Student Complaint Procedure

JJC promotes an open educational environment, rich in values and designed to protect the integrity of teaching and learning. In that spirit, the college encourages all students to first direct their complaints and concerns to the faculty, staff, or administrator specifically involved.

The college believes many complaints can be resolved through an open, honest dialogue between the persons involved. In cases where that may not be possible, the JJC Student Complaint Procedure can assist in facilitating a resolution. Other than grade appeal or claim of sexual discrimination, harassment, or misconduct, a complaint that challenges the decisions or actions of college personnel will be considered under this procedure. Information can be obtained through the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities.


Complaint Procedures

Students should make every attempt to pursue concerns in a timely manner and submit a report within 30 days. Complaints will normally receive a response within 20 calendar days from the time it is received.

  • Academic Honor Code Violations

    The procedures are as follows:

    1. The student must be notified by the instructor of the specific Academic Honor Code violation(s), including a detailed explanation of the violation(s) and the evidence the instructor has to support their allegation.  The notification should be in person.  In the notification meeting it should also be explained what course academic sanction will be applied.  This should correspond with the information provided in the course syllabus.
    2. The student has the opportunity to appeal in writing to the department chair within 5 calendar days of notice.  The student should be directed to the departmental office to make an appointment.
    3. The instructor notifies the department chair and the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities about the academic violation.
    4. Instructors:  Please indicate if the consequences for the violation will include an "F" for the course.
    5. Students:  A hold will be placed on your academic records until the entire process is completed.
    6. If the department chair refuses or fails to meet with the student, the student has the ability to meet with the dean of the academic department.
    7. The student can make a final appeal in writing to the dean of the academic department.
    8. The dean of the academic department has the option to work with the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities in conducting an investigation and determining outcome.  The academic dean's decision is final.
    9. The dean of the academic department will notify the student in writing as to the final outcome.
    10. The final decision is forwarded to the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities.
    11. Notice is sent from the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities to the student informing of their outcome and next steps.

  • Academic Complaints

    Academic Concerns address in classroom complaints and should be filed at the department level with the department chairperson or supervisor.

    Complete an academic complaint (Queja del estudiante) here.

    1. Students should try to resolve their complaint with the instructor.
    2. If it is unresolved, the student has the opportunity to file a complaint with the
    department chair within 30 days of incident. The student should make an
    appointment with the department chair for review of their complaint.
    3. If the department chair refuses or fails to address the student’s concern, the student
    has the ability to meet with the dean of the academic department to review the
    4. If the complaint is still unresolved or unaddressed, the student can make a final
    appeal in writing to the dean of the academic department. The student should make an
    appointment with the academic dean to review your appeal.
    5. The dean of the academic department will notify the student in writing as to the final
    outcome of the complaint.
    6. The dean of the academic department's decision is final.

    Unresolved complaints or appeals of resolutions for non-academic matters shall be directed to the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities. Those of an academic nature shall be directed to the dean over academic discipline. Cases involving complaints against either of these areas will be referred to the appropriate Vice President.

  • Non-Academic Complaints

    Non-Academic complaints refer to incidents of unprofessional behavior, harassment, discrimination, FERPA violations and other complaints that are not of an academic grade concern or teaching methods. 

    Submit a non-academic complaint (Queja del estudiante).

    Informal Process

    JJC promotes an open educational environment, rich in values and designed to protect the integrity of teaching and learning. In that spirit, the College encourages all students to first direct their complaints and concerns to the faculty, staff, or administrator specifically involved. If the student wishes to pursue the concern, he/she should proceed with the formal process. 

    Formal Process

    A. Contact the Office of the Student Rights and Responsibilities within 30 days of occurrence. Schedule an appointment with a staff member, be prepared to complete a statement of your complaint in writing, along with any supporting documentation and contact information for any witnesses. The responsible supervisor will contact you to discuss your concern or gather any additional information. The supervisor of the area in which the concern is housed will, in writing, within 20 days of receipt of your concern with an outcome of your complaint.

    B. Should you wish to carry this matter further, contact the appropriate vice-president within ten college days of the supervisor’s response to file an appeal. You will need
    to submit a copy of your original complaint, along with any supporting documentation and a copy of the supervisor’s response. This step shall serve as the final appeal and the decision from the appropriate administrator shall be final. The appropriate vice-president or administrator should respond to you within 30 college days of the submission of the original complaint. If the concern originated with the supervisor or the vice-president, the final appeal shall be to the President or his/her designee.

