Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities

The Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities is responsible for the protecting the integrity of the college experience; upholding the Colleges policies, procedures, laws that apply to the protection and rights of students, and providing advocacy when needed. The office is also responsible for assisting student with mental health and well-being by providing assistance and access to mental health care, through on-and-off campus resources. This department also oversees, the Office of Student Activities, Photo ID, Locker Rental and student publications-Blazer and Wordeater.

Información en Español

Resources and Information

  • Student Code of Conduct

    All students at Joliet Junior College (JJC) are expected to demonstrate qualities of integrity, fair-mindedness, honesty, civility, tolerance and respect. These values are important to the learning environment and are expected to be exhibited in the conduct of the entire College community, both in and out of the classroom setting. JJC recognizes the rights of its students guaranteed by the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Illinois, which include a student's rights within the institution to freedom of speech, inquiry, assembly, peaceful pursuit of an education, and reasonable use of services and facilities of the College.

    In the interest of maintaining civility on campus and guaranteeing the broadest range of freedom, students must comply with the College's Student Code of Conduct, which reasonably limits some activities and reasonably prohibits certain behavior which could interfere with the classroom setting, the orderly operation of the College, and the pursuit of the College's goals and core values of Respect, Integrity, Collaboration, Humor and Well-Being, Innovation, and Quality. In addition to the Code, students must also recognize and comply with the standards of classroom behavior as stated in their individual course syllabi. Further, students must understand that threats of violence, acts of violence, and theft are considered a serious infringement upon the learning environment and will result in college suspension.

    Each student is responsible for reading and complying with the Student Code of Conduct and the Academic Honor Code, which are made available in the College catalog, student handbook, JJC Website, and as a separate publication through the offices of the Vice President for Student Development (Campus Center: A-3121), the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (Campus Center: A-1100), and Campus Police (G-1013).

    The College further recognizes each student's procedural right to due process, which includes providing notice setting forth the alleged violation(s), and a speedy and fair hearing and appeal process. Any member of the College community can initiate an accusation of an alleged violation. If a student is accused and cited for an alleged violation, he or she will receive notice of the alleged violation.

    Download the

    Student Code of Conduct (PDF)

    Code of Conduct Sanctions Matrix

    Submit an online Incident Report.

    Formulario de informe de incidentes 

    For more information on the Student Code of Conduct, contact the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities, Campus Center: A-1100, (815) 280-2761 or email

    It's not just your college - it's your community

    During any given semester, Joliet Junior College has more than 16,000 students enrolled in classes at its various campus sites. In order to maintain a respectful and safe learning environment, students are expected to acquaint themselves with the Student Code of Conduct. The code was designed to protect the integrity of the campus climate and has been constructed upon several values important to JJC. In general, students are expected to:

    • Respect fellow students, staff, and faculty
    • Accept responsibility
    • Demonstrate fair-mindedness
    • Practice honesty
    • Be tolerant of differences
    • Demonstrate civility

    The choices we make reflect who we are

    College is a time for learning, both inside and outside the classroom. Each member of the campus community, instructors, staff, and students alike, contribute to the uniqueness of our campus.

    The responsible student should:
    • Arrive on time to class.
    • Read the course syllabus.
    • Demonstrate respect in expressing opinions and listening to others.
    • Silence cell phone and other electronic devices.
    • Attend every class session.
    • Come to class prepared. Expect an average of 2 hours homework for every hour in class.
    • Participate in classroom activities.
    • Understand and demonstrate the instructor's behavior expectations.
    • Complete all assignments in a timely manner.
    • Remain in class until dismissed.
    • Give the instructor your full attention.
    • Communicate with the instructor according to his or her instructions (phone, e-mail, or Canvas).
    • Notify the instructor regarding concerns with any of the above.

  • Behavior Intervention Team & Care Report

    What is the Behavior Intervention Team?

