American Red Cross Blood Drive
Whether you want to become a math teacher, engineer, or you need to meet math general education requirements for your program, JJC's Mathematics Department can help.
Heidi Lyne
Professor, Department Chair
Email: hspeer@jjc.edu
B.S. Saint Xavier University
M.S. DePaul University
Ed.D. Argosy University
John Bialas
Email: jbialas@jjc.edu
B.S. Illinois State University
M.S. Chicago State University
Nicholas Blatti
Assistant Professor
Email: nblatti@jjc.edu
B.S. University of St. Francis
M.S. University of Illinois Chicago
Joanne Brunner
Email: jbrunner@jjc.edu
B.S. Loyola University
M.S. University of Central Florida
M.Ed. DePaul University
Elena Catoiu
Email: ecatoiu@jjc.edu
M.S. University of Bucharest-Romania
M.S. University of Wisconsin at Madison
Yen-Phi Dang
Email: fdang@jjc.edu
B.S., B.A., M.S. University of Minnesota
Laura Egner
Email: legner@jjc.edu
B.S. Loyola University
M.A. DePaul University
Jason Eltrevoog
Email: jeltrevo@jjc.edu
B.S. North Central College
M.A., M.A.T. University of Louisville
Rebecca Goad
Email: rgoad@jjc.edu
A.A. College of DuPage
B.S., M.S. Northern Illinois University
Donna Katula
Email: dkatula@jjc.edu
B.S. University of Illinois
M.A. Governors State University
M.A. DePaul University
Kyriakos Kypriotakis
Email: kyriakos.kypriotakis@jjc.edu
B.S. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
M.S. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Ph.D. University of California Irvine
David McGuire
Email: damcguir@jjc.edu
B.S. Illinois Institute of Technology
M.B.A. University of Chicago
M.A. DePaul University
Angela McNulty
Email: amcnulty@jjc.edu
B.S. University of Illinois
M.A. DePaul University
James Morgan
Assistant Professor
Email: jamorgan@jjc.edu
A.A. Joliet Junior College
B.A., M.S. Governors State University
David Ruffatto
Email: druffatt@jjc.edu
A.A. Joliet Junior College
B.A. Eastern Illinois University
M.S. Southern Illinois University
Daniel Sourile
Assistant Professor
Email: dsourile@jjc.edu
B.S. Elmhurst College
M.S. Kansas State University
Patrick Stevens
Email: pstevens@jjc.edu
A.A.S. Morrison Institute of Technology
A.S. Kishwaukee College
B.A., M.A. University of Illinois
Connor Williams
Assistant Professor
Email: conwilli@jjc.edu
A.A. Moraine Valley Community College
B.S. Lewis University
M.A. Chadron State College
Stephen Zuro
Email: szuro@jjc.edu
B.A., M.A. DePaul University
Karin Bartemio
Email: kbartemi@jjc.edu
Marilyn Berrill
Email: mberrill@jjc.edu
Michael Butterbach
Email: mbutterb@jjc.edu
Kelly Carter
Email: kcarter@jjc.edu
Jennifer Danielson
Email: jdaniels@jjc.edu
Marianne Deffenbaugh
Email: mdeffenb@jjc.edu
Joy Ducksworth
Email: jduckswo@jjc.edu
Sam Gerges
Email: sgerges@jjc.edu
Dan Hollowell
Email: dhollowe@jjc.edu
Carol Jackson
Email: cajackso@jjc.edu
Anita Kursell
Email: akursell@jjc.edu
Marybeth Kwiatkowski-Soukup
Email: mkwiatko@jjc.edu
Larry Lahm
Email: lalahm@jjc.edu
Audrey Logan
Email: alogan@jjc.edu
Dennis Monbrod
Email: dmonbrod@jjc.edu
Anne Morlet
Email: amorlet@jjc.edu
Gina Mrozek
Email: gmrozek@jjc.edu
Gretchen Nurczyk
Email: gnurczyk@jjc.edu
Phyllis Pemble
Email: ppemble@jjc.edu
Fremont Schneider
Email: fschneid@jjc.edu
Matthew Sweis
Email: msweis@jjc.edu
Paul Trotto
Email: ptrotto@jjc.edu
Agnieszka Witek
Email: awitek@jjc.edu
Betty Zarske
Email: bzarske@jjc.edu
Data Science is an emerging field that uses statistics, computing, and mathematics. Courses offered at JJC can help you explore the major or earn transferrable credit to help you stand out!
This is an introductory course to the field of data science and roles of a data scientist. Topics will include: history of data science, ethics, available tools, methodology, visualization and pathways to data science careers. This course will expose students to applications in various fields and prepare them to be critical thinkers of future career paths.
Intro to Data Science Syllabus
A second course in statistics, focusing on advanced topics including: data manipulation, variable creation, and transformations; multiple regression; nonlinear regression; ANOVA; and non-parametric statistics. This course uses a statistical software package such as R or other equivalent programs.
Students in this course will use a statistical programming language to perform effective data analysis. Students will acquire statistical programming skills including reading data, accessing statistical packages, writing functions, debugging, profiling code, organizing code and commenting code.
Statistical Programming Syllabus
This course will introduce students to the field of data preparation and visualization including design and hands-on experience. Students will learn how to collect, transform, curate, and analyze datasets. The course will introduce students to design and build principles for telling stories for effective communications to facilitate data-driven decision-making and provide insights.
Visit the JJC University Partnerships page for more information on great transfer initiatives.
The iTransfer website and the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) assist students with planning ahead for a successful transfer of higher education coursework within Illinois.
