Business, Finance & Information Technology

Management and Supervision

Students in this non -transfer program learn about policy development, decision making skills, appropriate communication techniques, leadership skills, and how to motivate employees.

Business, Finance & Information Technology

Management Information Systems

The Management Information Systems AAS at JJC prepares students for an outstanding career in Management Information Systems (MIS)

Business, Finance & Information Technology


There are a significant number of opportunities for the Marketing graduate in the local, suburban and Chicago area.

Business, Finance & Information Technology

Retail Business Management

Retail is more than just working at a store. Retail managers oversee many aspects of a retail business, from personnel, to marketing, to customer service.

Business, Finance & Information Technology

Study Abroad Programs

What's new? New summer program! New program in Kenya offers unique opportunity to study Environmental Biology (BIO 146) while observing African animals during game drives. Application deadline

Business, Finance & Information Technology

Supply Chain Management

This program emphasizes the essentials of supply chain and operations management, the transportation and distribution process, and cargo security compliance.

Business, Finance & Information Technology

Warehousing and Distribution

With increased demand in the local transportation, warehousing and logistics industry, the Warehousing & Distribution Certificate Program is designed to prepare individuals for entry level positions.

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