American Red Cross Blood Drive
Over 50 Grundy County educators, school counselors and administrators toured local manufacturers on Oct. 2 and heard how a JJC technical program is impacting the industry. The event, part of Manufacturing Month, allowed officials to learn about the value these companies bring to the local economy.
The tour of the Grundy County manufacturing sector made stops at LyondellBasell, Exelon Generation’s - Dresden Station, Metalstamp Inc. and Costco Meat Processing.
Joliet Junior College showcased its operations engineering and technician (OET) program, which prepares individuals for well-paying, stable, challenging careers as either an operator or maintenance technician.
“This was a great opportunity to highlight a program that has 100 percent completion and 100% employment in manufacturing as with an operator or maintenance technician with an average base salary of $72,000,” said Amy Murphy, JJC dean of applied arts, workforce education and training. “The OET program was developed through a collaborative partnership with industry and education.”
Participating schools on the tour included Morris, Minooka, Coal City and Gardner-South Wilmington. The Grundy Economic Development Corporation, Grundy County Chamber and Grundy Area Vocational Center also took part in the initiative.