Volunteering Opportunities

There are many organizations within the Joliet area and beyond that need your help! Volunteering can not only provide you with a sense of purpose, but it connects you to your community, can help you meet new people, and provide job opportunities. All you have to do is be passionate and be willing to get out of your comfort zone!

Community Health & Nutrition

This important subsection of public health includes initiatives to help community members maintain and improve their health, prevent the spread of infectious diseases and prepare for natural disasters.

  • Northern Illinois Foodbank

    "Our mission is to provide nutritious food and resources for our neighbors, with dignity, equity and convenience, through partnerships and innovation."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • MorningStar

    "Today, MorningStar Mission is a non-denominational organization dedicated to relieving the spiritual and physical hunger of the poor by providing food for the hungry, clothes for the needy, shelter for the homeless and the gospel of Jesus Christ for all.

    Through our many Christ-centered programs and services, we aim to help people in need by getting to the core issues of what has caused their homelessness. Whether the problem stems from alcohol, drugs, mental health or family matters, our services have been developed for those who have reached the decision to make a real change in their lives."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • Trinity Health

    "Who we are‚ Trinity Health System provides care to a service area of just over 200,000 individuals. Trinity is accredited by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals, a member of the American Hospital Association, Voluntary Hospitals of America and the Catholic Hospital Association. The system offers a full array of acute and outpatient services on two campuses. Trinity also maintains physician offices, Walk-in Lab Draw facilities the Tony Teramana Cancer Center, WorkCare and the Digestive and Nutrition Center throughout the Tri-State area."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • Star Farm Chicago

    "Our team cumulatively brings over 50 years of landscaping, urban farming, programming, and culinary expertise to Star Farm community and clients. While each team member boasts specialty skills, we all work together with the underlying mission of creating a resilient food system through growing, sharing, and celebrating food."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • Urban Growers Collective

    "Urban Growers Collective's work aims to address the inequities and structural racism that exists in the food system and in communities of color. Research suggests that urban agriculture can produce a range of social, health, and economic benefits for communities. We believe engaging in this work will ultimately lead to healing trauma on many levels and will improve the economic vitality and overall health of communities in Chicago."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • Greater Chicago Food Depository

    "Our mission is to end hunger. To achieve our mission, we work in partnership with a network of community-based organizations and individuals. Together, we connect our neighbors with healthy food, lift our voices and advance solutions that address the root causes of hunger - poverty, systemic inequity, and structural racism. Together, we are greater. Together, we can end hunger."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting plant and animal species and their habitats. Wildlife is integral to the world’s ecosystems, providing balance and stability to nature’s processes. The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure the survival of these species, and to educate people on living sustainably with other species.

  • Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie

    "Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie is fortunate to have a nationally recognized volunteer program. Each year, hundreds of volunteers help staff accomplish goals for prairie restoration, ecological monitoring, public services, and cultural heritage. We could not do this important work without a stellar volunteer crew! Volunteers gain a variety of benefits such as spending time in nature, socializing with peers and staff, and the experience of making a positive impact on our public lands in Illinois, the "Prairie State."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • Forest Preserve District of Will County

    "The Forest Preserve District protects and enhances Will County's natural and cultural resources for the benefit of current and future generations."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • Urban Rivers

    "At Urban Rivers, we believe that transforming urban waterways into wildlife sanctuaries is not only an important environmental mission, but also a critical social one. Access to nature and greenspace is not equally distributed in our cities, and historically marginalized communities have been disproportionately impacted by environmental degradation and pollution. We seek to target and transform historically degraded areas of the Chicago River into lush gardens and public walkways that benefit the communities around them, improving environmental quality and increasing access to nature."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

Animal Welfare

Animal welfare attempts to mitigate the suffering of human-controlled animals and to ensure a minimum standard of living conditions and treatment.

  • Hopeful Tails Animal Rescue

    "A non-profit, volunteer-based organization based in Joliet, Illinois. We are not supported by government funding but by our loyal supporters who join us in the fight to end homelessness and abuse among the voiceless."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • Paws Up for Rescue

    "Our mission is to rescue any animal that is in danger of abuse, abandonment, or being prematurely euthanized due to overcrowding conditions. We are the protectors of those without a voice. Our rescued animals are placed in loving foster homes until a forever home is found. We ensure that every rescued animal that comes through our doors is provided with proper medical attention before they are adopted out. We are also committed to educating the public on the importance of spaying and neutering, and the dangers of heartworm disease."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • NAWS

    "Where Our Mission is To -
    End pet homelessness, suffering, and unnecessary pet euthanasia - to serve pets in need -
    and to promote treating all animals with respect and dignity.
    We do this by -
    Changing the face of animal welfare and elevating the status of pets in our lives and society, 
    at the same time focusing on the Spaying/Neutering of all cats and dogs."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • Safe Humane Chicago

    "Safe Humane is committed to breaking the cycle of violence through trauma-informed care and programs that bring together abused or neglected shelter dogs – in particular, our Court Case Dogs™ – with youth and adults impacted by violence, challenged by poverty or extreme trauma in order to help and support each other. Our programs focus on education, advocacy and second chances for people, animals, and our community."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

Humanitarian Work

Human suffering must be addressed wherever it is found. The purpose of humanitarian action is to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings. Humanitarian action must be carried out on the basis of need alone and making no distinctions on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class, or political opinions.

  • Spanish Community Center

    "The Spanish Community Center (SCC) has a special place in Will County’s history as an example of what a small group of committed individuals can do to make a difference.

    Over 50 years ago, the Adler, Maher, and Hernandez personally responded to the needs of the migrant community in Joliet by founding the SCC out of a house located at 205 Herkimer St, before relocating to its current location in the early 1980's.

    The SCC stays true to its mission of serving as Will County’s only bilingual one-stop shop of social and educational services. Although originally focused on Spanish-speaking peoples, we proudly serve individuals of all backgrounds."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • Cornerstone Services

    "Cornerstone is guided by the belief that people with disabilities are entitled to live in their own communities and make choices for themselves, like everybody else. To this end, Cornerstone employees provide specialized services that empower individuals with as much independence as possible. Some individuals may need a lot of help, while others may need just a little.

    The agency’s dedicated staff helps people find and keep jobs, maintain stable housing, and learn to access public transportation and community resources. Group and individual counseling and therapy for mental health needs are also provided by Cornerstone professionals. The organization is guided by an all-volunteer board of directors and has fostered partnerships with other local service providers."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!

  • Catholic Charities Joliet

    "We are a faith-based organization providing service to people in need and calling others of good will to do the same."

    Visit their volunteering page to sign up and get notified when new events are happening!