Burnett, Denise Specialist I, Records |
Records and Registration |
denise.burnett@jjc.edu 815.280.2259 |
Costello, Chance Specialist I, Registration |
Records and Registration |
chance.costello@jjc.edu 815.280.2929 |
Flores, Yolanda Specialist I, Enrollment |
Records and Registration |
yolanda.flores@jjc.edu 815.280.2250 x2250 |
Franco, Alexis Clerk, Enrollment |
Records and Registration |
alexis.franco@jjc.edu 815.280.2385 |
Isztok, Cindy Clerk, Enrollment |
Records and Registration |
cynthia.isztok@jjc.edu 815.280.2242 |
Jackson, Cheyenne Specialist II, Registration and Records |
Records and Registration |
cheyenne.jackson@jjc.edu 815.280.2743 x2743 |
Larson, Kara Analyst, Records and Registration Systems |
Records and Registration |
kkozol@jjc.edu 815.280.2803 |
Lopez, Marina Student Employee, Registration and Records |
Records and Registration |
marina.lopez@jjc.edu |
Nunez, Nataly Clerk, Enrollment |
Records and Registration |
nataly.nunez@jjc.edu 815.280.7739 |
Patel, Anjani Student Employee, Registration and Records |
Records and Registration |
anjani.patel@jjc.edu |
Pena, Yolanda Analyst, Degree Audit |
Records and Registration |
ypena@jjc.edu 815.280.2328 |
Quatrano, April Specialist I, Enrollment |
Records and Registration |
april.quatrano@jjc.edu 815.280.2389 x2389 |
Rose, Ida Supervisor, Registration |
Records and Registration |
ida.rose@jjc.edu 815.280.2390 |
Ruddy, Jennifer Clerk, Enrollment |
Records and Registration |
jennifer.ruddy@jjc.edu 815.280.2393 |
Terrazas, Isabel Specialist I, Registration |
Records and Registration |
iterraza@jjc.edu 815.280.7752 |
Tillman, Keith Manager TEMP, Records and Registration |
Records and Registration |
keith.tillman@jjc.edu 815.280.2733 |
Weaver, James Specialist II, Graduation and Records |
Records and Registration |
jweaver@jjc.edu 815.280.2473 |
Weaver, Taylor Specialist II, Graduation and Records |
Records and Registration |
tsteiger@jjc.edu 815.280.2826 |
Zenawick, Yolanda Specialist II, Academic Credentials |
Records and Registration |
yzenawic@jjc.edu 815.280.2720 |