American Red Cross Blood Drive
The Horticultural Sciences program at JJC prepares students for exciting careers in areas such as landscape contracting, floral design, turfgrass management, urban forestry, and greenhouse management.
The JJC Horticulture program offers students:
Besides getting an outstanding education, horticulture students at JJC have many opportunities for learning and fun. They attend and participate in activities such as Student Horticulture Association, Planet Student Career Days, Illinois Landscape Challenge Day, PAS (Illinois and National Postsecondary Agriculture Student Organizations), Student Chapter of the American Institute of Floral Designers, Mid America Trade Show, Green Industry Conference, and Midwest Turfgrass Exposition. All these experiences prepare them for great success in their career paths.
In addition to learning in the classroom, internship opportunities are available for our students.
JJC's Horticulture program offers a number of certificates that are stackable with the program's two AAS degrees. Students who complete a certificate are encouraged to build on the classes they've already taken and complete a degree program.
Loading... provides interested students with training that will be used on the job. Plant identification courses, landscape layout and landscape construction courses essential to the implementation of successful landscape design.
This certificate is stackable with the Loading... degree.
Loading... provides the student with a broad background in horticulture as it relates to plant production and plant use. Horticulture production is ideal for students interested in greenhouse or garden center operations.
This Certificate is stackable with the Loading... degree.
Loading... provides students interested in floral design with experience and skills in basic western, party and event floral designs. Students pursuing this certificate find entry level jobs in the retail and wholesale floral industry.
This certificate is stackable with the Loading... degree.
Loading... provides the student with practical greenhouse experience, knowledge on greenhouse crops and an introduction to pest management within the greenhouse environment. Upon completion, students are able to enter the greenhouse industry as assistant growers and sales people.
This certificate is stackable with the Loading... degree.
Loading... provides students completing the program the latest skills and knowledge that will allow them to pursue entry level positions in the industry. Emphasis is on landscape design and construction.
This certificate is stackable with the Loading... degree.
A certificate in nursery operations is for the student who desires to learn to grow plant material that will then be sold at retail outlets. Course emphasis is placed on woody plant growth and culture, pest management and nursery production.
Loading... is stackable with the Loading... degree.
Loading... is ideal for students wanting to enter the sports turf or golf turf industries. Courses emphasis turfgrass management and pest control. Students completing this certificate are ready for entry level position at golf courses, sports turf facilities and park districts.
This certificate is stackable with the Loading... degree.