The JJC Percussion Ensemble, under the direction of Adam Cowger, is comprised of music majors, non-music majors, adult community members and advanced high school students. The ensemble performs several concerts per semester both on campus and out in the community. Those interested in enrolling in the group should have some previous musical experience and possess and intermediate level of music reading skills. The ensemble meets on Tuesdays from 4 to 6 p.m.
The ensemble performs several genres of music ranging from classical, contemporary, ragtime, popular, rock, jazz, Latin, world and more. The group recently had the honor of performing at the 2016 Illinois PAS Day of Percussion held at Moraine Valley Community College.
Several guest artists have been featured performers with the ensemble including: Ruben Alvarez (Afro-Cuban percussion), Mike Blake (jazz vibraphone and improvisation), Dr. Matt Jacklin (marimba), Mike Mixtacki (Afro-Cuban percussion), Projeto Acromusical (berimbau ensemble), Quey Percussion Duo (contemporary classical ensemble), Jamie Ryan (Eastern Illinois University), Brad Stirtz (jazz vibraphone) and many others.