    The Joliet Junior College Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) has been established as a part of the College Campus Violence Prevention Plan and shall operate under the auspices of the JJC Campus Violence Prevention Committee. The primary purpose for the establishment of the BIT (hereafter referred to as Team) is to create an interdisciplinary alliance of College departments with the focus on a caring, preventative, early intervention with students whose behavior is disruptive or concerning. In addition, the team investigates reports of potential or real violence that have occurred or potentially may occur within the College community related to students. The College recognizes the importance of interdepartmental communication in helping to identify and respond to such acts of violence against self or others.

    Submit a report

    Formulario de informe de incidentes 


    1. Educate the campus community about behaviors of concern and reporting procedures.
    2. Provide guidance to faculty, staff, administration and students in assisting students who display concerning, disruptive, or disturbing behaviors.
    3. Serve as the “Centralized Collection” point of information that addresses a spectrum of risks from a position of care and concern.
    4. Identify patterns of behaviors from multiple sources that suggest a need for intervention.
    5. Review student referred incidents of actual or potential violence, as soon as reasonably possible: It is recognized that some referrals, by their very nature, will require immediate review and response while others may be dealt with during regular Team meetings.
    6. Early intervention to assist students with supportive services and referrals to outside agencies to help with needs and stressors that are impacting their behavior and success.
    7. Assess levels of threat and risk and determine the most appropriate response to ensure safety for the student, as well as, the campus community. The Team will use a fact based assessment process to determine if a threat or risk exists and to develop an appropriate plan of action. Action plans should take into consideration the potential for incidents of targeted violence to self and others and should be incident specific.
    8. Take appropriate action to implement the plan and mitigate the danger to the student and the campus community: The Team shall implement the agreed upon action plan and assure that all necessary follow up and documentation is conducted. Any action plan shall make available, and use as needed, a full range of support services including mental health, crisis management, as well as victim services.
    9. Conduct follow-up at determined intervals to ensure continued support of referred student.
    10. Assess long-term success for interventions.


    1. Dean of Students (Chair)
    2. Campus Police
    3. Vice President of Student Development (Appeal Body)
    4. Representative of Faculty
    5. Members of Student Wellness Advocate Staff
    6. Disability Services
    7. Coordinator of Student Conduct
    8. Human Resources (As needed)
    9. Environmental Health & Safety
    10. Compliance Officer of the College

    In addition, the Team may call upon others that can be helpful in sharing unique perspective of the student in crisis.  These Ad-Hoc members may be the Director of Student Activities, Coordinator of Veteran Affairs, or as designated by the Dean of Students (Chair).


    Within the parameters of existing state and federal statutes, the members of the Team shall have access to all pertinent records and information, held within each member's department, which would aid the Team in fully investigating, reviewing and determining a course of action to properly resolve incidents reported to the Team. Team files shall be maintained by the Dean of Students.

    Understanding FERPA and BIT

    FERPA protects the privacy of students' education records. FERPA does not prohibit or in any way restrict a College employee from sharing what they personally observe. In other words, a College employee would not violate FERPA by advising BIT of what he or she saw or heard when directly interacting with a student, when observing a student interact with others, or when otherwise observing a student's behavior or demeanor.

    In addition, if a JJC faculty or staff member notices disturbing content in a student's writing or artwork, the faculty member should refer this to the BIT. Although the student's writing or art work would likely be an education record protected by FERPA, FERPA authorizes school officials (such as faculty) to disclose education records, without the student's consent, to other school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in those records. Since the BIT is responsible for identifying, responding to, and supporting at-risk JJC students while simultaneously attending to the needs of the JJC community, the members of the BIT would have a legitimate educational interest in examining the student's writing or artwork.

    Protecting student privacy is a high priority of the BIT. Records and proceedings of the BIT are kept confidential and shared only on a "need to know" basis in a manner that is consistent with College policy and the College's obligations under applicable laws, including FERPA.

    Employees of the college are directed to cooperate with investigations conducted by the Team.

