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Leave your Legacy at Joliet Junior College
No one can predict what the future will bring, but your legacy gift will help the Joliet Junior College (JJC) Foundation prepare the students of tomorrow for whatever challenges they’ll face.
Planned giving is the promise of future support to the JJC Foundation through your will, IRA or investment account, or charitable life income investments. If you want to make an impact on future students, you are a perfect candidate to leave your legacy through a planned gift.
A “planned” gift is one of several types of gifts that permit you to provide a future benefit to JJC while meeting your current financial, personal and philanthropic goals.
Unlike providing immediate support to the college through an outright contribution of cash, securities, or other tangible items, planned gifts provide a future stream of support the enables the college to plan for future programs and projects with confidence. The future benefit of your planned gift will be applied to the scholarship or program you select for purposes you define.
Complete the Legacy Pledge FormIf you would like to provide future benefits to JJC students, but you are not yet comfortable giving away assets, consider including the JJC Foundation as a beneficiary of your will, living trust, retirement plan or life insurance policy. While providing a future benefit to the scholarship or program of your choice, you will retain maximum lifetime flexibility and can adjust your beneficiary designation as your personal needs change.
If you are comfortable making a donation of assets now but would like to receive a regular payment stream for the rest of your life, one of several “life income” gift plans might be perfect for you.
This simple contract with the JJC Foundation will pay you and/or your designated beneficiary a fixed annuity for life. At the end of the contract term, the remainder will be distributed to the JJC Foundation scholarship or program of your choice for the purposes you designate.
This can be funded with a wide range of assets, including securities, cash or real estate. A CRT provides regular payments to you and/or other beneficiaries you designate for life or for a selected term of years. The remainder is then put to use by the JJC Foundation as you direct.
With a “life income” gift, you will eligible for a current income tax deduction, will receive a regular payment stream, will remove the assets you contribute from your taxable estate, and will provide much-needed future support to JJC.
The Charitable Lead Trust provides a current payment stream to the JJC Foundation. At the end of the trust term, the trust remainder will be returned to you or the other beneficiaries you designate. This may provide you with significant tax benefits and you will be able to witness, during your lifetime, the tangible impact your dollars are making.
If you are writing your will for the first time, revisiting your existing plans, or own investment or retirement accounts or life insurance policies, please consider including the Joliet Junior College Foundation among your charitable beneficiaries.
Sample Bequest Language for a Will or Trust (Specific Gift)
I give and devise the Joliet Junior College Foundation (Tax ID# 51-0176990), located in Joliet, Illinois, the sum of $ ____________ (or % of estate) to be used for ongoing activities of the Foundation as determined by the Board of Directors (or for the support of a specific fund or program).
Federal Tax ID: 51-0176990
Legal Name: Joliet Junior College Foundation
Incorporated in: Joliet, Illinois