    Unresolved complaints or appeals of resolutions for non-academic matters shall be directed to the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities. Those of an academic nature shall be directed to the dean over academic discipline. Cases involving complaints against either of these areas will be referred to the appropriate Vice President.

  • Academic Grade Appeal

    The student has a right to a final course grade review if they believe there is a deviation from the syllabus during the calculation of the final course grade.

    Students should use the following procedure:

    1. The student shall confer with the instructor. If the instructor is unavailable by the end of the third week (excluding summers and college breaks) following the issuance of the grade in question, the student may pursue the appeal by contacting the appropriate Department Chair.
    2. If there is no resolution after the student has conferred with the instructor, the student may submit a Final Grade Appeal Form (located on the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities webpage) to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR), who will forward to the appropriate Department Chair by the end of the sixth week (excluding summers and college breaks). If the Department Chair is the instructor, the OSRR will contact the appropriate Academic Dean and proceed to Step 3. 

      Within 7 business days of being presented with the Final Grade Appeal Form, the Department Chair will schedule a meeting with the instructor. The student may choose to attend this meeting or be represented by the Final Grade Appeal Form only. If the instructor and the Department Chair do not reach an agreement during this meeting, the appeals process moves to step 3. If the instructor and Department Chair agree that the grade should remain unchanged, the student may continue the appeal process by contacting the OSRR to submit the Final Grade Appeal Form to the appropriate Academic Dean within 7 business days. The student or the Department Chair should notify the Dean of the appeal. The appeal, along with the findings, should be added to the Maxient file for the Dean’s review and to document due process for the student.

    3. If the matter is not resolved in Step 2, the appropriate Academic Dean will schedule a meeting between the Dean, Department Chair, and instructor within 7 business days. The student may choose to attend this meeting or be represented by the Final Grade Appeal Form only. Within 5 business days of the meeting, the Dean will decide whether the grade will stand or be changed and notify all parties of the decision. The student shall receive, in writing, the final determination of the grade appeal, including the rationale for the final decision. The appeal documentation, along with the fin ings and determination, should be added to the Maxient file to document due process for the student. The decision is considered final and the appeal process is then exhausted.

      The form can be found here Final Academic Grade Appeal.

  • Sexual Harassment

    Refer to Board Policy Prohibition of Sexual Discrimination, Harassment and Misconduct or visit the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities for assistance with forming a complaint. More information of the new procedures can be found on the Prohibition of Sexual Discrimination, Harassment and Misconduct (PDF) document.

    A student can also consult with the Title IX Coordinator, Tracy Morris, Compliance Officer at (815) 280-2704 or , Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Cyndi Vasquez-Barrios, Dean of Students at (815) 280-2309 or , or Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Malinda Carter, Executive Director of Human Resources (for cases that involve employees), at (815) 280-2515 or  For students that want to discuss the matter confidentially before filing a complaint can consult with the Counseling Office, A-1154, or call (815) 280-2251. 

    More information on Title IX complaint procedures

    File a Title IX complaint 

    You may want to receive confidential services and resources at: 

    Sexual Assault Service Center 
    168 N. Ottawa Street
    Joliet, IL 60432
    Website: Guardian Angel Community Services  

  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Refer to Board Policy 2.01.08, Americans with Disabilities Act or visit Disability Services at Main Campus, A-1125, or call (815) 280-2613. 

    If you would like to file a formal complaint after consulting with Disability Services, you should visit the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities for assistance or you may file online.

  • Affirmative Action

    Refer to Board Policy 2.01.13, Equal Employment Opportunity  or visit with Human Resources at Main Campus, A-3000, (815) 280-2266.

    To file a complaint online.

  • Out of State Student or Unresolved Complaints

    Joliet Junior College promotes an open educational environment, rich in values and designed to protect the integrity of teaching and learning. In that spirit, the college encourages all students to first direct their complaints and concerns to the faculty, staff, or administrator specifically involved.

    Out of State students and/or students who have a complaint they feel has not been resolved through the Student Complaint Procedures described above, may file a complaint with the state in which they reside. In compliance with the Federal Department of Education regulations, JJC provides the following list of State Agencies with contact information: Student Complaint Information by State (PDF).  Students may also contact the Illinois Community College Board when seeking a resolution. Concerns not pursued in a timely manner (30 days) will not be processed.