    Care Report 

    With the Care Report, the Student Mental Health & Wellness Program aims to assist students in need with care and compassion. The Care Report allows staff, faculty, students and community members to report students who may need assistance and are experiencing issues such as:

    • Anxiety, panic, or depression
    • Family concerns or challenges
    • Patterns of significant interpersonal conflict
    • Traumatic experiences 
    • Financial challenges
    • Stressful work/life balance
    • Social skills or campus community integration
    • Unmet basic needs
    • Grief/Loss
    • Illness

    The Care Report is submitted directly to the Case Management Coordinator who will determine the appropriate response and outreach. Due to privacy and confidentiality laws, the Case Management Coordinator and Student Mental Health & Wellness Program cannot provide updates on outreach attempts or student's engagement in the program to the reporter.

    If concerns persist, reporter can consult with the Case Management Coordinator. In the event the report includes any instances of code of conduct violations, the report may be shared with the BIT team for further intervention.

    Submit a Care Report it can also be located at 

  • Academic Honor Code

    Joliet Junior College acknowledges the importance of honest academic behavior. The objective of the Academic Honor Code is to sustain a learning-centered environment in which all students are expected to demonstrate integrity, honor, and responsibility, and to recognize the importance of being accountable for one’s academic behavior.

    Download the Academic Honor Code (PDF) 

    File an online Academic Honor Code Violation Form

    Classroom Behaviors Covered by Honor Code

    Acts of academic dishonesty include:

    • Cheating--intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids; use of any unauthorized assistance, resources, materials or electronic/cellular devices with or without photographic capability in taking quizzes, tests or examinations and the acquisition, without permission, of a test or other academic material belonging to Joliet Junior College, to any department, or to any staff.
    • Plagiarism--the reproduction of ideas, words or statements of another person as one's own without acknowledgement, or use of an agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.
    • Unauthorized Collaboration--intentionally sharing or working together in an academic exercise when such actions are not approved by the course instructor.
    • Falsification and Fabrication--intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation furnished to any college official, faculty member or office.
    • Facilitation of Academic Dishonesty--permitting or attempting to help another to violate the Academic Honor Code; alteration or sabotage of another student's work, such as tampering with laboratory experiments.

      *Unauthorized use of AI is also considered a violation of the Academic Honor Code. 


    An academic environment has expectations of both students and faculty. Academic honesty requires a shared commitment to the highest standards for learning.

    Students have the responsibility to:

    1. Be fully knowledgeable of the Academic Honor Code
    2. Produce their own work
    3. Encourage honesty among their fellow students

    Faculty has the responsibility to:

    1. Review classroom expectations with respect to all aspects of academic honesty
    2. Inform the student directly about any charges of academic dishonesty
    3. Refer students to the Dean of Student's Office in a consistently applied manner


    The procedures are as follows:

    1. A faculty member can allege a student has violated the academic honor code by filing an academic honor code violation report through the online reporting system to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) that an alleged violation has occurred and indicate whether they have informed the student of the alleged violation or not. The report should include a detailed explanation of the violation(s) and the evidence the instructor has to support their allegation. The notification should be in person however, given the nature of online and hybrid classes this notification can be through email or canvas messages. In the notification meeting or message the faculty member should explain what the academic sanction is. This should correspond with the information provided in the course syllabus.
    2. Once the report is submitted to the OSRR a hold is placed on the student's account the student is sent a letter with instructions on how to appeal the alleged violation.
    3. The student has the opportunity to appeal in writing to the department chair within 5 calendar days of notice. The student should be directed to the academic department to make an appointment.
    4. Instructors: Please indicate if the consequences for the violation will include an "F" for the course.
    5. Students: A hold will be placed on your academic records until the entire process is completed.
    6. If the department chair refuses or fails to meet with the student, the student has the ability to meet with the dean of the academic department.
    7. The student can make a final appeal in writing to the dean of the academic department.
    8. The dean of the academic department has the option to work with the Dean of Students in conducting an investigation and determining outcome. The academic dean's decision is final.
    9. The dean of the academic department will notify the student in writing as to the final outcome.
    10. The final decision is forwarded to the Student Conduct Coordinator.
    11. Notice is sent from the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities Office.


