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Joliet Junior College President Dr. Judy Mitchell will retire from the college effective Dec. 31, 2021, after nearly five years as president and 25 as an employee of the college. The Board of Trustees accepted her retirement date during its regular meeting Wednesday night.
“When I think about 2020 and my nearly five years as president, I am so proud of the work we have accomplished together,” said Mitchell. “The clarity that 2020 brought to me personally is that I have accomplished what I set out to do when I accepted this role, plus so much more. That is why I am announcing my retirement from the college, effective December 31, 2021. It is time for me to explore the next chapter of my life, and that includes spending more time with my family.”
Mitchell started at JJC as a returning adult student, and in 1996 became administrative assistant in the Computer Information Office Systems Department. After serving as a program management specialist in Adult and Family Services, and then assistant to the director of administrative services, she became director of business and auxiliary services in 2005. In 2012, Mitchell was appointed vice president of administrative services, and in September 2016 was unanimously approved as the college’s president by the JJC Board of Trustees.
Each year under her leadership, JJC’s financial team has earned the Government Finance Officers Association’s (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for exhibiting the highest principles of governmental budgeting and financial reporting excellence. Mitchell has been a champion of JJC’s Core Values, principals by which the college has strengthened collaboration among students and employees and community outreach. These include her launch of the President’s Diversity and Inclusion Council and the President’s Ambassador Group.
“My December 31, 2021 departure date is significant because I will celebrate my 25th year at JJC. It is also important for me to ensure that the college transitions out of the pandemic, complete the Mission Possible (enterprise resource planning initiative) phase 1 implementation, and be a support mechanism to the Board of Trustees as they search for the 10th president of Joliet Junior College,” said Mitchell.
Mitchell received her doctorate in community college leadership from National Louis University in June 2012. She holds a master’s degree in business administration and a bachelor’s degree in business and technology from Governors State University. She earned an associate degree in microcomputers for business and computer programming from JJC in 1998.