POWER Testing

Print and complete the following waivers. Bring them with you on the day of your testing.
Hold Harmless
Release and Indemnity Agreement

Testing Location:
Main Campus - G Building
1215 Houbolt Road Joliet, IL 60431

Download map for parking info (PDF)

-NOTE: Do not park in Faculty Parking, you will be ticketed.

The Illinois Law Enforcement and Standards Board has established the Peace Officer Wellness Evaluation Report (P.O.W.E.R. Test). The test was created in recognition of the importance of physical fitness in the performance of essential law enforcement duties.

  • Power Card
  • Cost $50.00 (non-refundable) per candidate. Refunds will not be given after payment is received by JJC.
  • Pay using credit card
  • Flexible scheduling available Monday to Saturday. Failure to attend a scheduled Power test will result in forfeiture of all fees paid. Candidate may reschedule one time if requested at least 3 days in advance of the scheduled Power test
  • Conveniently located 30 miles southwest of Chicago at the intersection of I~80 and I~55.

For any questions regarding our testing services contact Ryan Harris at (815) 280-2875 or rharris@jjc.edu

Schedule a Power Test Here


Testing Information

  • How Will Physical Fitness Be Measured?

    The POWER test consists of four basic tests. Each test is a scientifically valid test. It is recommended that five minutes of static stretching, using techniques approved by the Board, be completed prior to each test. A five minute rest is recommended between each test with a fifteen minute rest before the 1.5 mile run. The tests will be given in the following sequence with a rest period between each test.

    POWER Chart

    AGE Range
    AGE Range
    Sit & Reach14.4131210.51716.51514.8
    1 Minute Sit Up3330241924201410
    Maximum Bench Press Ratio88%78%72%63%51%47%43%39%
    1.5 Mile Run14:0014:3415:2416:5816:4617:3818:3720:44



    Sit and Reach Test This is a measure of the flexibility of the lower back and upper leg area. It is an important area for performing police tasks involving range of motion and is also important in minimizing lower back problems. The test involves stretching out to touch the toes or beyond with extended arms from the sitting position. The score is in the inches reached on a sit and reach box. 

    Preparing for the test:

    a. Sit and Reach 
    Performing sitting type stretching exercises daily will increase flexibility in the hamstrings. Sitting on the ground with legs straight, slowing extend forward at the waist and reach for the toes (keeping knees flat to the ground). Hold for 10 seconds and repeat. 

    b. Towel Stretch 
    Sit on the ground with legs straight. Wrap a towel around the feet holding each end with both hands. Lean forward while pulling gently on the towel extending the torso forward toward the toes. 


    Sit-Up Test This is a measure of the muscular endurance of the abdominal muscles. It is an important area for performing police tasks that may involve the use of force and is also an important area for maintaining good posture and minimizing lower back problems. The score is in the number of bent leg sit-ups performed in one minute.

    Preparing for the test:

    Progressive routine is to practice doing as many bent leg full sit ups (hands interlocked behind the head) as possible in 30 seconds. Complete this for 3 sets at a time for 3 times a week. Gradually work up to doing as many full sit ups in 1 min. Once you have practiced and completed the correct amount of full sit ups in 1 min, DO NOT continue to practice them at least 3 days prior to your scheduled POWER Test.



    1 Repetition Maximum Bench Press This is a maximum weight pushed from the bench press position and measures the amount of force the upper body can generate. It is an important area for performing police tasks requiring upper body strength. The score is a ratio of weight pushed divided by body weight.

    Preparing for the test:

    If you have access to weights, determine your maximum weight you can bench press at 1 rep. Calculate 50-60% of your starting max rep. This will be your training weight. You should be able to complete 6-10 reps of this weight, 3 sets at a time. Once you can comfortably complete 10 reps at 3 sets continue to add 5-10 pounds and repeat training process.

    If you do not have access to weights, body weight pushups can be utilized. Determine how many full push ups you can do in 1 min. complete this 3 sets at a time, 3 times a week. 



    1.5 Mile Run This is a timed run to measure the heart and vascular system’s capability to transport oxygen. It is an important area for performing police tasks involving stamina and endurance and to minimize the risk of cardiovascular problems. The score is in minutes and seconds.

    Preparing for the test:

    Below is a sample schedule for a 12-week training session.  

    1Walk1 Mile20-175x per week
    2Walk1.5 Mile29-255x per week
    3Walk2 Miles35-325x per week
    4Walk2 Miles30-285x per week
    5Walk/Jog2 Miles275x per week
    6Walk/Jog2 Miles265x per week
    7Walk/Jog2 Miles255x per week
    8Walk/Jog2 Miles244x per week
    9Jog2 Miles234x per week
    10Jog2 Miles224x per week
    11Jog2 Miles214x per week
    12Jog2 Miles204x per week


    What Are the Standards?

    • The actual performance requirement for each test is based upon norms for a national population sample.
    • The applicant must pass every test.
    • The required performance to pass each test is based upon age (decade) and gender. While the absolute performance is different for the eight categories, the relative level of effort is identical for each age and gender group. All recruits are being required to meet the same percentile range in terms of their respective age/gender group. The performance requirement is that level of physical performance that approximates the 40th percentile for each age and gender group.

  • Additional Information

    • Applicants must be at least 20 years of age at time of scheduled power test and must provide government issued Driver’s License or State ID card.
    • The last day an applicant can register is one day prior to test date.
    • $50.00 for one attempt at the POWER test.
    • $20.00 for replacement or lost POWER card.
    • Refunds will not be given after payment is received by JJC.
    • Failure to attend a scheduled Power test will result in forfeiture of all fees paid.
    • A candidate may reschedule one time if requested at least 3 days in advance of the scheduled Power test.
    • All fees will be forfeited if POWER test is not completed within 3 months of submission of payment.
    • All participants of the Power test must wear appropriate exercise attire for indoor and outdoor events.
    • Gym shoes and socks are required. No street shoes or boots will be allowed in areas of the fitness center.
    • Test will be conducted rain or shine. Only in the case of extreme weather will a test be delayed or cancelled.
    • Cancellation of a test will be made at JJC’s discretion.
    • Remember to bring your own water or bottle.