American Red Cross Blood Drive
Joliet Junior College complies with the terms and provisions of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 ILCS 140/1.
In accordance with the Act, requests are to be submitted in writing by personal delivery, mail, or e-mail at foia@jjc.edu.
Mail FOIA requests to:
Joliet Junior College
Attention: Cara Anderson (FOIA Officer)
1215 Houbolt Road (J-2020)
Joliet, IL 60431
The college has designated Cara Anderson as its FOIA officer. All FOIA requests will be processed in a timely manner through the President’s Office, which supports the college and its students, faculty and staff through comprehensive college initiatives.
Upon receiving a FOIA request, our FOIA officer will send an acknowledgement email within 2 business days. Should you not receive an acknowledgement, please contact the FOIA officer at (815) 280-2384 to verify your request was received.
The college has a substantial amount of information available immediately in an electronic format, including institutional information and reports, which can be accessed via the Institutional Research office.
Fees for copies of documents will be administered in accordance with the Act. Requestors also have the option to inspect records in person at no cost or to receive electronic copies of documents when available.
Additional information on the Freedom of Information Act is available through the Illinois Attorney General's Office.