Consumer Information

Joliet Junior College is committed to providing this important information to its students, prospective students, parents, faculty, staff and interested third parties.

Information and Tools

  • Net Price Calculator

    In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), beginning on October 29, 2011, each postsecondary institution in the United State that participates in Title IV federal student aid programs must post a net price calculator on its website that uses institutional data to provide estimated net price information to current and prospective students and their families based on a student's individual circumstances.

    We know that college costs are a concern for many parents and students, and we provide this Net Price Calculator to help you estimate the types of financial aid you might receive if you enroll at Joliet Junior College. It's a good place to start, but we encourage you to talk to us throughout the financial aid process.

    Consider this a starting point, but remember that all our financial aid awards are made based on many factors only seen through your application for financial aid.

    Go to the Net Price Calculator