JJC Board of Trustees Candidate Forum

Candidates for the Joliet Junior College Board of Trustees will participate in a forum, hosted by Student Government and the Office of Student Activities, on Tuesday, March 4.

The forum will take place from 5-6:30 p.m. in the U-Building Auditorium at Main Campus, 1215 Houbolt Road. Students, employees and the public are invited to attend.

JJC is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees, all of whom are elected from within the seven-county college district for at-large, staggered, six-year terms. A student representative, appointed annually, is a non-voting member of the board. Residents are asked to select no more than three candidates when marking their ballot. 

More information about the JJC Board of Trustees, including scheduled meeting dates and agendas, is available on the Board of Trustees web page.