Herbert Trackman Planetarium

Dedicated to continuing its tradition of outstanding astronomical instruction and entertainment since 1973! The Trackman Planetarium features a 30' diameter dome and a state-of-the-art OmniStar Digital Projection system. Planetarium shows include interactive sky tours exploring constellations and planets, followed by a stellar full dome production on a wide range of scientific topics.

April Planetarium Shows

As we launch into Spring, we excite in the appearance of new seasonal constellations, a planetary alignment, a meteor shower, Earth Day, and more! Visit the Trackman Planetarium to learn all about our current night sky and upcoming celestial events. Explore cosmic curiosities, experience the wonders of the Universe, and embrace the stars at JJC. 

Planetarium shows are free to attend. All ages welcome!

✮ ALL SHOWS START AT 6:00pm ✮ 


✧ Tuesday, April 1
Worlds of Curiosity” explores some of the greatest “what if?” questions of the universe. What would it be like to live on an Earth with no Moon? What if Earth was tilted on its side like Uranus? What would it take to terraform Mars? This full dome film is a fantastic production for Minecraft lovers and strongly engages the imaginations of younger audience. A great show for kids!


✧ Thursday, April 3
“Unveiling the Invisible Universe” For thousands of years, civilization's perspective of the cosmos was limited to the scope of our vision. Today, we can see beyond the capabilities of human eyesight - into the invisible universe. An astonishing film that peers into 13 billion light years of space evolution. Witness the collision of black holes, observe massive gamma ray bursts, see new images of the cosmos through X-rays and cosmic rays.


Secret of the Cardboard Rocket✧ Tuesday, April 8
“Secret of the Cardboard Rocket” A classic planetarium production! This full dome show follows two kids as they traverse the solar system in a cardboard rocket alongside their navigator, a talking Astronomy book. Investigate the Sun, meet our neighboring planets, dodge asteroids while learning some amazing space facts! A kid friendly show.


John Cornelius Houbolt✧ Thursday, April 10
Celebrating John C. Houbolt A pivotal player in the early Apollo missions and one of Joliet Junior College’s most world-renowned graduates. In celebration of what would be Houbolt’s 106th birthday, we gather to commemorate his astronomical accomplishments with NASA’s Aerospace Engineering program. This special event will feature guest speaker H-Aeneise Coopwood with the Joliet Area Historical Museum. Join us to hear the story of a local scientist who is credited with getting the first astronauts to the Moon and back and winning the 1960s Space Race. 


Climate Change in Our Backyard✧ Tuesday, April 15
“Climate Change in Our Backyard” discusses the topics of ecology, conservation, and environmentalism protecting our remarkable world. Learn how and why our climate is changing, humanity’s impact on Earth, the presence of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere, and what we can do in our own homes to support sustainability. Travel the world in our dome – From the peaks of mountaintops to the pits of Arctic ice. A free planetarium show to inspire change.


Weather: Wonders and Mysteries Revealed✧ Thursday, April 17
“Weather: Wonders and Mysteries Revealed” – This full dome production takes us inside the planet’s most fascinating weather phenomena. Learn about weather patterns and ecosystem changes. Experience meteorological events like thunderstorms, tornadoes, blizzards, and more. Both educational and entertaining!


✧ Tuesday, April 22
“Atlas of a Changing Earth” is the story of how a revolution in map-making is revealing the planet’s changing landscape in the wake of rising global temperatures. This award-winning full dome production uses stunning, latest-generation imagery from space, taking viewers into the dynamic processes causing glacial melt and coastal changes. See the Earth in striking detail and gain a greater understanding of rising sea levels. Happy Earth Day!

✧ Thursday, April 24
“5,000 Eyes: Mapping the Universe with DESI” reveals the latest discoveries being made by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). This stunning new full dome film investigates what drives the expansion of the cosmos as DESI’s 5,000 robotic “eyes” create the most detailed map of our universe.


✧ Tuesday, April 29
“Stars to Starfish” Explore our universe – From the immensity of the Cosmos to the depths of the Oceans. Embark on a voyage through space and time from the Big Bang to the birthplace of life, our oceans. This planetarium show dives into brilliant astrophotography and stunning underwater videography.


Come back next month for May's show schedule...

About the JJC Planetarium

The public is welcome to visit the Trackman Planetarium located in F-1001 on the Main Campus of Joliet Junior College. We have 55 theatre-style seats available in the dome and no registration is required to attend. Free events are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-7pm (unless otherwise noted).

Interested in booking a field trip for your school? JJC's Trackman Planetarium makes learning about science FUN and memorable. We are currently offering field trip opportunities on select Mondays and Wednesdays for the Summer months! These free, unique presentations are curated to the grade level and understanding of your students and complement any classroom curriculum. Prepare for a stellar journey exploring the fields of science, mythology, history, literature, art, and more. Book now as availability is limited.

Private presentations for community organizations are available during daytime school hours or on select Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Contact fieldtripcoordinator@jjc.edu or call (815) 280-2601 for more information