfer as a junior for further specialization in:
Note: Course selection varies depending on the transfer institution and future major selection. Please contact a Business faculty adviser to confirm.
Note: A grade of “C” or better is required for ENG 101 and ENG 102.
Plus one more IAI Social Science course from a different area. We recommend one of the following:
One IAI Humanities course. We recommend:
One IAI Fine Arts course. We recommend:
Plus one additional course from either area. Select one more course from the above recommended courses (3 credit hours)
To meet this requirement, one course must be from Physical Sciences and one course from Life Sciences with at least one of them being a lab course.
We highly recommend that you see a faculty adviser to assist with course selections.
Life Sciences:
Physical Sciences:
Select one of the courses listed below:
Note: Transfer requirements vary by institution. See a Business faculty adviser to confirm.
Plus one or the following:
The Associate in Arts (AA) Business Transfer Degree Program at JJC offers students the following benefits:
These are just some of the colleges and universities our students transfer to:
If the university you have in mind is not on the list, check iTransfer.org and JJC Transfer Programs for more information.
Did you know? Transfer students have a higher chance of being accepted at their dream school than high school graduates because they have been "college tested."
Students can complete their general education requirements at a fraction of the cost of attending a four-year university. In fact, students save approximately $38,000 in tuition and fees over two years in comparison to a state university.
It's not always easy to know what career path is right for you until you've taken different courses to see what you like. An AA with a Business Administration Major is a general degree in business. Once you get an idea what specialty is right for you, you may choose to further specialize in various business majors after transfer.