Grundy Workforce Job Board Services

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Any job vacancies your business may have can be posted for free in our office. Our office assists a steady stream of job seekers each week, so your job posting will be viewed by a number of qualified candidates. Please complete the online job order form below.

Indicates required field

Company Info


Job Details

Over 18 Required
Employment Type
Work Shift
Please Have Applicant
Lifting Requirements - 25+ lbs (unassisted)
Lifting Requirements - 50+ lbs (unassisted)
Enter a date (mm/dd/yyyy) the job listing will expire or the job will close. 

Special Posting Instructions

Error message

You must agree to the terms in order to post your listing.

Reminder:If no special job posting directions were listed above, all information will be posted to the Web site as is.

Joliet Junior College's Grundy Workforce Services (JJC GWS) assumes that companies or individuals posting job opportunities on the JJC GWS Job Board have provided accurate facts and data about job opportunities. JJC GWS does not guarantee that all postings are accurate or complete or that they will be current at all times. JJC GWS reserves the right to withhold or delete any job posted without prior notice.