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Joliet Junior College automotive service technology professor Curt Ward has received the Award of Appreciation from the North American Council of Automotive Teachers (NACAT) for his articles and presentations on electric vehicle technology.
“The award was a complete surprise,” Ward said. “The great attendance at my presentations and the positive response I get to my articles is what brings me the greatest satisfaction. The award was an incredible gesture by the organization and the icing on the cake.”
According to Ward — who has been an NACAT member for 20 years — the Award of Appreciation is selected by the organization’s board members and officers and is not awarded annually.
“The main quality NACAT is looking for in the award recipient is someone who best reflects the motto, someone who gives of themselves to make others better,” Ward said. “Additionally, the organization is looking for someone who works to attract quality candidates into the automotive teaching field.”
For the past 10 years, Ward has supplemented his full-time teaching at JJC with research and co-authoring six college-level automotive textbooks. His most recent work has focused on hybrid and electric vehicle technology.
Because of these efforts, Ward has presented on emerging topics at automotive instructor conferences across the continent, including NACAT. In addition, Ward contributes to NACAT’s bi-monthly newsletter. His section, “The Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Corner,” highlights parts of his research “instructors will find interesting and can use immediately in their classes.”
“Over the past ten years, I felt dual responsibilities,” Ward said. “First, to help our students at JJC gain the skills needed to be successful in the automotive and related industries. Second, to help the automotive instructors gain the knowledge they need to help create an environment where their students can learn the most current technology. This award is, in part, an affirmation that I am making a difference, and it motivates me to continue in my efforts.”