American Red Cross Blood Drive
The Office of Student Activities strives to provide opportunities for students to discover, practice, and develop their personal and professional skill sets through campus involvement opportunities including clubs, Student Government, leadership trainings, wellness programs, diversity, equity, and inclusion conversations, and social events.
Our goal is to support JJC students through personal growth, and help create great leaders for our families, communities, and future workplaces! If you need any accommodations to better participate in student activity's events, please e-mail studentactivities@stu.jjc.edu.
Student Activities is on social media. You can see event pictures, announcements of upcoming programs and students being engaged on campus through these outlets. Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, TikTok and Twitter.
The OSA staff collaborates with JJC departments, student clubs, student organizations, and community partners to provide an engaging campus life experiences for all students. Currently enrolled students can visit their MyJJC Portal page for the OSA calendar of events. Individuals interested in learning more about OSA efforts can contact us via email at studentactivities@stu.jjc.edu.
Through various clubs, organizations, and activities, students have the opportunity to add another dimension to the college experience.
All students have the opportunity to grow their leadership skills by getting involved in a campus club, Student Government, or attending leadership trainings. Currently enrolled students can view the leadership opportunities in their MyJJC Portal..
JJC Student Government is the "Voice of the Students". SG members represent the students on college committees, conducts surveys, hosts events and much more! Current Students can learn more about Student Government on their MYJJC portal Student Government page.
Clubs are available for students to join. Clubs reflect current student interests including professional, multicultural, advocacy, spiritual, and special interests. New clubs are created with 10 interested students, an adviser and paperwork. Collegiate Club Council meets monthly to approve finance requests and encourage collaboration among the clubs. Students can view club information in their MYJJC portal and should e-mail the adviser of any club they are interested in learning more about.
The OSA staff works to ensure that all students have the support services, resources and education needed to be a healthy and successful student. Students can obtain more information about personal services through the Student Mental Health and Wellness Program.
Students can view the student activities calendar of events in their MYJJC portal. The Office of Student Activities collaborates with other departments for large social events, cultural events, club recruitment fairs, welcome week, informational fairs, and much more.
Comfort Zone events provide opportunities for students to socialize, create, relax, and learn during evening hours. For more information students can visit the student activities calendar of events in their MYJJC portal.