    Beyond the actions imposed by the instructor within the course where academic dishonesty has occurred, a student referred to the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities will have his/her name entered into a database and held for five years. The student will also be required to attend an academic integrity workshop.

    Upon receipt of a second referral, full conduct violation proceedings will be employed. All sanctions imposed will be determined by an administrative hearing and will be developmental in nature. The student will have the right to appeal through the Student Code of Conduct.

    We are intellectually indebted to Oakton, Pueblo Community College and Truman College in the creation of this code.

  • Freedom of Speech

    The Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities is the contact at Joliet Junior College for all Freedom of Speech requests.

    Our office is located at Joliet Junior College, Main Campus, 1215 Houbolt Road, Joliet, IL 60431, Room A-1100 or call 815-280-2761 for additional information.

  • General Petition Process

    General Petitions for the current semester should be submitted as soon as possible, to ensure your appeal is heard in a timely manner. If submitting after the current semester, petitions will only be heard up to 30 days immediately following that semester's end date ( Ex. Spring-June 15, Summer-September 15, Fall-January 15).


    In alignment with Board Policy 3.03.04, to provide students a one-time option to appeal for a late refund and or a late withdrawal due to medical or extenuating circumstances.  

    Extenuating circumstances may not include: Change of employment or work hours, vacations, incarceration, relocation, or moving. 

    Students requesting a general petition must complete a general petition form (Petición general de reembolso/abandono tardío) available online. 

    The petition process is a two-tier process, the decision of the petition committee is final and cannot be appealed. 

    Note: Your petition appeal goes before a committee for review and may take four to six weeks before you hear the results of their decision.

    Note: General petitions are not always granted.


    1. In order for petitions to receive consideration they should be for current or the immediate previous semester.  
    2. All refund requests due to extenuating circumstances must be accompanied with supporting documentation, at the time of submission. Any medical documentation must be on physician's stationary. Refunds will be disbursed back to the original payment method at the time of registering for the course. 
    3. A Late Withdrawal Petition, due to extenuating circumstances, must be accompanied with supporting documentation and should only be filed after the last day to drop a course(s).
    4. Petitions must be filed online. 
    5. Notification of the committee decision will be sent to your JJC email account. 

    In all cases, the student must demonstrate their extenuating circumstance interrupted their ability to:

    • Adhere to the standard drop procedure.
    • Attend Class(es) for a substantial length of time.
    • Complete the semester.

    Students who are currently failing or failed their classes prior to event regarding petition subject will not be eligible for refund. Grade verification at time of event will be completed by the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities staff.

    Medical Emergency

    • Definition: Documented medical condition or injury by an outside physician or medical provider which prevented successful completion of coursework. 
    • External documentation required: Signed statement from an outside physician or medical provider on their professional letterhead that states the condition and why the student could not complete the semester. 

    Reason: Please explain how the illness or injury impacted your ability to successfully complete the course(s). You must include dates of services, procedures, or date ranges for hospitalization.

     Family Emergency

    • Definition: Documented that the student became the primary caretaker for a family member’s illness or a death of an immediate family member during the term of enrollment.  A family member is a parent, child, spouse, sibling or grandparent.
    • External documentation required: Signed statement from an outside physician, medical provider, hospice/ hospital social worker on their professional letterhead that includes the students name indicating the dates of illness and need for a full time caregiver. In the case of a death, copy of the death certificate or obituary.
    • Reason: Please explain your relationship to the family member and how their illness or death impacted your ability to successfully complete the course(s). Use back of form or attach documents as needed.

     Falsification of documentation will be referred to the Code of Conduct which could result in suspension or expulsion from the college. You may upload your documents to our secure dropbox

    Students that receive financial aid are strongly encouraged to visit the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing or submitting a general petition.

  • Annual Notifications

  • Excused Absence & Incomplete

    Excused Absence Request

    Students can request an excused absence when an unexpected illness or extenuating circumstance arises and prevents the student from attending class for a brief specified amount of time. Requests should be submitted within 1 week of the absence. This request is not intended for absences extending beyond 2 weeks, vacations, accommodations due to a temporary disability, and routine or scheduled doctor or dental appointments. They can be made outside of your scheduled course hours. The process is available for students who have a sudden medical condition or extenuating circumstance requiring immediate attention (i.e., Medical Emergencies, Death of an Immediate Family Member, Jury Duty etc.). Excused Absences are granted up until the week before Finals. Any requests after this will be referred to the Incomplete process. 

    If you require multiple absences relating to an existing or temporary disability, please contact the Disability Services Department for accommodation eligibility. In addition, students will only be granted 2 requests per semester. 

    Follow this link to complete the Excused Absence Form (Formulario de solicitud de ausencia justificada para el estudiante

    *It is the responsibility of the student to provide faculty with their excused absence approval letter. Falsifying or altering excused absence approval letters will result in code of conduct charges that could result in suspension of no less than one year or possible permanent expulsion from Joliet Junior College. 

      If you are unable to provide documentation when submitting your request, once obtained, please send all documents for the Excused Absence, Incomplete, and Pregnant & Parenting Accommodation requests to the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities via the department's secure Drop Box. You will need to sign in with your JJC email and password. 


    If an extended leave is required, post-midterm, please complete the Incomplete Request Form. In order to qualify for advocacy in receiving an incomplete, a student will need to be passing the course at the time of the request, as well as, completed 70% to 80% of course time of the coursework. Supporting documentation will be required at the time of submission. Students that do not meet the requirements for an incomplete shall be referred to the Student General Petition Process.

  • Pregnant & Parenting Accommodations

    Pregnant & Parenting Accommodation Request

    In alignment with Board Policy 02.01.13 Equal Opportunity in Employment and Education, Joliet Junior College (JJC) has procedures for ensuring the protection and equal treatment of pregnant persons, individuals with pregnancy-related conditions, and new parents. JJC does not limit studies due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions. The benefit and services provided to students affected by pregnancy shall be no less than those provided to students with temporary medical conditions. Students with pregnancy-related disabilities, like any other student with a disability, are entitled to reasonable accommodation so they will not be disadvantaged in their courses of study or research, and may seek assistance from the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities by completing the Pregnant & Parenting Accommodation Request Form.

    Reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to:

    • accommodations requested by the pregnant student to protect the health and safety of the student and/or her pregnancy (such as allowing the student to maintain a safe distance from hazardous substances)
    • modifications to the physical environment (such as accessible seating)
    • mobility support
    • extending deadlines and/or allowing the student to make up tests or assignments missed for pregnancy-related absences
    • providing remote learning options
    • excusing medically-necessary absences
    • granting a leave.

    Students requesting an accommodation or adjustment must submit the Pregnant and Parenting Accommodation Request form and supporting documentation, which will be reviewed by the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. All requests are reviewed through an interactive process to determine reasonable accommodations and adjustments that do not fundamentally alter the program or activity. The College uses the same standards as used for a student with a disability requesting accommodations. Whenever possible, available options will be provided to the requesting student. 

    Students have the ability to file a grievance based on alleged pregnancy discrimination, including grievances related to different treatment based on pregnancy, exclusion from the College’s programs or activities based on pregnancy, or the College’s failure to excuse pregnancy-related absences or provide appropriate academic adjustments in the same manner as it provides academic adjustments to students with temporary disabilities as described above. Students can also report a concern directly to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy, as listed at For more information, please view the FAQ on pregnant and parenting college students provided by the National Women's Law Center. 

    **Students who are interested in child care scholarships, please see the CCAMPIS Childcare Scholarship Flyer.

    Lactation Rooms at JJC 

    Joliet Junior College (JJC) provides designated lactation areas on campus for staff and students to support women balancing their work and study commitments with their needs as mothers of young children.

