American Red Cross Blood Drive
The latest details on Joliet Junior College operations amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reporting Positive COVID cases
Students that test positive for COVID-19 should complete this COVID-Report Form.
Positivo por COVID-19 (casos sintomáticos, de contacto estrecho, sospechosos de COVID, positivos por.
Once they have completed the report, a contact tracer will follow up. A Case Manager can connect students with off-campus resources and provide a resource guide. Students will also receive support in completing their courses while managing the illness. Students will be provided with information about how to apply for a late withdrawal and/or a refund for courses in cases where symptoms impact normal functioning and/or hospitalization is necessary and it is not possible to complete their course.
Employees no longer need to report a positive COVID-19 case to the contact tracing team. An employee who tests positive will manage their isolation independently by referring to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance. Medical questions should be directed to your primary care provider. The college encourages the notification of others who may be considered close contacts.
Employees who test positive for COVID-19 should notify their manager of the test result and their expected return-to-work date. Employees and their managers should work together following standard HR policies and procedures.
Masks Optional
As of May 27, 2022 JJC is operating in a mask-optional environment across campus. Masks are no longer required in classrooms or large meeting spaces.
VIEW THE MANDATE ONLINEPlease visit the Will County Health Department for a list of available testing sites and options.
Individuals who test positive will manage their isolation independently by referring to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance.
Employees who test positive for COVID-19 should notify their manager of the test result and their expected return-to-work date. Employees and their managers should work together following standard HR policies and procedures.
We are available to assist you on campus. Virtual appointments and services are also available during business hours