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Joliet Junior College has named Dr. Jeff Bradford and Charlotte Garrabrant the 2024 Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Member and Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Member, respectively. Dr. Bradford is a professor in the technical department while Garrabrant teaches in the EMS/fire science program.
Both were submitted for consideration to the Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA) outstanding faculty awards.
Dr. Bradford said of all the awards earned during his career — which includes the Navy Achievement Medal — “This one means the most.”
“I’m humbled and honored to be recognized by my colleagues for my contributions to the mission and vision of Joliet Junior College,” he said. “When I was told at a department meeting, I was speechless…which is a rarity for me.”
Garrabrant concurred.
“It is an honor to receive this award, and I am truly humbled by the recognition,” Garrabrant said.
Both faculty members have been instrumental to the College and the start of their respective programs. Dr. Bradford designed and launched the industrial maintenance program while Garrabrant built the College’s current EMS program, which is considered the first true EMS associate in applied science degree in Illinois.
Their dedication to their students, departments and the College has been evident throughout their time at JJC.
“We have a lot of great faculty in our ranks who do amazing things both inside and outside of the classroom,” he said. “I’d like to think that I’ve been in that collective group since I started as full-time faculty in February 1997 and have continually contributed for my entire career.”
In addition to his role as a professor, Dr. Bradford has held many other positions, including program coordinator, student advisor and department chair. He has volunteered for committees and was part of the Academic Standards Committee for nearly 20 years. One of his most recent additional roles was lead facilitator/instructor for an advanced integrated maintenance program that works with dual enrolled high school students.
Garrabrant previously taught at the College as an adjunct in 1998 while leading Silver Cross Hospital’s EMS department and was a full-time faculty member at JJC from 2004-2021.
“When she retired in 2021, she was immediately in the new program coordinator’s door, asking for adjunct opportunities with her beloved EMT students,” said Audrey Finkel, JJC associate professor and department chair of health and public services. “Students in her classes now consistently comment in evaluations and to the department chair that her dedication to students is a model for other adjunct instructors they have encountered in the College.”
Not only did Garrabrant develop a partnership with Morris Hospital EMS — the first paramedic program in Illinois hosted 50-50 by a college and EMS system on a college campus — but Morris Hospital also created an award in her honor: the Charlotte Garrabrant Instructor of the Year Award.
Awards aside, she maintains humility and aims to put her students and the EMS program first.
“I enjoy volunteering to come in early or stay after class anytime the students would like the extra help,” Garrabrant said. “My co-workers are doing a fantastic job providing the best education to our students despite being down a full-time instructor. The least I can do is to assist them in any way possible!”
While Garrabrant has returned to the College after retirement, Dr. Bradford is retiring after the 2023-2024 school year.
“Without hesitation, I will miss the camaraderie that I’ve experienced with both my colleagues and students over the years,” he said. “I’ve found everyone that I’ve worked with here to always be willing to help out when needed.”
Though they work in different academic departments, Garrabrant’s comments echo his statement, demonstrating the values the College and its faculty uphold.
“Working at Joliet Junior College helps to motivate me to continue to grow as an instructor, health provider and human being,” she said. “Everything that we do is to focus on the needs of our students as they work to become our next generation.”