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Joliet Junior College is committed to academic success. The JJC Academic Standards of Progress process establishes criteria that constitute good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress toward attainment of educational goals. The monitoring and prescribed intervention of academic progress allows for the identification of students who may need assistance in setting appropriate educational goals and utilizing resources to achieve academic success. Academic Standards of Progress is NOT associated with the Financial Aid Standards of Progress. If you are receiving financial aid and do not meet those progress guidelines, you will receive a separate letter from the Financial Aid Office.
Students who fall below good academic standing will be identified into progressive categories as follows: Academic Caution, Academic Probation, Academic Suspension, and Academic Dismissal. The interventions prescribed must result in academic progress demonstrated by improved GPA. In some cases, and at the discretion of an advisor, the summer semester can be utilized to demonstrate academic progress. A description of each Academic Standing category and its course of intervention is listed below:
AC notation will appear on student's academic summary.
Students previously in good standing who do not meet the appropriate grade point average requirement will be placed on Academic Caution. An email will be sent to all students in this category at the conclusion of the fall and spring semesters. Students are responsible for self-monitoring of academic improvement in this category.
Recommended Intervention:
Schedule an appointment with Academic Advising
A professional advisor will review the student's academic plan and help them identify strategies to be successful. Depending on their specific needs an advisor will recommend that they register for a limited number of credit hours to ensure success while they also receive tutoring support.
Schedule an appointment with the Tutoring and Learning Center
Students will receive personalized attention to help them understand difficult concepts and catch up with the class. A tutor will meet with them and discuss their unique challenges and build a tutoring support plan to help them achieve Their academic goals.
AP notation will appear on the student's academic summary.
Students on Academic Caution who do not meet the appropriate grade point average requirement will be placed on Academic Probation. An email and letter will be sent to all students in this category at the conclusion of the fall and spring semesters.
Required Intervention:
Schedule an appointment with Academic Advising
A professional advisor will review the student's academic plan and help them identify strategies to be successful. Depending on their specific needs an advisor will recommend that they register for a limited number of credit hours to ensure success while they also receive tutoring support.
Schedule an appointment with the Tutoring and Learning Center
Students will receive personalized attention to help understand difficult concepts and catch up with the class. A tutor will meet with them and discuss their unique challenges and build a tutoring support plan to help them achieve their academic goals.
ASP notation will appear on the student's academic summary.
Students on Academic Probation who do not meet the appropriate grade point average requirement will be placed on Academic Suspension. An email and letter will be sent to all students in this category at the conclusion of the fall and spring semesters.
-Students on Academic Suspension will not be allowed to register for any courses at JJC for the following semester of being placed on ASP. -
Required Intervention:
Students are Required to schedule an appointment with an advisor.
Students must contact the Student Advising Center (SAC) within 4 weeks of being placed on ASP to schedule an appointment to prepare for the semester they will return. Students will not be permitted to register for classes without the assistance of an advisor.
Students are Required to schedule an appointment with the Tutoring and Learning Center.
Students must contact the Tutoring and Learning Center (TLC) within 4 weeks of their return to schedule an appointment. Students will receive personalized attention to help them understand difficult concepts and catch up with the class.
A tutor will meet with them to discuss their unique challenges and build a tutoring support plan to help them achieve their academic goals. Students may utilize any support services during the semester that they are not taking courses. The TLC can provide support and resources to ensure students are successful when they are allowed to reenroll.
ADS notation will appear on the student's academic summary.
Students on Academic Suspension and again do not meet the appropriate grade point average requirement will be placed on Academic Dismissal. An email and a letter will be mailed to all students in this category at the conclusion of fall and spring semesters.
-Students on Academic Dismissal will not be allowed to register for any courses at JJC for the following two semesters of being placed on ADS. -
Required Intervention:
Students are Required to schedule an appointment with an advisor.
Students must contact the Student Advising Center (SAC) within 4 weeks of being placed on ASP to schedule an appointment to prepare for the semester they will return. Students will not be permitted to register for classes without the assistance of an advisor.
Students are Required to schedule an appointment with the Tutoring and Learning Center.
Students must contact the Tutoring and Learning Center (TLC) within 4 weeks of their return to schedule an appointment. Students will receive personalized attention to help them understand difficult concepts and catch up with the class.
A tutor will meet with them to discuss their unique challenges and build a tutoring support plan to help them achieve their academic goals. Students may utilize any support services during the semester that they are not taking courses. The TLC can provide support and resources to ensure students are successful when they are allowed to reenroll.
JJC students who have, through extenuating circumstances, reached Academic Suspension or Dismissal are permitted to file an appeal to the Academic Standards of Progress Appeals Committee.
For more information on the appeal process and to submit your request, please complete the Academic Standards of Progress Appeal Process & Form.
In order to be considered in "good academic standing," grade point averages must be met according to credit hours earned as described below. In the case where this does not occur, the categories, notification methods and prescribed interventions will be progressively applied.