Math150: Mathematics Analysis for Business
Math128: Elementary Statistics
Math124: Math Structures and Concepts for Elementary Educators II
Math127: Mathematics for General Education
Math138: PreCalculus I - Algebra
Math139: PreCalculus II - Trigonometry
The Math Department offers final exam review test preparation sessions during Fall and Spring semesters for developmental courses. These sessions are offered throughout the week prior to final exams. Ask your instructor for more information.
You can also use a Final Exam Review Packet and check your answers to help guide your studying.
If you are preparing to take the ACCUPLACER Geometry Placement exam, you can use the review packet to guide your studying. ACCUPLACER Geometry score of 60 or higher will meet geometry prerequisite for college-level math course. The Geometry placement test can be taken twice in a 2 year period.
For questions about Final Exam Reviews or Geometry placement, email math@jjc.edu .
JJC offers a way to accelerate your placement results through ALEKS. This placement test is available in Testing Services for $0. You can take the test multiple times and use the ALEKS Prep modules to practice in between attempts!
The Math Department offers acceleration in the non-STEM pathway through co-requisite coursework. These classes are available for students who need Math127 or Math128 for graduation or transfer. Please inquire with us!
Mastery Learning courses are a great way to complete multiple Math courses in one semester. This Emporium-model format is offered for Math090, Math094, and Math 098. Speak with us for more information at math@jjc.edu. We also have 8week options at Main and Romeoville campuses for students that need to get into college-level courses faster. See our flier for Spring 2025 term now, to explore these options!
The Tutoring and Learning Center offers FREE math tutoring. Degreed, professional tutors, along with upper-level math peer tutors, are available for assistance with all math coursework. At the Main Campus drop-in math center (C-2010), you can come by during open hours for help with homework, assistance with any required technology tools (StatCrunch, My Math Lab, Top Hat, etc), or help preparing for tests. No appointment is necessary for drop-in math. Individual tutoring appointments are also available at Main Campus, Romeoville, City Center, and virtually. Contact the Tutoring and Learning Center for specific appointment availability.
High school students who take transition math courses can immediately place into entry-level math classes at JJC, all Illinois community colleges and accepting Illinois universities - without taking placement exams. Visit the Transition Programs page for more information.
Math Credit Authorization Form (PDF)
Math courses at Joliet Junior College such as Math 131 (College Algebra), Math 138 (Pre-Calculus I, Algebra), Math 139 (Pre-Calculus II, Trigonometry), Math 142 (Accelerated Pre-Calculus) and Math 170/171/172 (Calculus with Analytic Geometry series) are considered college level mathematics courses. Many of these courses are taught in the high schools of Illinois Junior College District 525.
Students who satisfactorily complete any math course numbered 137 or higher (excluding Math 138 and Math 142) as their first math course after their high school math courses, at JJC with a “C” or better, and have earned 15 semester hours of college credit at JJC may petition to receive JJC credit for college level mathematics courses taken in high school. The course(s) will be listed on the transcript. However, the transcript will not include a letter grade for the course(s) for which credit is granted. Enrollment in the JJC math course must have been within two years of completion of high school.
1. If a student completes Math 137 (Discrete Mathematics), the student may apply to the Mathematics Chairperson to receive four hours of credit for mathematics courses taken in high school. This will be listed on the transcript as Math 131 (College Algebra — 4 semester hours).
2. If a student completes Math 150 (Mathematical Analysis for Business), the student may apply to the Mathematics Chairperson to receive four hours of credit for mathematics courses taken in high school. This will be listed on the transcript as Math 131 (College Algebra — 4 semester hours).
3. If a student completes Math 153 (Finite Mathematics), the student may apply to the Mathematics Chairperson to receive four hours of credit for mathematics courses taken in high school. This will be listed on the transcript as Math 131 (College Algebra — 4 semester hours).
4. If a student completes Math 139 (Pre-Calculus II, Trigonometry), the student may apply to the Mathematics Chairperson to receive four hours of credit for mathematics courses taken in high school. This will be listed on the transcript as Math 138 (Pre-Calculus I, Algebra — 4 semester hours).
5. If a student completes Math 170 (Calculus I), the student may apply to the Mathematics Chairperson to receive eight hours of credit for mathematics courses taken in high school. These will be listed on the transcript as Math 138 (Pre-Calculus I, Algebra — 4 semester hours), Math 139 (Pre-Calculus II, Trigonometry — 4 semester hours).
6. If a student completes Math 171 (Calculus II), the student may apply to the Mathematics Chairperson to receive thirteen hours of credit for mathematics courses taken in high school. These will be listed on the transcript as Math 170 (Calculus I — 5 semester hours), Math 138 (Pre-Calculus I, Algebra — 4 semester hours) and Math 139 (Pre-Calculus II, Trigonometry — 4 semester hours).
7. If a student completes Math 172 (Calculus III), the student may apply to the Mathematics Chairperson to receive seventeen hours of credit for mathematics courses taken in high school. These would be the thirteen hours listed in Item 6 above plus Math 171 (Calculus II — 4 semester hours).
Math Credit Authorization (PDF)
If a JJC student does not enroll in one of the mathematics courses mentioned above, the student can still receive credit for Math 131 (College Algebra — 4 semester hours); Math 137 (Discrete Mathematics – 3 semester hours); Math 138 (Pre-Calculus I, Algebra — 4 semester hours); Math 139 (Pre-Calculus II, Trigonometry — 4 semester hours); Math 150 (Mathematical Analysis for Business — 4 semester hours); Math 153 (Finite Mathematics — 4 semester hours); Math 170 (Calculus I — 5 semester hours); Math 171 (Calculus II — 4 semester hours); Math 172 (Calculus III— 4 semester hours) by satisfactorily completing one or more of the following:
a) The appropriate score on a CLEP subject matter exam or College Board AP exam as determined by the Vice President of Academic Affairs
b) A JJC mathematics proficiency examination with an appropriate score for qualifying students
Proficiency examinations may not be used for: