American Red Cross Blood Drive
Please contact the Health and Public Service Secretary at 815-280-2356 or cdeboer@jjc.edu for a faculty advisor appointment prior to enrollment or registration.
JJC introduces the Fire Science and EMS AAS, a unique degree that fully combines both EMS licensure and OSFM firefighter certification to assure students graduate with everything they need for the job!
Entry-level fire/EMS students should choose the EMS AAS degree when enrolling. After meeting with a faculty advisor, you will be moved into the Fire/EMS degree if appropriate. Entry-level fire/EMS students should NOT choose the Fire and Emergency Services Professional degree - it is ONLY for working firefighters.
The Fire Science program at JJC provides entry level students with the firefighter certifications and EMS licensure required by local fire departments and fire protection districts in northern Illinois. Job applicants often need these qualifications before they are hired, or even before they apply! We recognize the current dire shortage of cross-trained firefighter/EMT's and firefighter/paramedics - and our program is designed to provide local agencies with more qualified providers.
JJC's program offers several degree and certificate options for both new and veteran fire service/EMS providers.
Our Fire Science and EMS AAS Degree combines Gen Eds, EMT licensure, a BOF fire academy and many elective choices to assure full qualifications for entry-level hiring upon graduation.
Our Fire and Emergency Services Professionals AAS Degree allows firefighters already on the job, with certs and licenses in hand, to get credit for those qualifications and finish up a handful of Gen Eds and electives for a degree that can help in the promotional process.
All of our fire degrees work with our Emergency Medical Services AAS degree as well, which offers EMT and paramedic licensure along with the ability to focus on medical or public safety fields other than the fire service.
We also offer:
A Fire and EMT Certificate of Completion, which combines our EMT course with our fire academy internship for students who do not require a full degree for hiring or promotion.
An EMT Certificate of Completion, which combines our EMS 101/EMR course with our EMT course (EMS 101 is a required pre-requisite to the JJC EMT course) for students who do not plan to advance to paramedic or a degree program.
We have three degrees to meet all fire/EMS student needs!
Additionally, our fire science courses are recognized by the National Fire Academy for a commitment to the nationally recognized Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) model of standardized professional development education criteria.
All fire science faculty are degreed current or retired firefighters and EMS providers with experience from every level of the profession. JJC also has an articulation agreement with Southern Illinois University (SIU). Our fire and EMS degrees are designed to easily transfer into SIU’s Fire Service Management Bachelor Degree Program, which is taught at our Romeoville campus.
Lastly, the Kim Crawford Memorial Scholarship is available exclusively for JJC Fire Science/EMS students. Students in their second year who have a GPA of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale and demonstrate financial need can apply. For more information, visit the JJC Scholarships page.
Fire and EMS students must meet with a faculty advisor to make sure they are in the right program for their needs and goals. Contact the program secretary at 815.280.2356 or cdeboer@jjc.edu for more information.
See who is hiring around our area and what they require to apply (spoiler alert, most require EMT or paramedic on application or hire, and many require a BOF as well).
The average starting salary for a fulltime firefighter/paramedic in Illinois is $55,000, with many reaching six figures before retirement depending on union contracts.