Literacy Services (Free Tutoring for Adults)
More than 2 million Illinois adults have poor skills in reading, writing, math or English proficiency.
If you need help in the following areas, our Adult Volunteer Literacy program is one of many that can help you. Tutoring is available for free.
- Reading
- Writing
- Math
- English
How the Program Works
Adults receive free tutoring at local libraries, JJC campuses and other community locations throughout the JJC district.
- Learners meet weekly with certified volunteer tutors for up to two hours at a time
- Sessions are available in the morning, afternoon or evenings
- Materials are provided
About Our Tutors
Our tutors are volunteers who care about their community. They receive 15 hours of tutor training before becoming certified to tutor individuals.
Sign Up for Literacy Tutoring
If you are at least 16 years old and feel that your reading, writing, math or English skills have kept you from fully sharing in your family, work and community, you may be able to participate in free group tutoring or one-on-one tutoring.
If you would like to request tutoring, fill out the student portion of our Literacy Tutor form.
Request Literacy Tutoring Now
Questions? Contact Galina Khartulari.
Galina Khartulari
Literacy Specialist
Department of Adult Education and Literacy
Phone 815-280-1331