American Red Cross Blood Drive
The Fine Arts Theatre hosts several events throughout the year. It is home to plays, musicals, concerts, and a variety of other productions.
Ready to get your tickets to the next show? JJC's new ticketing system allows you to easily make your purchases online.
We welcome all JJC students to participate in our productions, onstage or offstage, regardless of your major. No experience is necessary.
NUNSENSE THE MEGA-MUSICAL VERSION is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals
by Dan Goggin
5 of the Little Sisters of Hoboken go off to play bingo at another convent but return to find most of the other nuns have been accidentally poisoned by the convent cook, Sister Julie (child of God). Now the sisters must put on a variety show to raise money to bury them. Amid the chaos, it turns out that everyone wants to be a star in this 'habit-forming' musical comedy.
Performances will be held on March 6th-8th at 7pm and March 9th at 2pm.
Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind (30 plays in 60 minutes) produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. (
by Greg Allen
Performances will be April 24th-26th at 7pm and April 27th at 2pm.