    Joliet Junior College recognizes the importance and benefits of breastfeeding for individuals and their children, and in promoting a family-friendly work and study environment.  Therefore, in accordance with Federal Law, under Title IX requirements, Joliet Junior College acknowledges that a student or employee may breast feed their children on campus and use of our lactation rooms to express breast milk in a clean and private space. 

    JJC Lactation Rooms:

    Romeoville: Room RMB-1000

    Main Campus: Room A-1704

    City Center: RCEN 1128

    Morris: Room 99

    Weitendorf: Room 112

    Frankfort Education Center (Lincoln-Way East High School): Room 163-Contact Mary Rekar

    • To request the use of the main campus lactation room and to obtain more information about the extended campuses, please complete the Lactation Room Reservation Form.

    If an individual finds these designated locations to be inaccessible, they may contact the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities (815) 280-2761, during normal business hours, to identify an alternative location. Individuals may also contact campus police during off hours at (815) 280-2234.  It may be possible to secure an office/conference room for the individuals' use, and the college will assist in ensuring comfort and privacy.

  • Disciplinary Verification Request

    The Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities processes student disciplinary verification's for employment and transfer to university. In addition, we assist with Common Applications, Dean's letter of Recommendation and other forms that require approval by the Dean of Students.

    STUDENTS-Please make sure you have COMPLETED the student information (including signature) section and indicate where the form should be sent to, if not stated on the form. Note: you will NOT receive a copy of the form for transfer to university or Common Application requests. BACKGROUND CHECK VERIFICATION- the student's signed waiver must be included.
    When requesting the information please click on this link: Disciplinary Verification Request Form 


  • Student ID & Additional Info

    Student ID

    Student ID Every student who is enrolled in at least one credited class or in an Adult Education class is eligible for a JJC Student ID. You can obtain one in the Student ID office during their business hours or by utilizing the online Student ID application. To access the application, you will need to sign in with your JJC email address and password.

    For more information visit MyJJC's Photo ID Card Services page or call 815-280-2709.

    Locker Rental Request

    Lockers located in the C&T buildings are available to rent, per semester, for $5 through OSRR. To request the use of a locker, students must complete the online locker rental request form

    Once submitted, additional information will be sent to the student's JJC email with the rental process and payment information. 

    Guest Visitor Request 

    Students who wish to attend a university or high school dance as a visitor, on a specific date, please complete the Guest Visitor Request Form.

    Service Animal Information

    Please see the ADA Service Animal Requirements for information regarding service animals. 

  • Student Handbook

    JJC Student Handbook

    The purpose of the Student Handbook is to provide students and their parents/guardians with information about the fundamental rules and general recommendations for attending and receiving an education at JJC. 

    It is the official statement of school rules and provides general guidelines, contact information, and resources for students, staff and faculty.  

  • Housing and Food Insecurity

    In an effort to aid students that are experiencing housing instability and food insecurity, Joliet Junior College designated a liaison to assist students.

    Students in higher education are increasingly struggling to meet basic needs such as stable housing.  We provide the most up-to-date state and local resources available to assist Joliet Junior College students facing homelessness or housing and food insecurity.

    Homeless is defined as a student who does not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This includes, but is not limited to, students who:

    • Are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
    • Are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative accommodations
    • Are living in emergency or transitional shelters;
    • Have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designated for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;
    • Couch surfing; or
    • Are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings

    Within the State of Illinois, you can use the Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) to apply on-line for healthcare, SNAP, cash assistance and the Medicare Savings programs.

    You can also apply for healthcare and SNAP over the phone by calling the ABE Customer Call Center (800) 843-6154

    • If you believe you may not be eligible for Medicaid, you may still be eligible for financial assistance to purchase private insurance through the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace.

    Find more information about programs offered through ABE

    If you are at risk or experiencing homelessness or food insecurity, contact the Joliet Junior College Homeless Liaison:

    Amy Martin

    Phone: (815) 280-2761   Email:

    If you know someone struggling, submit a Care Report